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Topics - sammidav

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Dumfriesshire / Shipsmiths - Smith family from Kelton, Dumfries - Lookup?
« on: Saturday 17 June 06 12:38 BST (UK)  »
Hi I have just been searching the parish records for Peter Smith (1805) and Helen Smith  (1811-1815 variously) from Kelton, Dumfries on Scotlands' People and some of the free searches.  I looked at the lists of what was available on Scotlands' People and it seemed fairly complete - but have found very few Smiths from this time. Kelton was also listed under Kircudbright - does that means there are 2?  Does anyone know if there are 2 Keltons and where does Kelton, Dumfries correspond to today as I can't find it on a map?

I know they later moved to Liverpool and the census lists them both as born Dumfries, Kelton, Scotland as my Grandma remembered and started a long line of Shipsmiths. I wondered if Kelton is near the sea - I am having trouble finding it on a map. Would there have been ship smiths / ship building industry near there?

Feeling like I have come to a standstill as soon as I have started on my Scottish ancestors! Any help gratefully appreciated!!! Sorry for so many questions :)

Thanks in advance,

Kirkcudbrightshire / Kelton Parish Records Question SMITH
« on: Saturday 17 June 06 12:31 BST (UK)  »
Hi I have just been searching the parish records for Peter Smith 1805 from kelton, Dumfries.  I looked at the lists of what was available and it seemed fairly complete - but have found very few Smiths from this time. Kelton was also listed under Kircudbright - does that means there are 2?  Does anyone know if there are 2 Keltons and where does Kelton, Dumfries correspond to today?
Feeling like I have come to a standstill as soon as I have started!

Shropshire Lookup Requests / Look up request: 1851 Bromley, Welbatch
« on: Monday 15 August 05 22:49 BST (UK)  »
Hello, I would be really greatful if someone could look up in the 1851 census for me. I am trying to connect Richard P Bromley born 1834/5  variously listed as Churton/Church Pulverbatch/Pontesbury/Smethcott/Smethcote with Richard Bromley of Welbatch Farm House born 1806 Picklescott.
Either a Richard P Bromley or Richard Bromley at Welbatch in 1851 would be great -
any earlier results would also be greatfully received!
Thanks in advance,

Lancashire / Early pictures of Lime Street
« on: Sunday 29 May 05 18:47 BST (UK)  »
Hi I am looking for some early pictures of Lime Street in Liverpool. In particular Gorst's coach makers / Gorst & Baxendale which was I ttink at 30 Lime Street in 1820-1830s at least.

Lancashire / The Vale - Liverpool district?
« on: Tuesday 15 March 05 21:07 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All,
I am trying to find out where The Vale district is in Liverpool or surrounding area? From census records I have possible connections to the Kirkdale / Everton areas but family history says The Vale. Does this mean anything to anyone out there?
Thanks in advance,

Hi All,

Now I've got quite a lot of information in my family tree I am getting lost amongst it?
Can anyone recommend any software? Have been looking  but the reviews seem to conflict!

Also could anyone tell me how much useful information would be in family Tree maker which says it features 5 UK Data CDs; English Parish Records, Scottish Parish Records, 1851 Census (selected Records), British Chancery Vol.1 & Vol. 2



Shropshire / Welbatch Hall? Church Pulverbatch?
« on: Saturday 05 March 05 13:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hi I'm trying to find out where Welbatch Hall is or was? I have looked on several old and new maps but have not found it. My Grandpa told me that his grandparents came from Welbatch Hall in Shropshire. Last week I also found their gravestones in Church Pulverbatch which has inscribed that they were 'of Welbatch'. If any one has an idea where it it could be I would be really pleased!
Thanks in advance,

Lancashire / Gorst Liverpool Look-up help!
« on: Friday 25 February 05 21:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hi I am having real trouble sorting out the family tree of my Liverpool relatives. I am looking for William Gorst who was married to Katherine Louise Margaret Smith in maybe the 1890s early 1900s. William Gorst was the son of John Gorst and Ellen. John Gorst was a coachmaker.
I cannot find them in the 1901 or 1881 census - maybe there is something about the Liverpool or county borders I don't understand. Any help gratefully received!

Interests: Dawson, Abraham, Elwell, Duck, Doplhin, Bromley

Shropshire / Preen/Jones family tree (SecretShropshire site website)- Sue Laflin
« on: Friday 25 February 05 20:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hi I have seen a family tree on the by Sue Laflin which features an Eliza Jones of Leebotwood. I am wondering whether these are related to part of my family tree featuring John Jones of Leebotwood b 1761 and his daughter Eliza Jones b1802.
If Sue is out there I would really like to get in touch!

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