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Topics - jnomad

Pages: [1] 2
Technical Help / Comments on
« on: Tuesday 08 August 23 20:28 BST (UK)  »
Is anyone else having a problem with adding comments? I get a box saying add a comment or mention@. Trying to type in the box has no effect.

Antrim / Townland Antrim Gardens (Main Street) 1833?
« on: Sunday 06 August 23 15:17 BST (UK)  »
I find entries like this in the Tithe Applotment Books, under Antrim parish, among other entries placed in townlands (e.g. Ladyhill). As far as I can tell, there’s no townland called Antrim Gardens; with the street, it looks like a location in Antrim town (townland Antrim TownParks?). Is it? And why does Antrim Gardens seem to be treated as if it were a townland? Is that a former townland name?

Antrim / Research at PRONI
« on: Sunday 30 July 23 17:52 BST (UK)  »
I'm thinking of hiring a researcher to check some church records at PRONI. I don't know how to do that. If anyone has had good experience with someone, I would love to hear about it.

Ireland / Isabella and Elizabeth
« on: Saturday 20 August 22 12:09 BST (UK)  »
Are these names interchangeable? I have someone who seems to figure as Isabella, wife, in the 1901 census, and then as Elizabeth, widow, in the 1911 census.

Ireland / Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland
« on: Wednesday 20 July 22 19:29 BST (UK)  »
I have been sent what looks like a scan of a page from an index with heading Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland. Columns: Name, Place, and Occupation; Year; Nature of Record; and Page. The entries on the page I have seen all have the same surname, and there are dates ranging from 1801 to 1854. The person who sent it to me can't remember whether he found it in the National Archives in Dublin or online, and would like to find more pages. Can anyone help?

Ireland / problem?
« on: Sunday 10 July 22 12:04 BST (UK)  »
Is anyone else having a problem accessing the civil records? Or is it my tablet acting up?

It would be good if someone could improve the worse of these images.

They are both said, without much confidence, to be pictures of Samuel McMillan (c. 1809-23 February 1881), who was a pawnbroker in Belfast when he died. Could they even be the same person?  And if the answer is yes; are the clothes, facial hair, etc. compatible with those dates?

Antrim / Antrim History Forum
« on: Wednesday 06 April 22 15:39 BST (UK)  »
I've been trying to register on this site.  The site says it's waiting for me to respond to a confirmation email, which it says has been sent to the email address I gave.  There's no such email in my inbox or in the spam folder.  I tried clicking "resend confirmation email", with the same result.  I tried sending a message on the "Contact us" page, and there has been no response.  Does anyone have any suggestions about what to do? 

Antrim / William McDowell c. 1826-1887 shoemaker in Belfast
« on: Sunday 13 March 22 17:30 GMT (UK)  »
I would be grateful for help in finding out about his parents and siblings.

The birth date is from his being said to be 61 when he died on 28 December 1887.  He married Agnes Foster (c. 1826- 1877) and had at least three children: Annie (born c. 1845 from age given on census); Loftus (born c. 1846); Jane (born c. 1862).

There is a marriage of William McDowell, shoemaker, and Agnes Foster in Lisburn in 1866.  But the groom is a bachelor aged 46 and the bride is a spinster, and both are resident in Lisburn; it looks as if the coincidence of names and groom's occupation is just a coincidence.

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