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Topics - tom505

Pages: [1]
Berwickshire / Signet, Cockburnspath, Anderson brothers
« on: Monday 16 August 10 11:44 BST (UK)  »
In Miller's History of Dunbar, mention is made of five fishermen who went to the assistance of  "The Signet,  a gun-frigate ..... off Dowe Lawe Point" on 15 10 1818.  Three of the fishermen were brothers, Thomas, John and William Anderson.  From the account it seems the fishermen were in fear of impressment at the time, and the account goes on to state that John Anderson had served with Admiral Parker at the Dogger Bank where he had been wounded, and that William had served in the French war and had also been wounded.

Although I can find some Anderson brothers with the correct names, their ages do not quite tie in with  the dates of these events.

I wonder if anyone has positively identified them, if so I'd be very interested to hear from them.

Armed Forces / "pressed to a Man of War"
« on: Friday 29 August 08 22:13 BST (UK)  »
Can any one advise me please.

At the baptism of his daughter in 1778, the entry states " held up by Tho. Johnson the father being press'd to a Man of War." Thomas Johnson being the uncle of the child. The baptism concerned took place in Berwickshire, the next birth to the couple was recorded as having been in Greenock some 5 years later, although recorded in the same Berwickshire parish.

I would be interested to discover the name of the ship concerned and if possible any history connected to it and her crew.

I assume that if any information exists it would be found at the National Archives. But as I only have the name of a pressed crewman and an approximate date wonder if it is likely that I would make much progress in my quest.

Thank you to anyone who can advise me further.


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