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Topics - Rosie1213

Pages: [1]
Canada Lookup Request / Hopkins Family Windsor Junction Halifax N.S.
« on: Saturday 02 February 08 14:26 GMT (UK)  »
Am searching for any information on the Hopkins family who lived in Windsor Junction, Nova Scotia, Canada from about 1860 to early 1900s.  Michael Hopkins was born around 1815 in Galway Ireland and emigrated from Ireland with his wife (Mary Jennings) around 1860. 

His son, Timothy Hopkins (born around 1836) also born in Galway was married 7 January 1860 to Hanora Ryan, also born in Ireland.  They had 9 children, one of whom was my grandfather, John William Hopkins, born 8 July 1874.

Found the families in the 1880 Canadian census.  Looking for any other information on the family.

Appreciate any assistance.

Cork Resources & Offers / Pictures of Cork Churches
« on: Saturday 14 July 07 14:15 BST (UK)  »
While searching through the internet yesterday, I found an interesting website containing pictures of churches in Cork.  Thought I'd pass it along.

Galway / HELP! Can anyone read where in Galway
« on: Saturday 10 March 07 14:24 GMT (UK)  »
Appreciate assistance in deciphering WHERE in Galway my ancestor hails--this appeared on his citizenship papers.

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Warrington, Lancashire 1863 Birth Record
« on: Wednesday 07 March 07 13:32 GMT (UK)  »
Would very much appreciate if someone might be able to give some guidance on finding birth record and ordering birth certificate:

Name:  Peter E. Lyons
Date of Birth:  10 December 1863
Place of Birth:  Warrington, Lancashire England
Father's Name:  John Lyons
Mother's Name:  May or Mary (don't have her maiden name)
Birthplace of Parents:  Galway, Ireland

Am new to searching in England.  Appreciate any assistance.

Lancashire / Driby Manor, Standish, Lancashire
« on: Sunday 04 March 07 18:29 GMT (UK)  »
One of my ancestors, James Prescott (b. 1529) was born at Driby Manor in Lancashire.

Does anyone know anything about Driby Manor?  Is it still standing? 

Would appreciate any information.  Thanks,

Galway / Hopkins/Jennings
« on: Saturday 24 February 07 14:25 GMT (UK)  »
I am searching for any record of Michael Hopkins who married Mary Jennings in Galway (probably around 1835?).  They emigrated to Windsor Junction, Halifax Nova Scotia in 1860.  Two children were born in Galway Ireland: 

Timothy Hopkins who was born around 1836
Thomas Hopkins who (according to his  US naturalization papers) was born December 1850. 

Had a search done in Tuam with no positive results.  Any recommendations on what to do next?

Cork / COMPLETED Ballymacoda Picture of St. Peter's Catholic Church
« on: Saturday 24 February 07 12:26 GMT (UK)  »
Have just found record of my grandmother's birth in Ballymacoda in 1874.  Wondering if anyone has a photograph of St. Peter In Chains Catholic Church?  Have searched the internet with no success.

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