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Topics - WelwynGC1

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WWII In Memoriam / John William Hayton 3/4 September 1943 Lancaster Rear Gunner.
« on: Tuesday 19 August 14 09:59 BST (UK)  »
John William Hayton RAFVR 1333343

Lancaster Rear Gunner   100 Squadron, Waltham (Grimsby). Aged 20 Born Jarrow, South Tyneside.

Lost without trace on ops to Berlin 3rd/4th September 1943. Lancaster JA969 HW-N.

Our family Hero as they were all heroes, lest we forget.

Commemorated on the Runnymede memorial and in our hearts.

World War Two / Welcome to England
« on: Saturday 09 August 14 08:47 BST (UK)  »
A very warm welcome to the Avro Lancaster from Canada which landed yesterday at Coningsby and is here for a few weeks to do some displays with our own BBMF Lancaster.

Hope you get to see them flying together somewhere!

We will never forget the 55573 who were casualties among them of course more than 10000 Canadians.

Lest we forget.

The Lighter Side / BBC WDYTYA Series 10 Episode #9: Marrianne Faithful
« on: Thursday 19 September 13 06:38 BST (UK)  »
Waited for ten minutes or so for this to start whilst they gave us a history of MF in the sixties etc., but thought it was really interesting once it got going.

Although only focusing on her Mother and grandparents, l did not nod off as l have done with one or two this series, the style has definitely changed as many have written before but l am hoping they have saved the best until last.

Hope next week is on next week as l recall that last series they held over the last episode to a future date.

World War Two / 100 Squadron Association
« on: Friday 12 October 12 12:23 BST (UK)  »
Please can anyone provide me with an upto date email address for the 100 Squadron Association??

The one on their website does not work.

Many thanks in advance.


World War Two / Philip Jackson-On behalf of us all
« on: Monday 16 July 12 11:18 BST (UK)  »
My Brother and l were fortunate enough to attend the dedication and unveiling of the Bomber Command Memorial the long awaited permanent tribute to all those young lads we lost including my Uncle who was just 20.

It was understandably busy on the day itself so my Brother and l returned on Saturday evening to take some photos and have a closer look at the memorial.

The detail is fantastic, each figure life size and a half. Following a raid and having landed back at base five of the crew  look back from whence they came to see who else may be returning whilst the remaining two have heads bowed in sadness and probable exhaustion.

Once dusk turns into night and the statues are lit it is even more moving, you half expect them to jump down and rush off to their waiting Lancaster.

On behalf of us all who follow the Bomber Command story with a relative interest or even just mere enthusiam l would like to take this opportunity to thank Philip Jackson, the sculptor of the memorial. Sir, you are a genius and you have done the boys proud.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Some TLC for the Bomber Boy
« on: Monday 28 May 12 17:24 BST (UK)  »
Please take out the creases and tidy up.

Many thanks in advance,


World War Two / R.I.P. Robin Gibb
« on: Monday 21 May 12 06:32 BST (UK)  »
Lets remember today the tireless campaigning of Robin Gibb on behalf of the Bomber Command Association regarding the soon to be unveiled Memorial.

His contribution cannot be underestimated.

Sadly he did not survive to see the day, but l am sure he will be watching somewhere.

Rest In Peace

World War Two / RAF Waltham (Grimsby) Any Access??
« on: Saturday 31 December 11 20:31 GMT (UK)  »
Maybe someone out there can help?
raf waltham was the last known place that my Uncle was at before he went on a raid to Berlin and was lost without trace in September 1943.
My Dad was only 13 when his brother was lost.
At the beginning of December he died after a short illness and we want to put some of his ashes at the last place his brother was before flying off on his final op.
We are thinking of doing this in May on what would have been my Dads birthday but we need to know if there is any access to the old site before making the long journey up from Hertfordshire.
Maybe whoever owns the land now would give us permission to pay a short visit?
We did think of putting some in the North sea as it is believed that his Lanc crashed there but that is uncertain. Much rather do something at his last definite location. Opinions invited.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / A Spruce up for the Jarra Lad please
« on: Monday 12 December 11 14:25 GMT (UK)  »
This is my Uncle pictured about 1930, he went onto be an RAF Gunner and was lost on ops.
A tidy up please.

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