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Topics - Bridget x

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Laois (Queens) / Hensey (later) Hennessy
« on: Sunday 08 June 08 17:10 BST (UK)  »
Has anyone come across the Hensey/Hennessy family from Laois
John Hensey (later Hennessy) and his wife Margaret nee KAY had at least three children that I know of.
Patrick Hensey born 23rd Aug. 1869
Michael Hensey born 1st July 1872
Peter Hensey born 27th June1876.
All were born in Laois but I do not know what part.
Patrick Hennessy was my grandfather who later moved to Dublin where he married Kate Henderson.  Thank you.     Bridget x

Kilkenny / The places Kyle and Castlehail Co. Kilkenny
« on: Sunday 13 April 08 23:22 BST (UK)  »
After a VERY LONG search I have just discovered the places where my G.G. Grandparents lived in Ireland. As I am not familiar with Co. Kilkenny could someone give me some information on any of these places please? The name "Castlebale" is an address on a marriage record but, after looking at a Co. Kilkenny map I think that should read Castlehail. Would that be correct? The other recorded name is a place named Kyle.  The Parish/District is given as Dunammaggin. Are these villages, hamlets or Towns? I would appricate any help. Thank you. Bridget x

Dublin / Marriage records for Mary Corcoran going begging. Any use to anyone??
« on: Friday 11 April 08 17:05 BST (UK)  »
While searching for information on my Lawlor/Lalor ancestors I, as I am sure many others have done collected a few “wrong” matches. On a hunch I was looking for the marriage of a Mary Corcoran. If the following are of any use to anyone I can let them have the information on the records.

Marriage record for   John Brenan and Mary Corcoran   1846
         Daniel Connor and Mary Corcoran   1844
         Andrew Canwell and Mary Corcoran  1848
Regards Bridget x

Dublin / Could I be barking up the wrong tree???
« on: Tuesday 05 February 08 22:56 GMT (UK)  »
I hope someone will be kind enough to help with the following query. I sent for a birth cert. and when  it arrived the date was correct 17th Sep. 1904, as was the  child's name. The parents names were also correct but the mothers maiden name was given as "Lawless" rather than "Lawlor"  The correct occupation (shoe maker) was given for the father BUT the address was given as 215 Gt. Britain Street  which is just around the corner from where the family I seek later lived.  I ask myself do I have the correct cert? Surely it would be too great a coincidence to have two shoe makers of the same name,with wives of the same name living so close together?  Is there any way I could find out who ccupied 215 Gt. Britain Street in the year 1904 ?  Thank you.   Bridget x

Dublin / Would this have been possible?? New theory Update Please read.
« on: Sunday 06 January 08 14:13 GMT (UK)  »
I have the marriage certificate for my grandparent's in the Pro. Cathedral Dublin.  They married in Feb. 1904.  The witnesses are given as James, her brother and Lilly who I have on the 1911 Dublin census as Jamese's daughter. Lilly's age is given as 16 years on the census  which would make her 9yrs old  if she was the "Lilly" who acted as witness to the wedding.  Would it have been possible to have a nine year old witness to a wedding way back then?  I seem to recall  been told girls as young as fourteen could be legally married in Ireland then! I have not come across any other "Lilly" during my research.
Bridget x
 I have had second thoughts regarding the above query ! I don't know what possessed me to think a nine year old girl could act as a witness to a wedding! Ah fellow researchers, does not this give you an indication of how desperate I have become? LOL  Bear with me a mo while I get my act together and offer up my latest theory! Right, My Nan Julia Lawlor married a Patrick Lawlor (no relation 1904. (now pulling my hair out.)  I suspect as is the custom both bride and groom would each have a choice of witness. So, if my Nan choose her brother James as shown on the marriage certificate would it not be a possibility that her future husband Patrick would have a sister also named Lily Lawlor who he choose as his witness? (Now no hair left to pull)  Ah, if only I could now find an older Lily Lawlor to fit the bill!  All suggestions welcome no matter how derogatory!   Am I losing the plot, be honest LOL     Bridget x

Dublin / Smithfield Dublin ???
« on: Wednesday 02 January 08 14:14 GMT (UK)  »
I have just managed to get an address for my paternal grandparents on the 1911 Dublin census.
The address is given as 52 Smithfield Dublin.  I always thought "Smithfield" was an area so am puzzled by the lack of Street, Lane, or so forth. Can anyone throw any  light on this? Where exactly is it?  How lucky I am that my grandmothers brother was living with them as this has enabled me to find out her maiden name.  Come along now Christopher, where are you??    Many thanks.  Bridget x

Dublin / Final Dublin Recollection. Laying The Ghost To Rest.
« on: Wednesday 05 December 07 20:29 GMT (UK)  »
The Final Dublin Recollections.    Laying the Ghosts to Rest.

Sometime in the 1960s

The street of my childhood now stood empty awaiting the demolition crew, its former inhabitants now scattered, like leaves in the wind, to the many new housing schemes in Dublin’s outer suburbs. 
At that time the lure of genealogy had not yet clutched me to its bosom. That would come many years later. Yet, the urge to see my old home one last time beckoned me back to the place of my childhood. Had this street and area not played a huge part in the lives of, not just me, but my parents, grandparents and indeed great grandparents? A bright sunny day saw me walking along Mary Street clutching the hand of the fifth generation of our family, my then small son. “Mummy is going to show you where she lived when she was little just like you. “Your granny (who was alive then) also lived there as well as her mummy and daddy” I looked down at the little upturned face, its puzzled expression leaving me in no doubt that this (for me) important occasion would be lost in time for this little boy. How I wished he had been old enough to take an interest and ask questions but that was not to be. I consoled myself, ah; sure didn’t I have my camera with me? I would take pictures of the street, and of course our old house, and show them to him when he was older.. We turned the corner into the street and were met by a high steel fence strung from one side to the other preventing entry! Sadly, the demolition crew had beaten us to it. Even a glimpse beyond the fence was denied us by the wall of thick dust reminiscent of the thick smog of years ago. Undaunted, we hurried around the block arriving at the top end of the street from the Parnell Street end where I knew we would get a better view of our old house. Even before we arrived at the corner the noise of the hammering and banging left me in no doubt as to what I would find. Yet again another fence blocking our way, only this time the wall of dust was not as pronounced and I could just about see half way down the street from where we now stood. I looked to the left hoping against hope I would be in time to get one last look at my childhood tenement home but sadly all I could see was a huge pile of rubble. I could not help but think “If these stones could talk!” Like most small lads, my little boy was more interested in the workmen and their machinery to young to be aware that a part of his ancestors history was been reduced to rubble before his eyes. I took his hand and sadly walked away. 

Dublin / Help!! How do I delete?
« on: Friday 30 March 07 16:57 BST (UK)  »
I sure have made a mess of the story Chalk and Cheese How do I delete a duplicate paragraph?  thanks Bridget  Twenty views but no replys

Carlow / Lawlors of Hacketstown.
« on: Saturday 17 March 07 16:52 GMT (UK)  »
Is there a kind person in the above area who would be willing to do a look up for me please?  I am seeking a birth/baptism for a William Lawlor B1849.  His father was James ( a shoemaker) but I do not have the mothers name. He married a Mary Coogan in 1870 and gave his address as Hacketstown.  I found him and his family on the 1901 and 1911 Dublin census to where they had moved.  I was lucky enough to find his wifes (my G.Gran's) birth place in Co. Wicklow but where oh where did William come from in Carlow??????   As I do not live in Ireland, it is difficult for me Thank you, Bridget x

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