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Topics - chopendoz

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 8
Worcestershire / The Potter family before 1500
« on: Wednesday 30 July 14 04:01 BST (UK)  »
I have managed to trace my family back to around 1500 in northern Oxfordshire.
I am wondering where they came from - possibly the Shipston on Stour area of
old Worcestershire.
Does anyone have any POTTER records (before 1500) in that area?

Warwickshire / POTTERs in Warwickshire
« on: Wednesday 30 July 14 04:00 BST (UK)  »
I have managed to trace my family back to around 1500 in northern Oxfordshire.
I am wondering where they came from - possibly the Shipston on Stour area of
what is now Warwickshire.
Does anyone have any POTTER records (before 1500) in that area?

Northamptonshire / Potter records before 1500
« on: Wednesday 30 July 14 03:56 BST (UK)  »
I have managed to trace my family back to around 1500 in northern Oxfordshire.
I am wondering where they came from - possibly the southern area of Northamptonshire.
Does anyone have any POTTER records (before 1500) in that area?

The Common Room / Sources of information prior to 1600
« on: Wednesday 16 July 14 13:58 BST (UK)  »
I have reached an impasse with my research. I am heavily invested in Wills and Parish Records
for the period prior to 1600 (in Oxfordshire) but am at a loss when it comes to other sources of
material for the period. Consequently, I am interested in land/property records, Lay Subsidy
Rolls, Deeds, Manor Rolls, etc. but have no idea how to access such information.
Can anyone help?

The Common Room / No burial record - but there is a Will
« on: Monday 17 June 13 04:10 BST (UK)  »
While researching some wills I came across the following ...

Under appendix A of baps/burials 1653 -1723 (BHS publication) is a list of people..
*Wills of Banbury inhabitants for whom no entry occurs in the burial registers*
Will 1718 - POTTER Daniel, innholder of the Corporation of Banbury. PCB 49/2/12

How can there be a Will, but no burial record?

Immigrants & Emigrants - General / Swimming against the tide
« on: Saturday 16 March 13 22:58 GMT (UK)  »
Are there any passenger records of people departing New York and/or arriving in England in the mid 19th century?

Immigrants & Emigrants - General / Death at Sea - in New York harbour
« on: Wednesday 13 March 13 02:20 GMT (UK)  »
I have a lot of questions regarding the following scenario.

Ann BARNETT married John EALES at Hinckley in Dec 1840 when she was only 15 years old.

In the 'Deaths' column of the Leicester Chronicle dated 15 Oct 1842 -

'In the latter part of the month of August, on board the 'Denmark', off the harbour of New York,
aged 17, Ann, wife of Mr. John Eales, of Hinckley. She left Hinckley on the 1st of July'.

Assuming that she died during the voyage where is the record of death? (presumably 'at sea').
In New York? was she buried in New York?
In England? was he body returned to England for burial? I can find no death record in England.
Was she simply buried at sea?  Unrecorded? - except for the newspaper item.
Where did the newspaper story come from?
Was husband John with her? or was she alone?
How did she die?  When did she die? 

The cost of passage and provisions was about £4. At 17, Ann's annual income would have been
£30 at the most. Husband John was a young tailor aged 22 and not long after his apprenticeship.
Hardy wealthy enough to send his young wife to the Americas let alone go with her.

John married again in 1844 (to a 17 year old) and, at a court case in Jan 1851, his mother-in-law
stated that he had 'recently returned from America, had married her daughter, who was then underage'.

Did he travel to America after 1844?

I would appreciate some pointers - where to find information to answer those questions.

Channel Islands Lookup Requests / Esther GOODE
« on: Sunday 22 July 12 14:05 BST (UK)  »
Basil GOODE moved to St Helier in 1835. He appears on the 1841 Census aged 85, living at Don Crescent, St Helier with daughter Mary 40 and one Esther GOODE aged 25 - relationship unknown. Basil died in 1846 and Mary moved back to the Midlands.
Esther is an unknown quantity - did she marry or die in St Helier? I would appreciate some help here.

Oxfordshire Lookup Requests / John POTTER apothecary of Banbury
« on: Monday 19 September 11 14:58 BST (UK)  »
John POTTER married Sarah WHITE on 15 May 1704 and they had 11 children. He was an apothecary. I cannot find the parents of either of them - at least not at Banbury. The marriage record does not mention 'botp' so I assume that although they married there (and settled there), they were not from Banbury. Can anyone please help with the rest of North Oxfordshire?

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