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Topics - Black Night

Pages: [1]
United States of America / USS Casa Grande. Malta 1968
« on: Saturday 16 June 12 22:44 BST (UK)  »
I've always wondered what happened to some US Marines I and my mates met in Malta  summer 1968.  My father was in the Royal Air Force serving in Malta  We lived at Kalafrana south west of the Island. One day in that hot summer a landing craft from the USS Casa Grande came to our bay. We soon befriended the Marines on the craft. To a bunch of young 12 year old boys it was a dream come true. We invited them  into our homes went to the pictures with them and over two weeks had a great time. I know they were on route to Vietnam and  would love to know how they got on. Sadly I don't remember any of their names.  If  anyone might know how I could find out any info it would be great. I have contacted sites regarding the Casa Grande and as of yet had no replies. At the time I and my pals had no real idea what these young brave men were going into . It was only a few weeks ago the name of the ship came back to me, hence why it's taken so long for me to ask the question BN

World War Two / 10 squdron RAF pictures
« on: Sunday 26 September 10 19:16 BST (UK)  »
Anybody out there tell me where I might find crew pictures of 10 squadron RAF. I've been on the 10 sqd website and had no luck.  BN

Australia Lookups completed / Arnold's in South Austraila
« on: Tuesday 14 October 08 21:21 BST (UK)  »
Hello Anybody in Australia who might be able to help me. My name is David Arnold or Black Night to my Rootschat friends.
My sister Janette Received a letter Via our late parents address from Corinne Arnold and her Hubby Mick. they believe as I do that we are related. When my sister received the letter I was in hospital and not very well, (I'm glad to say I'm a lot better now) as I am the nutter who searches for relatives she (my sister) decided to pass the letter on to me, making sure I was well enough to do something about it.  Corinne was at the time trying to trace the Arnold family tree. What I need to know is    Wait for it      Is she a rootschatter. or would any body out there  know her or Mick.   My sister intends to reply to her letter now I'm well enough to answer her questions, but if and it's a big IF  if your out there Corinne send me a post so we can have a chat . happy hunting   BN

Lincolnshire / John Moody Glanford Brigg
« on: Saturday 01 March 08 20:46 GMT (UK)  »
I have a John Moody on the my tree, He was born in Moulton Lincoln in 1816. he married  Rebecca Ann, born 1824,  and they are both on the 1881 census, but not on the 1891 census, I assume they both died in between the two censuses. I found the death of a John Moody on BDM 3Q 1886 7a 434 Glanford Brigg, could this be him? I can't find any register of Rebecca at all. There is one missing Quarter on Ancestry, 1Q 1885 Can anybody help please.    BN.

London and Middlesex / Sidney Robert Bennett Camberwell
« on: Sunday 20 January 08 15:29 GMT (UK)  »
Can Anybody help me with some info  for Sidney Robert Bennett.  I'm looking for a S. R. Bennett  b.1899 Attercliff Cum Darnell. Sheffield York's. I've found a death on BDM. 1st Q 1964  Age 65 Camberewell, which fits to my man . can anybody form a link. Thanks. BN

Shropshire / E.H. PARKER - English Frankton relatives
« on: Thursday 03 August 06 16:51 BST (UK)  »
Does anybody know of any relations of  Eric Herbert Parker, who died while flying with the R.A.F. he is buried at cockshutt church yard next to his mother and father. and came from English Frankton.He flew with 158 squadron.

Shropshire / Still-born info for Shotley 50
« on: Tuesday 18 July 06 12:35 BST (UK)  »
Dear Bob I've just found your post , so I'm sorry I haven't replied earlier. I have found out that my brother was still born on the records. I have now got a still-born certificate. This I acquired from the G.R.O. Because of the sensitivity with still-Born's they need to know info on the parents (if they are dead) ie. date of death then a brother/sister can get the info, they will send you an application form through the post. It does take a while but it's worth it. hope this helps. If I can help in any other way please get back to me, Dave.

Essex / help Stoker/Brown marriage.
« on: Tuesday 18 April 06 15:38 BST (UK)  »
My sister in law put a thread in a couple of weeks ago regarding the Marriage of Sydney Stoker to Margaret Brown  and so far had no replies . Now I'm wondering if they were married at all.  They were both born about 1888 in the Walthamstow area of London . My uncle Sidney was born first in 1919, I've searched B.M.D.records from 1900 to 1925 when my mother Margaret was born, with no luck . My Mothers birth certificate states Sydney Stoker, Father. Margaret Stoker  nee Brown. Mother. I need somewhere else to look can anyone help.

Black Night

Essex / Arnold baby
« on: Thursday 13 April 06 00:11 BST (UK)  »
My parents first child died soon after birth, I can't find any record of his birth or death. I think his name was Brian Arnold, but I'm not sure. my mother and father were married in March 1949,  and my oldest brother was born in May 1951. I've looked in the B.M.D. between these dates and found nothing, can anybody help. I believe he would have been registered in Walthamstow/West Ham London. ???

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