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Topics - mothball

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Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / 1911 census
« on: Sunday 17 September 23 21:08 BST (UK)  »
This is my great grandfather, as you can see he was a general dealer but he has what was called Marine Store and above it is written in writing I have no idea what it could be, any suggestions? Many thanks.

The Common Room / 1945/6 Pembrokeshire military/police
« on: Tuesday 30 March 21 21:04 BST (UK)  »
I wonder if anyone with military or police expertise could recognise this uniform attached. The photo was dated 1942 at Temby Pembrokeshire.

In 1945/46 my grandfather in the photo was on the electoral roll at Letterston in Pembrokeshire with PO address whilst his wife was living in Pembroke dock running their clothes and drapery business.

Looking on the Internet there seems to have been in a military base and also a prisoner of war camp at Letterston.  The story passed down to me was that he was either a policeman or nightwatchman in Pembroke dock dockyard. But of course I have no idea what he actually did. I have also been told that the pair of them used to be in charge of the NAAFI and I'm wondering if this uniform will throw some light on what he actually did? Many thanks

He did serve in World War I and was born in 1894.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Place name in Cardiganshire.
« on: Saturday 10 October 20 11:21 BST (UK)  »
Hello, I just cannot decipher this name from 1891,  it looks like it begins with P.   Many thanks.

Europe / Malta (again)
« on: Tuesday 27 August 19 12:10 BST (UK)  »
Sorry, I have looked at the other post, but I don't understand how to get information from Malta records.

I have a British marriage in 1930, the groom is from Malta (b1908), and his father I found on Ancestry was also born in Malta in 1877.   The father appears on a few British documents, but the son seems only to appear on the marriage certificate.  I don't want to put the surname here because of confidentiality, but any help would be greatly appreciated.  Many thanks in Advance. 

The Lighter Side / Registered Twice
« on: Monday 08 July 19 20:53 BST (UK)  »
Hello I am doing someone's tree, I haven not come across this before, and shall not use real names.

This woman married twice with quite an unusual surname.

With both husband's she has her two children with the exactly the same index except the husbands' surnames


Mary Jones Wales 11a 123
Mary Williams Wales 11a 123

Mark Jones Wales 11a 156
Mark Williams Wales 11a 156

The two husbands were married 17 years apart and could be the children of either. 

What do you think is the story here?

Many thanks in advance

Other Countries / Mauritius - Ramjeedass Family
« on: Monday 10 October 16 12:40 BST (UK)  »
Hello, I have a friend who's father now deceased born  came from Mauritius before the second world war.  He did National Service and married here.   My friend is trying to see if he has any relatives in Mauritius today.    The surname given is Ramjeedass, but I can't find any reference to that name at all.

Many thanks.

P.S. is there a place where he can get his service record?

Hello, I wondered if anyone knows where any records my be for old Council papers.  My great grandfather was once Chairman of Urban District Council.  The only info is scant oral remarks from my grandfather and the enclosed obituary of his first wife.   His name was Philip Jones, spelt with one 'L' not two in the obituary.   My grandfather said there was a plaque in his honour somewhere.  I phoned the Town Hall and was told they don't have any plaques, so maybe on a miners' club house or other.   He was born 1870, the obituary is for 1927, just a year after the General Strike.

Any leads would be much appreciated, thanks.

Armed Forces / what regiment please
« on: Wednesday 16 September 15 10:31 BST (UK)  »
Hello my local museum is trying to find out what regiment this man might have been in and about what year it is.   We are in Brighton and want to find out who he may be.  Many thanks.

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