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Topics - DavidTaylor

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Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Date a photo possibly from Hungary
« on: Saturday 11 September 21 22:06 BST (UK)  »

A friend found a photo of his family from either Hungary or the US and thought it was from 1910, but it seems older to me. Any thoughts on the date? Thank you

Hello all:

I'm a NYer usually on here trying to research my family in England. Today, I'm trying to help a friend who was given up for adoption in 1965. He recently obtained the name of his birth mother on his birth certificate and while he feels confident she may have died (due to rumors he heard about her life and the circumstances of his birth), he still wants to know about that side of his family. I have tried every search site I can think of, including old local papers and can find nothing on this woman. The closest I found was a woman with the same surname, but different first name, living at the address listed on the birth certificate. When I search for info on her, there is noting but the name and address. I don't even know if she is still alive. I don't really want to blindly send a letter unless it's a last resort.

The person I'm searching for is as follows:

Surname Farrar (I don't know if I'm allowed to post her first name in case she is still alive)
No birth father listed
DOB Cir. 1943 - Listed as 22 at time of birth in September of 1965
Residence -Brooklyn, NY

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Deciphering Ellis Island Manifest
« on: Wednesday 26 February 20 15:04 GMT (UK)  »
Hello All:

I'm trying to read the handwriting below....... In the one with the 3 words, I'm interested in the middle. The transcriber on the Ellis Island website has it as NOBLE, Russia... I searched google and found no such place....

The second should be a name and address.

Thank you in advance.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Stumped by T-M70 Haplogroup for McQuire
« on: Friday 09 March 18 21:02 GMT (UK)  »

Maybe some DNA sleuth on here can suss this out. I would think it would be fairly easy, but its hurting my head.

For years I've been tracing my McQuire line in England. The line has always been a mystery. as far as we know my Great Grandfather Arthur George McQuire was an only child of George McQuire and Susannah Weatherhead McQuire of Staines and formerly of Ashford, Kent. Henry MacQuire (1813) MAY be another generation back, but no proof. Family wants to believe they go back to the MacQuarrie clan of Ulva, but since there have been many MANY misspellings though the years (MacQuire, McGuire, McWire, McQuor, Quire, etc etc etc- I've seen them all)who knows! Maybe we were originally a McGuire from Ireland and someone misspelled it as McQuire....

Anyway, Since there is one McQuire left in my line and he has no children I asked him to take a familytreedna test and he graciously agreed. I figured I'd go the DNA route to solve the mystery.

I excepted a similar results to my Taylor line which has hundreds of matches and goes back in the UK for thousands of years.... I was sort of bowled over when I saw his halogroup and realized its fairly uncommon. As a matter of fact, he has only 8 Y-DNA matches and they are all here in the American south.  That SHOULD be a good thing right? Find the earliest US McQuire, see when they came over, then when I get to England, trace forward from the 18th century, instead of back.

So first question.. if I'm incorrect you can stop reading and just type back, "you're wrong"...

We only took the Y-37 test for familytreedna.... Any matches I have would be straight down the paternal line, correct? father to son to grandfather etc etc? So we would have to share a direct male ancestor?

If that is correct, here is the first mystery... I've written all 8 people.... at first I was getting responses of No McQuire/McQuire in our trees... seems the most frequent surname is Baker or Leeds.... So I'm thinking.. Maybe we aren't McQuire's after all... Maybe there was a baby Baker or a Leeds 200 years ago adopted by a McQuire and the name when down to line to my cousin with us all thinking we originated from the McQuire...

Finally, One of my matches responded in the affirmative.. He had  McQuire/McGuire (I've posted line below....) Hurray!! Breakthrough! Not..

Bring on the next Mystery...

This person states his Ancestors are as follows....

Zachariah McGuire(1730–) Born in Virginia - Died in Georgia
Thomas (Thompson) Mcquire(1770-1840) - Possibly married to Margaret Hayes 1795 Georgia
Martha Patsy Mcquire(1795-1860) - married a William Hilley


That can't be accurate match for my Y-DNA can it??

Here are the earliest ancestors of our 8 familytreeDNA matches. No living peoples names shown...

Genetic Distance 0   
 Y-DNA67    FF   
James Leeds, b c1695   T-M70

0 Genetic Distance
John Baker, b 1603, England   T-M70

0 - Genetic Distance   
Y-DNA111    FF   
William J Baker, b.1811 and d. 1879   T-M70   

1 - distance   
Jn C Cox
Y-DNA37    FF   

1 - distance   
William John Murphey, b. 1798 Vg. d. 1863 Mo.   T-M70

1- distance   
Bartholomew Baker 1621 Eng-? Richmond, VA   T-M70   

1 - distance   
James Terry Baker 1791 SC-1850 MS   T-M70   

So there is definitely a Leeds-Baker-McQuire/McGuire connection. Don't know where the Cox came from... just not sure how that would work, unless for example, a Baker or Leeds child was adopted by a McQuire......

Anyone that can at all help i would be most appreciative! Thank you


Ill try and make this as concise as possible. Many years ago I hit a brick wall on my main Taylor line, #1-because its the surname Taylor, #2 because almost every male has the first name George, #3- they were all in Hackney/London.

One trend besides the ones above is the name Frederick seemed to be a common theme, either as a first name or a son or the middle names i.e. George Frederick Taylor. There was even a daughter named Frederika. I thought perhaps there was someone like a grandfather or rich uncle named Frederick that everyone named their child after. Yes, or perhaps they all just liked the name Frederick.

Anyway, after many years, I found what I thought may be a crack in the wall. A man named Christian Frederick Taylor, born in 1809/10 who would have been  contemporary of my GGG- Grandfather George Frederick Taylor... Living in Westminster.. What made it more of an AH HA moment was two sister in laws of GF Taylor, the Broadbridge sisters) were living with Christian Frederick. I don't have the info in front of me, but it may have been the 1871 or 1881 census. I tried everything to find a link between Christian F and George F, a common parent, grandparent, someone named Frederick, etc. and couldn't. I then hired an in country professional who didn't find anything and told me that it could be a coincidence with the name and the Broadbridges living there. Bring on the disappointment.  Anyway, I was watching a genealogy show the other day where a family link was found using nothing other than a pinpointed person and DNA tests on their living descendants and thought this may be a possibility. I have already had my DNA run and now just have to find a living descendant of Christian Frederick Taylor and hope the would be willing to do the same. Lots of If and buts and maybes I know, but its all I have at the moment. About 10 years ago I was able to trace forward several generations and found an old family photo album that was willed to a relative and her current GGG granddaughter was still in possession of it..

The only problem with this plan is I'm still dealing with the common Taylor surname.

What I know is that Christian Frederick Taylor (some reason born in Godmanchester but Christened in Westminster) married a woman named Sarah. They had a daughter named Sarah Christened about 1812. I'm hoping Sarah married someone with a very unique surname! Mother Sarah must have died because in 1847 Christian married a Louisa Willard... She had a son Henry who was not of Christian Frederick.

Christian Frederick died about 1901.

I'm hoping there is either a son of CF and Sarah I can trace forward on or as I say daughter Sarah married someone with a unique surname and maybe had a son etc. 

Anyone who likes to be an amateur sleuth, I'd be happy for any assistance.

Thank you!
David  ??? ??? ???

Other Countries / Genealogist In Iran
« on: Sunday 29 January 17 16:01 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone provide contacts for Genealogists In Iran or someone who specializes in Iran?

Thanks ;D

The Common Room / Old British Coin Question
« on: Friday 12 December 14 03:08 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone tell me about this coin please? It appears to be gold (maybe copper) but not sure. ;D

London and Middlesex / Information available from Old Bailey
« on: Wednesday 16 April 14 16:56 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I saw there was an Old Bailey post and I tried to add this that that thread, but I couldn't.

2 people who were the victims (George and Ruth Taylor) of a burglary I suspect were my ancestors.

99. Monday, 11 February 1734 George Taylor complains yt [last night deleted] this morning his house in Well Street was broke open. Geo: Taylor, Ruth Taylor [and] Thomas Prior Sworn. Ruth Taylor found her house entred in her absence & found Severall things packt up to be carryed off Viz a linnen Apron a Silver Spoon a pr: Silver buckles & Some other things. Geo: Taylor confirms ye same. Tho: Prior says yt coming in ye time he found Elisa: Robinson in G: Taylors garden hidden & believed She was ye person yt had been in ye house. Made out a Warrt: to take up Elisa: Robinson.

Is there other information that would be listed with the Old Bailey? ie, date of birth, ages, full legal name, exact address? There is a possibility Ruth was actually a middle name. ??? ??? ???


Hello all:

I'm attempting to confirm the following connection. There is probably a post on this already.

Eleanor Price (b. 22 Apr 1599 - Birmingham, Warwickshire)

daughter of

Richard Price (b. 1575 - possibly in Ireland) and Elizabeth Cromwell (b. 1575 -Birmingham, Warwickshire)

Elizabeth's parents as

Capt Thomas Cromwell (b.1552 - Birmingham, Warwickshire) & Anne (?)

Thomas's father as Sir Henry Cromwell

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