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Topics - Lana2017

Pages: [1]
Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Residence on Marriage Cert
« on: Tuesday 10 March 20 18:46 GMT (UK)  »
Does anyone know what these 2 place names are? From a marriage cert in County Antrim.

Thank you!

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Not sure of surname
« on: Wednesday 26 June 19 19:18 BST (UK)  »
I'm trying to make out the two names here, I've got Alexander Veitch (a shoemaker?) and Christina but can't figure out her maiden surname. Any guesses?

Thank you!

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Jane Gray Dow - death certificate
« on: Friday 31 May 19 17:31 BST (UK)  »
I'm having trouble reading this death cert - can't make out the father's occupation, mother's name or cause of death.

thank you!

Midlothian / Brickwall: HUTCHISON / HAYWOOD Edinburgh, 1800
« on: Thursday 04 April 19 16:21 BST (UK)  »
Hi guys, i've been struggling with a brick wall in my tree for quite some time and was wondering if you had any advice. I'm trying to find the parents of Mary Ann Hutchison born around 1801 probably in Edinburgh. Here is the information I have so far:

- Census records show Mary Ann was born in Edinburgh though I know this may not be entirely accurate as I have seen these have mistakes in the past.
- She married James Haywood in Edinburgh in 1828
- They have three children: James Miller (1830), Agnes (1832) and Thomas (1835).
- She died in 1868, still living in edinburgh.
- I have her death certifcate but sadly the parents are unlisted.

I can find no parish records for a Mary Hutchison born in 1801 in Edinburgh so I think either the year or the location is incorrect. It's probably the year as 28 seems bit old for a woman getting married in those days. However I also can't say for certain where she was born as I have distant genetic matches with descendants of the Hutchinson and Miller travelling families (but if we have a common ancestor it's probably in the 1700s and I haven't proven a connection yet.)

Is there anything I've missed? Any other sources I should look at?

Also James Haywood's occupation changes from policeman to labourer to  candlemaker to fireman at engine to soldier on various records. Was it normal for someone to change jobs that often back then or could this be a sign I've made a mistake somewhere?

Any advice appreciated :)


Scotland / Robert Chisholm - Edinburgh (and possibly Melrose)
« on: Wednesday 27 March 19 16:12 GMT (UK)  »
Hi guys

I'm trying to track down the parents of Robert Chisholm. I know that his son James was born in Edinburgh in April 1850 and on his sons death certificate the parents are said as Robert Chisholm, a cow feeder from Melrose and Margaret Brodie. I found the marriage banns for Robert Chisholm Margaret Brodie and ancestry has his father's name down as Thomas, the writing is a bit difficult to read on the actual certificate but I'm pretty sure it says Thom.

The trouble is the only Robert Chisholm from Melrose I can find with dates that fit had a father called John not Thomas. Would anybody be willing to take a look at this for me? I'm going round in circles and getting confused.

Thank you

Scotland / No Parents on Death Certificate - Edinburgh - HUTCHISON / HEYWOOD
« on: Friday 18 January 19 19:44 GMT (UK)  »
Hi guys,
I found the death certificate of one of my ancestors, Mary Ann Hutchison, but no parents named on the certificate. Is it common for them not to be listed? I'm also having some trouble reading the cause of death so I have attached the document if anyone would like to have a look.


Scotland / No address on census?
« on: Wednesday 12 September 18 15:51 BST (UK)  »
Hi guys,
I was looking at census data for my ancestor Isabella Heywood, born 1852 in Fife and noticed on the 1861 census her address is given as "Strachan & Kinmonds Land North Side Of Cowgate".
Does anyone know why it would say land but no house name or number?


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Varying Results - British / European
« on: Wednesday 02 May 18 13:48 BST (UK)  »
Hi guys,
Just wanting to get your views on my DNA results, I understand these things are kinda inaccurate so have to be taken with a pinch of salt so I've been trying to interpret them based on what I know of history and the history of various surnames in my family.

Would I be right in saying the autosomal tests look at DNA from up to 1000 - 2000 years ago? Think I read that somewhere. So I get very different results with different providers. They are:

73% Great Britain (with Scotland highlighted)
21% Irish
6% Europe West

40% Irish / Scottish
30% English
21% Scandinavian
4% Finnish
1% Italian

32% Scottish / Irish
31% Scandinavian (Norway, Iceland)
27% South West Euro (France, Spain, Basque)
6% Greek
4% Belarusian

62% Scandinavian (Norway)
26% North Euro (Scots, Irish)
6% Greek
5% Belarusian

95% Britain
5% Greek

Apologies for the big long list! So as you can see they're a bit all over the place. In terms of paper trail my family is 80% Scottish and 20% Irish so that fits quite well. I've been able to trace my heritage in some of the clans pretty much back to their origin as Norman invaders so that explains the Norweigan and French I think.

So that leaves me with the smaller % countries. Spanish and Basque both come up on gedmatch at the bottom of the top 20 population distances. Greek  doesn't come up on gedmatch at all but has been picked up on 3 of these tests (ditto Belarusian).

I'm not brilliant at history, particularly ancient history, is there any reason that my DNA may overlap with Spanish or Basque people? (maybe due to my French ancestors?) And is there anywhere the Greek could fit in?

Any advice appreciated, I've been trying to read as much as I can but I have a visual impairment so haven't been able to study all this DNA stuff as much I would like! :)


Travelling People / Possible Gypsy Ancestry? HUTCHISON, Scotland
« on: Tuesday 01 May 18 13:34 BST (UK)  »
Hi guys,

I'm fairly new at this whole genealogy thing so apologies in advance  if I ask any silly questions!

I'm looking into possible gypsy / traveller heritage on my tree, it's a bit of a longshot but I figured worth investigating anyway. On Gedmatch Eurogenes K13 I score somewhat higher in South Asian and West Asian than the reference populations I am from (Scots and Irish). I have South Asian 1.64 and West Asian 7.06. Still low enough they could just be noise I think..?

Anyway, I got interested in possible gypsy heritage as I came across two sisters, Clementina and Ruby on my tree (I understand Clementina is an unusual name outside the traveller community). I looked around for traveller surnames in that branch but all I can find so far is Clementina's grandmother was Mary Anne Hutchison, which appears in the gypsy surname index.

Unfortunately I don't have much info on her other than that she married James Haywood and had a son, also James Haywood, in 1831 in Edinburgh. I haven't been able to trace the Hutchison line itself.

Any input or advice appreciated :)


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