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Topics - Shetland Sausage

Pages: [1]
Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Something Standley
« on: Friday 12 November 21 20:28 GMT (UK)  »
I wonder if anyone can help me with the forename of this witness signature to a wedding in Birmingham in 1832 between Samuel Parsons and Amelia Standley? The surname is Standley, but I'm blowed if I can make out the first name. My only guess would be Thomas, but it could just as easily be Harriet. It's one of those where I've reached a dead end, so any additional names would be helpful. Thanks.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / ? Latin Birth Registration
« on: Wednesday 28 July 21 21:08 BST (UK)  »
I'd be really grateful if someone would be kind enough to help me decipher a birth entry for Anna daughter of Anna Landsdown please. It's the 2nd of October one. Am I right in thinking this is Latin - I'd have thought it was a bit late for that - maybe an old-fashioned cleric? Plus, I think the entry extends to 2 lines, but after 'Landsdown' I can't make head nor tail of it. Thanks.

The Lighter Side / Transportation
« on: Sunday 25 July 21 13:16 BST (UK)  »
I'm fairly new to genealogy, and yesterday came across the first criminal in my tree. She'd stolen a blanket, and for that crime she was sentenced to 7 years transportation to Van Dieman's Land. I was stunned at the severity of the punishment, but looking at other sentences in the list, it looks as though she got off quite lightly - someone convicted of stealing half a crown - sentence - death! This was 1830, and I wonder if this severity of punishment was the norm in England at this time, or if these were a set of particularly harsh judges?

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