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Topics - Pete E

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The Common Room / Identification of Uniform
« on: Thursday 14 May 20 13:39 BST (UK)  »
I would like to identify the uniform worn by my great uncle Thomas (Tom) Mann in this photograph. I know he went on to serve in the RAF in WWII, but this does not look RAF to me. Does anyone have any suggestions. Thanks Peter

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Barkers Entry Hull
« on: Thursday 30 April 20 16:03 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,                                                                                                                                     
Can anyone point me in the direction of, Barkers Entry, High Street, Hull Holy Trinity? My Ellis ancestors appear to have lived at number 8 Barkers entry at the time of the 1861 census. Can its location be found on an old map, can it be seen on a modern map, are there any old photo's? Any help appreciated, Cheers.

Northumberland / Henry Waters, birthplace where?
« on: Friday 24 April 20 13:04 BST (UK)  »
I'm trying to solve a puzzle, the answer to which, has been alluding me for some time; where was the birthplace of my 2nd great grandfather Henry Waters, 1846-1911? The problem being, different places of birth are given at each census for him. I am pretty sure I have the correct person and family in each census, with only the 1851 showing an anomaly in that the family name was recorded as Watters. The information I have is:
1851, Residence Old Colliery, Scremerston. Birthplace N Durham, Norham
1861, Residence Coal Mine, Togston. Birthplace Berwickshire
1871, Residence Elliot Building, Bedlington. Birthplace Scremerston, Northumberland.
1881, Residence Havelock Sq New Backworth.  Birthplace Berwick, Northumberland.
1891, Residence Middle Row Isabella. Birthplace Morpeth, Northumberland.
1901, Residence Middle Row, Isabella. Birthplace Little Mill, Northumberland.

I think I have his parents over the border in Clappers, Berwickshire in the 1841 census and their places of birth are always given as Scotland in subsequent censuses. I can't find a likely civil registration birth entry for Northumberland in the time period expected and I haven't found a church record to suit. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas, all posts will be gratefully received.

Northumberland / Seafield Terrace Blyth
« on: Monday 13 April 20 11:48 BST (UK)  »
I'm currently helping a friend researching Wensleydale Terrace in Blyth. At the links end there is a row of six old houses (not the new builds) opposite where the entrance to the harbour and first beach used to be. Can anyone confirm these houses were originally called Seafield Terrace? Any other info would be gratefully received, when they were built, who for etc. Many thanks

Oops read SEAFIELD not seaview, apologies.

Armed Forces / WAAF Service
« on: Sunday 17 November 19 12:23 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all, my mother Irene Murray, served in the WAAF from Sept 1941 to May 1946 and I would like to know if she would have been entitled to any awards (medals). A few years ago I obtained a, "Statement of Service" from the RAF personnel management centre in Gloucester, however this only gives her ranks, musterings and postings, apparently many records had been lost or destroyed. Can anyone advise what she may have been entitled to, how to find out if they were ever issued and if not issued, how I could try and get them now? Many thanks in advance for any help proffered, cheers Pete

Northumberland / Jonathan Maddison/Elizabeth Pyle
« on: Sunday 05 May 19 16:32 BST (UK)  »
I'm looking for any direct descendant of, Jonathan Maddison born Earsdon 1825, died North Seaton 1868 and his wife Elizabeth Pyle born, Thornage, Norfolk 1831 who died in 1905 death being registered at Morpeth. If any one is, or can point me in the right direction please get in touch, thanks.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Tony Mcdermotts (Firm)?
« on: Sunday 11 November 18 18:14 GMT (UK)  »
Does anyone know anything about a firm called, Tony Mcdermott's around the time of WWI in the Shipley/Bradford area and why anyone working for them would be exempt from Military service? Thanks

Northumberland / A Cenotaph Story
« on: Sunday 28 October 18 09:38 GMT (UK)  »
I remember as a young lad in Blyth going to the remembrance service at the Cenotaph. In the sixties I went with my grandfather who was there remembering his friends and comrades from the first war and later in the early seventies I attended the service as part of 1000 Blyth Sqn ATC. As far as I knew then, none of my Blyth family of Mann and Murray were commemorated on any of the memorials, it never occurred to me that wider family with different surnames may be remembered. I have now been doing the family tree for a while and have learned of so many other surnames linked to my tree in the area.
A couple of days ago having watched an item on the TV about war memorials I checked the War Memorials Register on the Imperial war museum website for names on the Blyth cenotaph. I could only find a list of names for WWI and scrolling through, one surname jumped out, J Doran. I knew my Great grandmother was Eleanor Murray nee Doran and after a few checks through the tree and a quick bit of online research I decided that this was, John Doran the son of my great grandmother’s brother also John. Members of the Murray and Doran families came to Blyth from Whitehaven, my great grandmother and her family arriving in the 1890’s. John Doran (junior) looks to have come to Blyth in the first decade of the 20th century and was living with his aunt Catherine Kennedy at 22 Double Row, South Newsham at the time of the 1911 census. He married Dorothy Winship in Blyth in 1913 and he and Dorothy had two children, John George born 1914 and Harold born 1915. John a miner then enlisted joining the 8th battalion of the Somerset Light Infantry. He was sadly killed in action, during the final advance into Picardy on the 10 October 1918, one month before the Armistice and is buried in the, Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension, Romeries, Department Du Nord France.
As I researched John, I discovered information about his son, John George, who in 1939 was living with his widowed mother Dorothy and brother Harold in Freehold Street, Blyth he was a hospital c scheme collector and a special constable. John George then enlisted into the 9th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers and from my limited research, I think he was probably in Singapore when it fell to the Japanese on 15 February 1942 and became a prisoner of war. It then appears he was one of the 61000 allied POW’s used as forced labour on the construction of the Siam-Burma “Death” railway. John George died in Burma, on the 1 Sep 1945 and is buried in the Thanbyazat War Cemetery, Myanmar (Burma). His address at probate was given as 4 Hambledon Street Blyth.
I assume John George is remembered on the WW2 memorial at Ridley park, would someone be able to confirm this please?
A double tragedy for Dorothy, having lost her husband in the first world war and her son in the second. I believe her second son Harold also died relatively young but did have children. Indeed, some reading this on Rootschat may be directly related to John and John George and may be able to add more to their stories.
No doubt many members of Rootschat will have relatives named on cenotaphs around Northumberland, but I wonder how many on here, have like me, have been to a remembrance service in their home town and or looked at the names on the cenotaph and did not realise they have a connection to one of them?
For me I have started to put two stories together and I have proudly added the names of John Doran and John George Doran to my family tree.
Lest We Forget.

Armed Forces / Royal Car Foot
« on: Thursday 05 October 17 09:40 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I have a potential ancestor James Mann, recorded in the Suffolk Marriage Index Transcription as marrying, Susanna Maria Hubbard on 12 October 1804 in Woodbridge. His parish is recorded as "2 Batt Royal Car Foot". Can anyone suggest which Regiment this may be please? Cheers Pete

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