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Topics - FindingAncestors

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Hiya Guys,
I need to change my email address, but I can't for the life of me find where to do that -
 Help please


Scotland / Thorny/Thornie Baulk/Balk anyone know where that would have been?
« on: Saturday 30 January 21 05:26 GMT (UK)  »
Hello people
Hoping someone can show/tell me where Thorny/Thornie Baulk/Balk might have been - Firstly, it is given in a marriage record as place where a father, a cowfeeder lived - and what county is/was this, and St Cuthbert's in? and West Kirk?
1780 OPR St Cutherbert's
BULLOCH Alexander Shoemaker in Portsburgh, and Janet Park, Lawful Daughter of Thomas Park, Cowfeeder in Thornie Baulk, Gave up their names for Proclamation of Banns Matrimonial

then for the birth of a child of Alexander BULLOCH and Janet PARK thus -
1788 OPR St Cuthbert's
Bulloch - Alexander Shoemaker at Thorny Balk & Janet Park his Spouse, had a Daughter Born Saturday the
first Inst (March)  ---- named Jean
Witnesses The Congregation of West Kirk
Many Thanks in advance

FA (Charmaine)

Scotland / Help with reading 2 doc please
« on: Friday 02 February 18 00:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hello People -
I'm hoping someone can read these 2 docs -
One is a marriage record, the other a baptism -
Also, can someone advise as to which county I'd be looking for
The docs have come from Scotlands People
Many thanks in advance
(FA) Charmaine

The marriage record is for John EDIE and Margaret MEIKLEJOHN -

At the very top of the Marriage doc is written:
05/05/1716 EDIE, JOHN (Old Parish Registers Marriages 374/ 10 228 Logie) Page 228 of 294 - and the usual copyright details
The baptism record is for Margaret EDIE -

At the very top of the Birth doc is written:
11/11/1722 EDIE, MARGARET (Old Parish Registers Births 374/ 10 116 Logie) Page 116 of 294 - and the usual copyright details

Ireland / Aghdorey as Address on Marriage Record
« on: Friday 05 September 14 05:55 BST (UK)  »
I'm hoping someone can help me with an address given on a marriage record:
Dated: 02 Sep 1798 - Parish/District: Drumhome - County: Donegal
Address (for the Groom): Aghdorey - no address given for the bride
Denomination: Church of Ireland for both

Does anyone recognise Aghdorey ? Was it a village in Donegal?
I've tried googling - Closest I've found is: Aghdowey in Derry/Londonderry -

The surnames on this record are; Groom: O'DONNELL & Bride: PAINE

Any help would be greatly appreciated

FA (Charmaine)

United States of America / How do people 'do' US research?
« on: Saturday 23 November 13 23:54 GMT (UK)  »
I have some Scottish relatives that went (circa early 1900s) firstly to Canada then onto the US - I have found one family in the; 1920, 1930 and 1940 US census living in San Diego - There were several children, some born in Scotland and the rest in Canada - What I'd like to know is; how do I find out deaths, marriages etc of this family in the US? Are there Births, deaths and marriages databases to search for the US?  ???

Many thanks and please excuse my ignorance on this matter  :-[


England / Addresses & Occupations between census' ?
« on: Monday 12 March 12 09:42 GMT (UK)  »
Hello ( I have posted this in England General because my querie regards both Cheshire and Lancashire and didn't think it right to double post in both those county forums - if this is incorrect I apologise)

I am hoping someone can point me to some places/sites/databases to search online, and any help or advice, I am giving as much information that I have so as to save people from doing searches I have already done:
I'm looking for information for a GG-Grandfather; addresses or anything between 1861 and 1871.

John LANGFORD was born circa 1829 (I've not been able to find baptism or birth record for John or his siblings) in Great Saughall Cheshire and died 26 Station Road Ellesmere Pt Whitby Cheshire 1904 (I have his death cert and Last Will & Test)
I have what I believe to be 3 marriages for him ( in a letter written by my now deceased Aunt to her sister (also now deceased) she says her father told her,  his Grandfather (John LANGFORD) married 3 times,  of course she may have been wrong but I think I have found a second marriage for him,  but to confirm it, without sending for the cert first, I'd like to try to find where he may have been living and his occupation - between 1861 and 1871 - (I have found his third marriage,  it's the second marriage I'm trying to confirm) - I would imagine the actual marriage cert wouldn't contain much more than the parish register - am I right in assuming that or would the cert have more details?

The second marriage I think that is John's is:
1864 Quarter of registration: Oct-Nov-Dec - Volume no 8B Page no 863 - John LANGFORD - FRUSER, Harriet - FRUSOR, Harriet-
In the Parish Register she is Harriet FRASER - a widow - John is also a widower -

Below are places I have John living, occupations, and other details:

1841 - census - John aged 13 - with parents and brother Robert living in Backford Gt Mollington Cheshire

1851- census - John at  Parkgate Road Saughall Cheshire with widowed Mother and a nephew (son of John's brother Thomas) - John's occupation - Shoemaker - John was 'left' the 'tools of his trade' by his father Thomas a shoemaker, in 1847 -
 In 1855 he married Elizabeth LLOYD in Cheshire (have marriage cert) His address was given as Mollington Cheshire - John's occupation is given as Insurance Agent -

1861 - census - John, at White Friars Cheshire,  living with wife Elizabeth, 3 children, widowed mother and a niece/servant (daughter of John's  sister Martha) -  John's occupation - Boot & Shoe maker
I think Elizabeth Lloyd died in Dec 1861 -

1871 - census- John at 52 Bidder St Liverpool Lancashire with 3 children - here John has 'married' not widowed,  but there is no wife listed living with him - John's occupation is given as: Commercial Traveller  - and in the same census his brother Robert at Parkgate Rd Cheshire, has living with him and his wife,  a 'sister-in-law' Harriet Langford aged 53 (1818) born in Chester - for Harriet she is 'Mar; and in the 'occupation' column it has 'Annuitant'  -
If this Harriet was John's second marriage, I think her name was Harriet PULFORD who marriaed a George FRASER in 1854 -
But I've NOT found a death for a George FRASER

 In the 1861 census there is a Harriet FRASER born 1818 in Chester, living at Crane St Chester (In the image it has Crane St but further along in the images it has New Crane St) -married, occupation; a Sea Captains wife - (New Crane St appears to be not too far from White Friars where John was living in the 1861 census) -

In the marriage parish records for a marriage in 1864 at St Jude's, West Derby -   John LANGFORD a widower, living at Mersey Mount Warrington Lancashire ? (in a search Mersey Mount was in Birkenhead Cheshire?)  and Harriet is listed also as a widow living at Walker St West Derby - (which was not too far from Bidder St where John was living in 1871) - both are listed as '21 yrs or above - If they were my John and the Harriet I found, then they were definitely 'above' 21 yrs old - (The transcription has them both as '21 yrs old' but the image has 'or above' so that's not a deterrent to me - That John's occupation is given as; Book keeper - I have searched the 1871 census' and have not found a John Langford, book keeper, with wife Harriet -

In Fellowship


This is part 1 - I have had to break this up into multiple parts (too many characters!) part 2 following

Cheshire / Possible burial places please
« on: Friday 24 February 12 08:37 GMT (UK)  »
I am hoping someone can help me - I have my G-Grandfather's death cert and am trying to figure out where he may have been buried.
John Lyon LANGFORD born 14th April 1860 Gt Mollington Cheshire - lived in Cheshire and Lancashire -

Ok, his death was 8th May 1942 at 39 Falkland Road Wallasey Birkenhead - He was 82 years old - The informant was an M. McNaughton present at the death - I don't know who that was - probably a neighbour or perhaps landlord/lady - I don't recognise the name as a family member -

I, at first, imagined he would have been buried at the Toxteth Park Cemetery as his wife Annie(1931) and 2 of his daughters are buried there.
As are his wife's mother(1901) and wife's brother (1899) -
John's brother, Thomas (1936) and his wife Sarah Ann (1910) and 2 of their children are also buried there - But John doesn't appear to have been buried there.

Most of them were buried in the Unconsecrated Part, but some were in the Consecrated Part -  There could be more of my family members there, but I don't know without death years to search - (these were all found from the Toxteth Park Cemetery site)

It looks like a few of them may have been buried in the same section "3" and some of the numbers are close together. I don't know if that means anything, like they are close to each other or in the same graves- I tried to look at the map from the Toxteth Park Cemetery site, but I don't know which numbers, other than the 'section' number, to look at.

If John died in Wallasey (Falkland Road area) what cemeteries could he have been buried in? I'm not sure what religion they were, but John sang in the choir of the Christ Church, Linnet lane - don't know what religion that was -

 John was, for a couple of years a member of the Toxteth Park Guardians - the West Toxteth ward, and ran for the Liverpool council - West Derby ward in 1903 -

He ran a real estate/surveyor, valuer, auctioneer firm called 'Langford & Newling' for a time -

Although he and his family lived in Liverpool for many years, sometime after the 1901 census they moved to 49 Rowson St New Brighton Cheshire - They were there for the 1911 census - John's daughter Florence aged 15yrs died in 1909 and her place of death from the Toxteth Park Cemetery site was: 51 Rowson Street, same address for daughter May aged 23 in 1910 - Wife Annie's address in 1931 was 35 Falkland Road Wallasey -

John's father John died in 1904 and was living at 26 Station Rd Ellesmere Pt Whitby, I've not found John Snr's burial either - I only mention this as I wondered if perhaps John Lyon may have been buried with his father -

I do realise that WW2 was 'happening' and the bombings also around that time and don't know what procedures were followed for deaths and burials during that hectic time - John did NOT die from a bombing - he died from; Myocardial degeneration and chronic bronchitis -

Many thanks in advance for any help and advice

In Fellowship


Donegal / O'Donnell in Donegal
« on: Tuesday 24 January 12 04:07 GMT (UK)  »
I'm trying to find anything on a Matthew O'DONNELL and wife Elizabeth - Marriage, deaths, anything -

Their daughter Sarah was born circa 1800/1815 -
Sarah married circa 1830/35 in Ireland and her birth is a guess going by immigration records which aren't always accurate, her age in 1854 was given as 39 - Her husband was born circa 1806 - both in Donegal - Also on her immigration records, her parents Matthew & Elizabeth O'Donnell - it looks like they were still living in 1854 - (Sarah's husband George CLENDINNING, has his parents[William & Fanny] but with 'both deceased' - Sarah's doesn't state that)

According to some writings written while they were still living; " the Clendinnings lived in the town of Pettego,which is mainly in the County Fermanagh, but extends across the Mill Stream into Donegal. The Clendinning family lived on the Donegal side in "the first house across the Mill Stream." 

I have found something from the Griffith valuation which looks like it might be Elizabeth O'DONNELL - mother of Sarah -
this was for 1857 - an Elizabeth O'Donnell was living at: Mill Street,Pettigoe         Templecarn     Donegal

I am hoping some one can help with this O'DONNELL family -

Many thanks from an O'DONNELL descendant in Australia


Hampshire & Isle of Wight / Travelling to London 1830s query?
« on: Thursday 19 January 12 04:17 GMT (UK)  »
Please excuse my ignorance on the following query -
How did people travel in the 1830s?
I have ancestors that must have gone from Rockbourne in Hampshire to London, whence they departed to Australia -
I am assuming the family to be a poorish one, and can't help but wonder how they got to London -
I have children born to them in Rockbourne and the shipping records show all of them, but there is mention of an infant dying during the voyage -
What counties would they have crossed to get to London - trying to find a baptism of a child born to them outside of Hampshire close to their departure date to Australia which was June 1834 - arrival was Nov 1834 - 
Some wonderful lookeruppers here found their arrival in Australia in a number of records/databases - Are there English records for departing emigrants?

Many thanks in advance


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