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Topics - Mary50

Pages: [1] 2
Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Mom's picture for gravestone
« on: Friday 04 September 15 15:11 BST (UK)  »
The following is a picture of my mom.  She passed away this past April.  This is the picture that the family wants to put on her gravestone.  I have erased the faces of two living people behind her.  Various members of the family have tried to clean it up (the main concern is the dark circles around her eyes) but none of us have the technology or the expertise to do a proper job.  Could someone please lighten the area around her eyes, remove the shadows on her face and add a plain light grey background.  The cemetery will then apply it to a ceramic base and put it in a frame to attach to the gravestone.  I will be most grateful for any improvements.


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Clean 1933 wedding please.
« on: Saturday 06 April 13 00:12 BST (UK)  »
Could I please have this 1933 wedding cleaned up.  Thank you.


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Same lady? Your opinion please.
« on: Monday 25 March 13 19:23 GMT (UK)  »
Do you think this is the same lady.  The pictures were taken in 1933 and 1943.  Thank you for your time.


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Please restore aunt and uncle
« on: Saturday 23 March 13 23:15 GMT (UK)  »
Could I please have these two cleaned and restored, including the pretty edge.

Thank you

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Please remove stains
« on: Wednesday 13 March 13 13:46 GMT (UK)  »
This was sent to me by a newly-found distant cousin.  Is it possible to clean up the stains?   Please don't do any altering to their faces.  The little one sitting on the post is my great-aunt, born 1899.

In my family, old pictures from the "old country" are very rare.  I was very grateful to get this one.

I hope the size is OK.  I wouldn't have any idea how to make it bigger if it needs it.  Please do the best you can. 

Thanks for your time.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Are they all the same Thomas Harvey?
« on: Thursday 28 February 13 19:34 GMT (UK)  »
I would appreciate your opinion as to whether these are all the same Thomas Harvey?  I know that the ones signed "Ts" are the same person.  These are from some of his children's Baptisms.  The two where Thomas is written in full are from his marriage and immediately after, a Baptism in 1808.  The marriage record has the wife as Ann Willman. All of his children's Baptisms have her as Agnes.  Then in 1832, there an Ann Agnes Willman as a sponsor at a Baptism which makes me believe that the 1808 record is the marriage of my Thomas.  Unfortunately, Ann/Agnes could not sign, so her signature was always put in by the  minister. 

Thank you for any insight you can offer.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Remove glare and date, please.
« on: Friday 15 February 13 14:39 GMT (UK)  »
Is it possible to remove the glare on the right side, please.  It had to be photographed through the glass.  Also, the little boy on the left was born in March of 1915.  As this photo was taken in the summer, would you say he is about one and a half or two and a half?  There is some question whether the lady on the left is their grandmother or their aunt.  If it is their grandmother, she died in 1918.

Thank you for your help.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Please remove streak
« on: Tuesday 20 November 12 14:59 GMT (UK)  »
Can anything be done to remove the streak across this picture?  and maybe brighten it up a little?  Thank you for your efforts.  I hope that it doesn't come across too small.  I'm just working with Photo Studio 5 and have no idea how to manipulate the size once I scan it. 


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Confirmation picture
« on: Saturday 16 April 11 19:49 BST (UK)  »
Can someone please remove the three white spots on this photograph. Please leave the general  tone as is.

Thank you.   Mary

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