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Topics - Chudleigh

Pages: [1] 2
Lanarkshire / Burial records for Elvanfoot, South Lanarkshire
« on: Wednesday 07 September 22 17:03 BST (UK)  »
There was an outbreak of typhus around July 1847 which brought a heavy death toll, including among the local population and Irish navvies in Elvanfoot.  I cannot find a record of any of the burials - parish records for Elvanfoot only seem to start in 1906.  Did parish records for the area ever exist and, if so, where can they be found?

Lanarkshire / East Park Home, Maryhill
« on: Friday 03 June 22 11:16 BST (UK)  »
In the Glasgow Necropolis there are lairs and a headstone for the children who died in East Park Home during the 19th century.  After the lairs were filled, no more burials from the Home appear to have taken place in the Glasgow Necropolis.

Does anyone know if the Home then acquired plots in another cemetery?


Lanarkshire / Lost Graveyards and cemeteries
« on: Wednesday 30 September 20 11:23 BST (UK)  »
Many old graveyards (attached to ecclesiastical buildings) and cemeteries have disappeared from Lanarkshire.  Often, burial records, lair plans and M.I. records remain with the local authorities and can be consulted by family historians.  I have written up brief histories on Glasgow City's lost burial grounds for the GWSFHS's Facebook page ( and am now trying to identify more in the Lanarkshire area.  Can anyone help with other local burial grounds that have now disappeared?

London & Middlesex Lookup Requests / London Society for the Protection of Females
« on: Wednesday 31 January 18 17:43 GMT (UK)  »
My ancestor, Augusta Harman, worked as a governess at the London Society for the Protection of Females, an institution of about sixty adolescent girls, based in Old Workhouse Yard, Tottenham [RG9/793 f108 p 16].  Can anyone tell me what this society was?

Lanarkshire / Coatbridge Burial Grounds
« on: Sunday 21 February 16 18:06 GMT (UK)  »
William Press died 17 September 1908 at Brewsterford Place, Coatbridge.  He was a Roman Catholic.  I would like to find where he was buried.  Could someone please tell me which burial grounds I should search (not necessarily RC cemeteries) and if the Council has a cemeteries department which could help?

West Lothian (Linlithgowshire) / Storrie family of Garvieside House, West Calder
« on: Wednesday 09 July 14 08:32 BST (UK)  »
Please does anyone have information about the Storry or Storrie family of West Calder.  I am related to Jessie Storrie who married Peter Mungall in 1874.  She was the daughter of John Storrie, farmer, of Garvieside House and Janet Murray.  I have just established a DNA connection with another Storrie family, connected with Linlithgow, and I am trying to identify the link.

Sussex Lookup Requests / Edwin Isaac Baker of Hailsham (1837 -1912)
« on: Monday 25 August 08 14:46 BST (UK)  »
Following the discovery of a photo of Edwin Isaac Baker, photographer of Hailsham, in my family album, I am convinced I am related to him - but can't prove it!  His father, Isaac Baker, was born around 1810 in Alfriston and that's as far back as I can get.   Isaac married Sarah Lambert 8 Aug. 1834 - perhaps there were witnesses whose names might give a clue?  Isaac and Sarah's third child (b 1839) was a Frances Y Baker - does that 'Y' give a clue to an old family surname?   The Hailsham OPRs do not appear to be available on CD - can any kind soul with access to the Hailsham parish records check and let me know?

The Common Room / Cemetery Protocol
« on: Thursday 17 May 07 16:32 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone advise me on how burial space is allocated in individual graves?  This rather bizarre question arose when I discovered a complete stranger had been buried with an ancestor in a grave in Glasgow's Necropolis.  The grave was privately owned, having been bought by deceased's family for his interment in 1844.  A complete stranger (apparently) was buried in the grave in 1864.  Were spaces in graves offered for sale and, if so, where?   The local authority cemeteries department do not appear to have any record of spaces changing hands once the initial purchase has been made, although one would have thought 'proof of purchase' would be needed before the second burial took place.

Suggestions gratefully received!

Occupation Interests / Scottish Corkcutters
« on: Monday 14 May 07 09:49 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone help me find Andrew Tonachie, foreman cork cutter of East Clyde Street, Glasgow.  East Clyde Street seems to have been a centre of cork cutting in the 1840s. Andrew himself died in the Dunlop Street Theatre fire in 1849 when he was about 40.

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