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Topics - msallen

Pages: [1] 2
Lancashire Lookup Requests / Request for lookup Manchester Cathedral 1832 please
« on: Saturday 03 November 12 18:55 GMT (UK)  »
I'm sure I posted this yesterday, but I can't find it now  ??? Apologies if I'm repeating myself!

I have a marriage from the IGI which only states Manchester - no specific church is given, so before I can order a copy from Manchester Archives I need to confirm whether or not it took place in the cathedral.

I'd be very grateful of a lookup if anyone has access to the cathedral records please.

The entry in question is the marriage of Samuel Slack & Ann Holmes on 27 Nov 1832.

Many thanks

The Common Room / PCC wills at TNA free on-site?
« on: Tuesday 29 November 11 05:54 GMT (UK)  »

I'm looking to download a considerable number of PCC wills from TNA. I seem to think I've read somewhere that they're free to download onto your own laptop if you're on-site and logged into their free wireless network. If so then it would be cheaper for me to take a day off work and head down there to download them all. Can anyone confirm if this is the case please - I couldn't find mention of it on the TNA website.


Cheshire / Can anyone please identify this place name in Cheshire
« on: Saturday 20 August 11 15:18 BST (UK)  »
Hi folks

I'm just aimlessly browsing a few old brick walls, and came across this one. I wonder if anyone could identify this place name please. Its from the 1851 census HO.107/2149/218. You can find it in ancestry by searching for James Hoskinson born 1807 in Flagg, Derbyshire, living in Flagg, Derbyshire. The entry is his mother's, the third one.

Derbyshire Resources & Offers / Link: 1569 & 1611 Derbyshire herald's visitations
« on: Wednesday 22 June 11 08:26 BST (UK)  »
I have put a copy of the 1569 & 1611 Derbyshire visitations online, as it seems many people weren't aware of these.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Latin document from 1368
« on: Friday 08 October 10 18:00 BST (UK)  »
Hi all,

A real difficult one this. Whilst my handwriting recognition isn't bad, and I can usually extract the bare pertinent details from (printed/typed) Latin, I really struggle when having to do both at once!

This is from the Plea Rolls of 42 Edw III.

According to "Pedigrees from the Pleas Rolls" - a Victorian volume, which is generally reliable/useful, this document is as follows:

De Banco. Mich. 42. E. 3. m. 469.
Derby - John de Bradburn sued John Domville, and Matilda, his wife, for execution of a Fine levied in 20 E. 3 between William, son of Roger de Bradburne, the younger, and Margaret, his wife, and John Domville, and Matilda, his wife.

... and supposedly shows the following pedigree ...
       |                     |                 |
Roger de Bradburne          John, ob sp      William
       |                                       |
  William ob sp = Margaret                   Roger

However, its clear that the description doesn't really match the given pedigree, as the only John in the pedigree is dead, so he couldn't have been doing the suing.

My other research confirms the identities of the 3 brothers, and that Roger's son William married a Margaret and left no heir. The John de Domville mentioned was the second husband of the brothers' mother. However, what I really need to prove is that the brother William had a son Roger alive at this date, as this is the only document I can trace that mentions him.

My early attempts to decipher this, point towards the action being brought by Roger rather than John, which looks promising, but I'd appreciate any input that anyone else can offer (I'm most certainly not expecting anyone to translate it all for me!)

Many many thanks in advance

Hi folks

Is there anyone with any local knowledge that may be able to identify these places for me please.

An entry in the fine rolls for 1251 states ... Order to the sheriff of Yorkshire to take into the king’s hand the manors of Longeby, Ledemar’ and Kouton’, formerly of William de Landa and Eustachia, his wife, from which Roger de Mowbray unjustly and without judgment ejected William after Eustachia’s death while he was in the king’s service

I am guessing that "Longeby, Ledemar’ and Kouton’" are probably in the North Riding, as the William mentioned also had land in Newton, near Pickering, but I've not been able to track them down.

Many thanks

Hi folks

Could anyone help with the following surname please. These two scans are from a will of 1568. They are contiguous with each other, the first comes at the end of one line, and the second from the start of the next, so it is talking about "Johanne XXXXX wydowe late wyffe of Thomas XXXXX"

It concerns the widow granting rights to Hopton Hall in Derbyshire, but that was seemingly owned by the GELL family at the time, and the surname is certainly not GELL. It seem to me something like either CRAME or GEARNE - neither of which make any sense in this context.

Many thanks

Lancashire Completed Lookup Requests / Manchester Cathedral Lookup Request
« on: Friday 14 August 09 22:14 BST (UK)  »

I would be very grateful if anyone is able to lookup these two entries in the baptisms at Manchester Cathedral, to see if they give any more information ...

14/11/1790 Mary daughter of Isaac Goodwin
7/10/1792 George son of Isaac and Kezia Goodwin

Many thanks

Hi folks

This is my first tentative look into Yorkshire!

Does anyone have a transcript or suchlike for Saint Peter's, Sheffield, that could check an entry for me please.

The IGI has an entry for the marriage of William Ashmore & Martha Priest on 18/4/1770.

I'd be very grateful for any other information that may be available for this entry - especially their residence(s) if given, as I am trying to either rule this marriage in or out as a candidate for William & Martha Ashmore whose first mention in the PRs of Monyash, Derbyshire was the bapt of their eldest son in 1771.

Many thanks

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