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Topics - Steve G

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 11
Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Where's This Say, Please?
« on: Monday 01 April 19 14:51 BST (UK)  »

Thanks  :)

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Notes On 1939 Register?
« on: Sunday 24 February 19 23:00 GMT (UK)  »
 :-\ Wrangled a bit, over this one. Here or General? But, I think it fits here better.

Three things; 1/ What's the annotation, to the left, about, please?  2/ What's with the name change? 3/ Why on earth would one of these children (Which is what they are) suddenly turn up as " Officially Closed "? Just one of them. Out of the blue. Others, born before and after, are still shown. What's that all about, please  ???

Plenty there to be getting ye teeth into then!  ;D


Travelling People / Nutter Gray
« on: Thursday 21 February 19 19:39 GMT (UK)  »
What does the panel think?

Born 10th November, 1700. Billericay Essex. Out of Jo and Mary.

1851 has him living in Pembury Grove, Hackney. Coal Merchant and Undertaker ( :o The mind boggles, any way ye look at it!)

One of ours, settled down and made good? Or, did the posh Gray's go round calling their kids " Nutter "  ???

I took a fleeting glimpse at some tree. It was as expected. But, a glaring Cooper caught my eye on this copy paste looking pedigree.

Opinions, please  :)

The Common Room / Am I Missing An Obvious?
« on: Monday 18 February 19 23:22 GMT (UK)  »
 ??? Please bear with me here. I've simply always had a blind spot with many things. Never mastered the months of the calendar till well into my forties. The concept of cousins and such eludes me too, after my most immediate and personally known ones.

With that in mind then; I grew up knowing an " Uncle Georgie Jeram ". Lovely bloke. He worked with my dad. They clearly were really good friends. More like brothers.

 And, of course, in those days, kids were taught to call All their parents friends 'Uncle and Auntie'. Fact is, I never had a blind clue who George was. And he vanished out of my life when my dad was killed and I was just eleven. End of story, ye might say.

Only; To my astonishment, this game has taken me back to the 1700's, directly back along my dads direct line of his father, grandfather, and so forth. And, guess what?

Back around 1790, my GGGGGrandad married a Frances Jeram!  :o 

So; What, in blazes, would George have been to my dad, in the mid 1900's? It completely befuddles me, trying to in any way grasp the way some connection had carried down so many years. What would the relationship be?  ???

Uncanny is one word that springs to mind!  :o Like I say; Am I just missing something obvious?


The Common Room / Baptism Out Of Wedlock?
« on: Monday 18 February 19 19:46 GMT (UK)  »
CofE. Kiddy baptised, before the parents married. Does that float, please?

Thanks  :)

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / He Was A What ....???
« on: Thursday 14 February 19 21:15 GMT (UK)  »
 ??? With the Post Office. 1949.

First one's obviously Cleaner. Then there's a something. Then him ~ looking extremely similar to the something. Then there's an SA. Finally, the first something, again. Not sure if all three are the same word? His lacks the early tail.

That's from the Post Office Appointments book.

Thanks  :)

Travelling People / Patience Ayres / James Discovered
« on: Thursday 14 February 19 16:35 GMT (UK)  »
  ;) They don't get past Me that easily!

Completely random thing, this. But, I was looking at this bloke, Steer. Found him in Odiham, Hampshire. 1851. All's looking much as it should do. Except, bottom of the line up, he has " Patience Ayres ~ MIL / Widow." Age 59.

Caught my eye, obviously! But, when I checked the 1861 census? Now, she's giving it " Patience James "! 76.

Walks like a duck .....  8)

The Common Room / The Confession And Self Flaggelation Thread .....
« on: Wednesday 13 February 19 18:24 GMT (UK)  »
Today, while happily slotting some new snippets of documentation onto my tree, I ~ for some reason or other ~ popped open a guys MC.

Glanced over it: Wife was as should be. Fathers occupation was his usual. Frederick Charles ..... Something clicked!

I looked at his fathers entry. All fully documented, of course. Cert's filed away in my cabinet and scanned onto my tree. Frederick Thomas ...  ???

The rest of my afternoon was something akin to witnessing a train wreck, in slow motion. As, little by little, I teased out the details of this massive monstrosity! How the Hell had I got it so Wrong?!?  :o

I don't know, yet, just how far down this tissue of complete fantasy goes. I'll be looking at it again, tomorrow. Once I've stopped, alternately, crying and laughing uproariously! I just can't believe I made such a complete and utter pigs ear of it!  ;D

In my own (Pathetic attempt at!) defense, I would point out that I was dealing with a " Brown / Browne " situation. It Does vary, time to time. But, all the same ....!

Come on then; Who else, among ye, is actually so Human as to be fallible? Never mind the " I have been doing this for SO Long, I started My tree on stone tablets! I've never made a single mistake. And you're a silly little boy for having done so! "  ::) There's enough of that, round here.

What's Your biggest gaff? How did ye spot it? How much petrol did the chain saw take?  ;D

I know I'll be firing up the Husker, tomorrow!  :-[

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Me, Again ....!
« on: Tuesday 12 February 19 19:37 GMT (UK)  »
 ;D Forgive me, peeps. I'm sorting through some uncharted censii and coming up with people (Husbands to mine, usually) who I haven't got a clue what they'd be doing.

So; I can't work it out by 'Likely' occupation. And, scrawls like this just leave me dead in the water  :-\

I've included a few examples of the drunk spiders work. Bottom (worst!) one is what I need cracking.

 Thanks ~ and good luck!  :o

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