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Topics - McCann

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Hello all.  I was hoping for some advice.  I am looking for the parents of my 3xs g-grandfather.

His name is Henry Hatton.  I have his baptism record from West Yorkshire, Parish of Bradford, St Peter (Bradford Cathedral) - born September 16, 1819, baptized on March 26, 1934 (15 years later).  Anyway, on the record it lists Thomas and Mary Hatton as his parents, but Thomas is crossed out and Mary is listed as a spinster.  I am wondering what "the RC experts" think - if "Hatton" was Thomas' surname prior to being crossed out (in which case I don't know who Mary is), or if Mary Hatton is his mother's maiden name (in which case I don't know who his father is).

As I am writing, I am wondering if ordering the birth record is the only way to shed some light?

Any other suggestions?


Lanarkshire / Barnhill Poorhouse Applications
« on: Saturday 11 February 12 17:21 GMT (UK)  »
Is there any way to gain access to the Barnhill Poorhouse Applications, other then visiting the Mitchell Library i person? (I am in NY).  I am looking for information on John McLean - died Oct. 13, 1915 @ 62 in Barnhill Poorhouse. (born 1853+/- Kippen?). Thank you.  McCann

Donegal / Help - GIVEN - Kilaghtee Parish, Dunkineely
« on: Monday 14 March 11 18:59 GMT (UK)  »
I am searching for information on the Given Family, Kilaghtee Parish, Dunkineely, Donegal County - and how I can obtain more information.  I have  . . . 

Eliza (Elizabeth / Lizzie) Given(s) was born around 1851 +/- or 1855 /- and her parents are (possible) Robert and Jeanie (Downs) or Ann (Dane/Dean). 

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Lanarkshire / JOHN MLEAN info help please.
« on: Thursday 03 March 11 03:54 GMT (UK)  »
I have hit a wall with this line, but may have come across what I believe may be a sibling of my ggg gf, Alexander McLean. 

1881 Census.  John McLean 48 (general plumber) born Haddington, James 19 (plumber) born Lanark, Mary Ann Sloan (servant), 2 Huntingdon Place, Glasgow, Lanark.

Can someone help me find info on John McLean to see if I can connect the two.  (Alexander's grandson lived at 5 Huntingdon Place, and his in-laws lived at 1 Huntingdon Place and 4 Huntingdon Square - that is why I believe there is a connection with John and James above).

Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.


Lancashire Lookup Requests / ELIZA COOK - Death look up please
« on: Thursday 03 March 11 03:17 GMT (UK)  »
Could someone please look up the death of Eliza Cook. (nee McCormick) - I believe between 1971 and 1881.  The last I see her is in the 1871 Census - 8 Sheridan Place, Bootle, West Derby, Lancashire as Eliza Cook, head,  widow, 60, b. Scotland
Thank you.

Scotland / The Wee Puddick ?
« on: Sunday 11 October 09 23:21 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone know the words to the poem the Wee Pudick, about the frog who went to a party but he thought and he thought and he thought. . .

I would greatly appreciate it.

East Lothian (Haddingtonshire) / MacKay/Finlay(son) - 1841 look up please
« on: Monday 21 September 09 02:21 BST (UK)  »
I was hoping someone could check the 1841 census information for me please.
I am looking for William MacKay (born around 1768) and/or his wife Susanna Finlay(son) (born around 1770) of "Ormiston, Haddington."  They were married in 1786 Parish of Humbie.  I believe they were farmers.  I am not sure they were alive in 1841, but have run into a dead end looking for death or birth entries. 

As always, any information is appreciated.
Thank you.

Dunbartonshire / PATERSON - Census look up please.
« on: Sunday 06 September 09 21:45 BST (UK)  »
Could someone please take a look for Agnes Pat(t)erson (ms. Wallace) for me please - any and all years.  I may have 1841 (see below), and need anything subsequent.   She was married to James Pat(t)erson but I do not have an occupation for him.

I have tried some death searches on SP but am unable to come up with anything concrete.  I have also tried some marriage searches but again, nothing I can rely upon without ordering multiple searches. 
They had one son that I know of in around 1810-1816, Dunbarton, East Kilpatrick / Stirling (info from 1841-1871 census info).  (His children are Walter, James, Jean, Agnes, Margaret, Alex and Mary).

I found a FreeCEN 1841 census that is possibly Agnes at age 50 (don't know if she is widow or not).  Also in this census are Alex 30, William 25, Elizabeth 15 and Mary 10).

Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

Antrim / COOK(E) of Templepatrik Parish, Antrim
« on: Saturday 18 July 09 02:39 BST (UK)  »
Hi.  I am looking for any information on my gg grandfather or his parents and would appreciate any help offered. 

In IGI he is listed as John Cooke, born 1834, Templepatrick Parish, Antrim County, Ireland.
He was married and died in Scotland.

His parents are  William Cook(e), born +/- 1813, and Eliza McCormick Cook(e), born 1812+/-

If anyone has any information they could provide, I would sincerely appreciate it.  Thank you.


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