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Topics - zoehutson

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Family History Beginners Board / Ann Catherine Wickens- Northampton- Please help!
« on: Friday 22 March 24 01:13 GMT (UK)  »
If there is anyone who likes a mystery, I would really appreciate your help!

My 2nd great grandmother on my dad’s side was called Ann/Annie Catherine Wickens. She was born about 1836 in Northampton to parents Eliza and Charles. She was married in February 1855 to a Thomas Smith and they had 3 children- Charles Wickens Smith, Sarah Smith and Alice Smith. Her husband passed away and she remarried Thomas Kirby in January 1873. He was born about 1832 in Syresham, Northampton; there are a couple of Thomas Kirby’s born in the same area around the same time just to confuse people! He was previously married to Catharine Philips and had 4 children: Ann, Sarah, Mary and Catharine Kirby. Annie and Thomas went on to have 2 more children- Helen/Ellen/Nellie and Margaret Maud (who is my great grandmother). I’ve found Ann on the censuses between 1841-1881, but I cannot find her after that. I have seen newspaper reports of Thomas beating her about 1884. I have also found Thomas on the 1891 census and he is still listed as married. It’s not until 1901 that he is down as widowed. He died in 1908.

My problems are that I just can’t find concrete evidence for her whereabouts in 1891, nor can I find a death. There is a death in 1886, but as Thomas is still married it seems unlikely. There is also an Ann Kirby visiting family in 1891 and she is listed as an aunt, but I can’t find a link between the families. I have looked at her children to see if she was staying with any of them, but nothing has come to light yet.

This is beginning to make me lose my mind! I seem to just be going round in circles, so a fresh pair of eyes may help.

Thank you.

Family History Beginners Board / Roberts Family, Brixworth/Northampton
« on: Monday 27 November 23 00:08 GMT (UK)  »

I have a couple of recentish ancestors who are driving me mad because I just cannot find information on them!

My granduncle, Charles Roberts was born in Northampton in 1910. I can find him on the 1939 register- he’s still living with his parents Charles Alfred Roberts and Sarah Alice (Hewitt) Roberts, but I have no idea when he died. In a letter from a sibling to a cousin in America it states that he spent time in Canada before the war, but I have no information at all. I can’t find a marriage for him (the ones I can find just don’t seem possible to me). Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Also his siblings George Reginald and Alfred Samuel are fairly elusive! George is also said to have spent time in Canada.

Thank you in advance!

Hi there,

It's my first time posting on here, so apologies if I'm not very good, but I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me identify which of the forces my grandad was in and where he may have been based etc? My dad has a memory of him returning home after the war, also the 1939 census does not have him at home with his wife and children, which leads me to believe he was away.

I have a picture of him in uniform, but my dad also thinks he may have been in the Grenadier Guards, or possibly a Coldstream Guard (because of the buttons). I can't find any service records for him anywhere. I also don't have a death certificate for him, which means I can't apply for his records yet.

Any help would be gratefully received!

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