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Topics - andynobes

Pages: [1]
Oxfordshire / Richard Mayotte, Eleanor Wroughton and the Paulets
« on: Tuesday 05 December 23 06:48 GMT (UK)  »
Hi everyone,

There seems to be some conflicting information out there on the link between the Mayottes, Wroughtons and Paulets. My family tree goes back to Richard Alan Mathews Mayotte (1515-1579) who was the Mayor of Abingdon. He married somebody called Eleanor Wroughton (1510-1614).

Because I naively followed some tips on via family trees, it made a link with the Paulet family: Eleanor's father was Sir Giles Wroughton and Katherine Paulet. Great, I thought, a family link with the Marques of Winchester! But then i saw the slightly odd timeline for her parents:

Sir Giles Wroughton (1564-1626) & Katherine Paulet (1566-1613).

I then looked at some other family trees which stated her parents were:

Sir Giles Wroughton (1480–1520) & Katherine Paulette (1490–)

These dates seem more likely, but were there really two consecutive Sir Giles Wroughtons and Katherine Paulets?? There is a lot less information out there about the earlier 'Katherine Paulette'.

Thanks for any insight you can give.

Family History Beginners Board / John Nobes, Standlake, Oxfordshire 1775-1815
« on: Thursday 26 October 23 09:39 BST (UK)  »
Hi all,

I'm trying to find information on my great(x4) grandfather John Nobes (about 1775-5/3/1815). I've been playing with which is ok, but John is a dead end, unlike other family lines which go further back. Ancestry insists he was born in Standlake but without any evidence I can see to back this up. Frustratingly, 'John Nobes' seems to be a strangely popular name at that time, and I've found some records which suggest there was a John Nobes born in the same year in Fyfield and one in Steventon (some of his grandchildren ended up in Steventon), but I don't have enough information to make the connection to either of these people.  John married a Jane Nelson or Jane Beesley about 1797-1799 (or maybe both!).

I guess I should be looking for baptism records in Oxfordshire in the 1700s?

Any help appreciated.


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