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Mayo / Paper Mills in County Mayo
« on: Wednesday 30 August 06 21:06 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone have any information regarding the existence of paper mills in Mayo during the 19th century?  My great great grandfather is listed on his daughter's wedding certificate as having been a foreman in a paper mill there but I cannot find any evidence of the industry in those parts.
Any clues appreciated!

A confused owl!

Mayo / Paper Mills in County Mayo
« on: Monday 28 August 06 12:09 BST (UK)  »
My great great grandfather, Thomas Kelly who died in County Mayo circa 1878, is described as a Foreman in a Paper Mill on his daughter's marriage certificate. Does anyone have any information concerning the whereabouts of any paper mills in the Castlebar- Straide area? Failing that, does anyone have information regarding this industry existing at all in the 19th century in County Mayo? All suggestions gratefully received!

Mayo / Folfadda, County Mayo
« on: Thursday 27 July 06 15:07 BST (UK)  »
I have now found 1 other birth (Geraghty) for Folfadda in 1872 and 1 for Falfadda (Horan)in 1867. The birth certificate I have is for (Kelly) Folfadda also in 1872. On the two certificates I have found the father was a labourer and on my own the father is a farmer.  Does anyone have any info about this village (?)please,  as it does not appear on any information site or map.

Mayo / Thomas Kelly
« on: Saturday 22 July 06 23:59 BST (UK)  »
I am trying to find information about my great great granny, Catherine Kelly nee O'Donnell. She married Thomas Kelly who was older than her in about 1862 and was subsequently widowed with 6 children circa 1878. She brought her family over to Manchester and appears in the 1881 census with her sons working in the local factories as bass dressers. I have birth certificates for two of the children born in Strade. Thomas is variously described as a labourer in a paper mill and later as a foreman in a paper mill. Can anyone enlighten me as to where this paper mill might be in relation to Strade in the 1860s? He was earlier described as a farmer and publican at Folfadda. Does anyone know what or where Folfadda is?

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