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Messages - jj.carroll

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Laois (Queens) / Re: MURPHY - CRENNAN connection, c. 1855
« on: Friday 10 August 07 23:48 BST (UK)  »
Look, I did not post the thing incorrectly - it was quoted in the census as the Irish Free State.  And it was something that the native Irish people felt very strongly about, and even fought a civil war about that thing.  The person that took down the census may have been in the conspiracy, or may not.  It could very well be that the person that supplied the information was recognizing the way that he/she felt about the "Irish Free State."

Frankly, I am from Tyrone and whether or not Catherine was born in the United Kingdom or the Irish Free State concerns me very little.  It was Laois, and before that it was Queens, and then the confusion starts because it is also Leix. But she was born an Irishperson.

Why start an argument when we are trying to get some information on my ancestors and it was what was in the census data that convinced me that she was born in Ireland (or the great kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland), and not New York. 

Would it please you that I said she was a Native Daughter of the Golden West?  Because her daughter Maggie was one.

Ireland / McCARROLL - GAFFIGAN, Leaving San Francisco for Ireland - 1912
« on: Friday 10 August 07 21:23 BST (UK)  »
AGNES BRIDGET GAFFIGAN was born and lived in San Francisco before she came to Ireland to marry my grandfather MICHAEL JOSEPH McCARROLL (sometimes known as Carroll). They had met in San Francisco, after Michael joined his two brothers and he took out American citizenship.

Agnes B. left for Ireland when she reached her majority. Instead of being married in the Fintona - Beragh area, where Michael's family lived and they later chose to settle (after residing in Omagh at least until 1914), they were wed at St. Patrick’s Church in Dundalk, County Louth. The problem is that we don't even know if they traveled together, or where in Ireland they had landed, or even where they stayed before they left for County Tyrone.

Mickey stated on his marriage certificate that he was a merchant living in Beragh, Co. Tyrone.  Perhaps she left for Ireland after Mickey had established himself.  But after marriage he and Agnes went on to Omagh, and then to Fintona, where McCARROLL was to establish his business and became a publican/auctioneer/seller of shoes and coffins at their public house on Main Street in Fintona.

The usual way that we look at arrivals is to search for the boat that they were on and the time of arrival at Ellis Island, or Philadelphia, etc.  But, here we would like to search the other direction.  And they were citizens of the U.S., but Agnes was emigrating to Ireland.  But we don’t know where they (or she) arrived in Ireland, but probably sometime in the first half of 1912

They may have even traveled from America to Queenstown and instead of an overland trip in Ireland they might have gone to Liverpool. From there they may have made Dundalk their landing in Ireland.  Any suggestions on how we might sort this out?

Tyrone / Re: Meaning of Emmetts
« on: Friday 10 August 07 03:23 BST (UK)  »
There are probably some Gaelic footballers and hurlers, and I would suppose some camogie players, who would prefer that one would not lose the extra "t" when you talk of the Emmetts.

Tyrone / Re: Meaning of Emmetts
« on: Friday 10 August 07 01:29 BST (UK)  »
So, I cut and pasted - and then emailed it to Lisnaskea and asked them if they knew what an emmett was.  We just have to wait for the emmetts, because they may be sleeping at the moment, but as soon as they check in, if they check in, I will let the board know.

Regards, Jim Carroll

Tyrone / Re: Meaning of Emmetts
« on: Thursday 09 August 07 20:42 BST (UK)  »
We have the Lisnakea Emmetts.  Then we have the Eskra Emmetts.  And now we have the Menlo Emmetts.  And according to the Leprechaun it is a male name, but for a hurling team or football team?

What I really would like to know, what is an emmett?  What do all of these various GAA clubs mean when they chose to call themselves the Emmetts?

I really do not know the answer, so it is not a thing that I posted to whet the juices of some but an honest attempt to find out just what the emmetts are, and probably what do you call the bunch of them - a flock, crowd, covey or what?

Tyrone / Meaning of Emmetts - COMPLETED
« on: Thursday 09 August 07 14:42 BST (UK)  »
I was wondering what is the meaning of the word "Emmetts."  I note that there are team sports, such as hurling, in Lisnakea, Co. Fermanagh, and a team associated with Irish football in Eskra, Co. Tyrone.  But the meaning of the term Emmett escapes me.  Anyone know?

Louth / Re: McCARROLL - GAFFIGAN Marriage, 1912. Where were the banns posted?
« on: Saturday 04 August 07 21:36 BST (UK)  »
You asked, If they met in San Francisco why didn't they marry there?  I suppose that this is a rhetorical question as I am unable to answer just why they did not stay in San Francisco, get married there, and have their children there.  Perhaps they did not like the earthquakes and fires.

They may have had a brother (Thomas who married Kitty Daley of Newtownsaville) in San Francisco, but the other brother Patrick (who was supposed to be a little crazy, but what the heck - he was Irish) went back and forth between Ireland and California, and very little is known of him.  The rest of the siblings, and the mother and father of the groom, were in Corkhill. 

Why did they not want to have the Gaffigans at their wedding?  Who really knows, but it may be that the strange behavior of John Amos Gaffigan drove them away (you need to know that the Gaffigans have created a problem in its own right, and will be found on other websites - just because he was born in Scotland.  And Mary Gaffigan did have two sisters, Anna and Izzy, that preceded her to San Francisco).  Or it may be that Mickey did not get along with John Amos.  Who knows, except for the Shadow?  As they say, Da Shadow do...)

Perhaps he suffered from something that we don't know about, or made his money in California and wanted to spend it where his family was (you must remember, the Man of the house was the king in those days).  Maybe, just maybe, someone in the McCusker family passed away and left a legacy for Mickey (he had a brother in law that also purchased a public house in Omagh about that time - and another brother in law purchased one about that same time in Curr).

The round-about route that they took (and we still don't know where they were at this time, even to the ship that they sailed upon) is indeed strange, but hopefully someone would have an answer to some of these questions - particularly, St. Patrick's in Dundalk where the banns had to be posted.

And, we don't know that they took the same route.  He was in Beragh before he got married - and nothing was said about both of them being there...

It may very well have been that he preceded her to his home in Ireland and Aggie B. being the strong-minded person that she was decided that she wanted to marry Mickey, and to hell with all of her crazy siblings and mother and dad.  (But she had to get the passage money?  Now where was that!)

This was the reason that I posted the query in the first place.  To see if there were more answers than there were questions.

I have posted this message to another board, but because it looks to one name from Ireland I am reposting it to this board.  That name is AMOS, a name that is not that common in Ireland or Scotland.

In the search for my great grandfather, JOHN AMOS GAFFIGAN, we found that he probably came to the States with his mother and brother in July 1867 aboard the SS Iowa from Glasgow (with a stop-over at Moville, Donegal), and then aboard the Moses Taylor from Nicaragua to San Francisco, we have run into an identification problem.

It seems as that MARY AMOS GAFFIGAN (she apparently was widowed from Patrick Gaffigan in Scotland) and her children were sponsored by either one or both of her sisters, who were at the time residing in San Francisco. They had stopped earlier in New Haven, Conn. to get bearings from either their relatives or sponsors, but have no idea who that might be.

These Gaffigans, who had started out in Scotland, were met in San Francisco by a MRS. CHARLES (ISABELLA) CAMPBELL, who lived at #6 Thompson Avenue, in the South Park area of San Francisco.

The other sister was Miss ANNIE AMOS of #5 South Park or Thompson Avenue.  It may be that Anna, or Annie, was previously married to a McKEE, according to compilations of census data.  Whether by divorce or being widowed, we believe that she went by that name later in life.

It was indicated in various census data that all three of the ladies had been born in Ireland, but where, or when - we simply do not know.

It appeared that they first lived on the other side of the South Park or Thompson Avenue the South Park Matt House, in the home of Annie.  Mary’s brother-in-law was Mr. CHARLES CAMPBELL who was evidently employed as a “collar maker” at the Kimball Company, at 4th and Bryant.

They lived on that block that also had a Miss Kelly and her daughter, the CRENNAN family (John married a MAGGIE CRENNAN), the Driscolls, and the Goodenoughlys. Catherine's daughter, Maggie, had a sister named Rosa, and appeared that they were possibly from New York.  We don’t know that background.  But, according to Catherine’s obituary and other census data she was born in County Leix (Laois) in Ireland.

The Gaffigans landed about August 1867 but had to move to Alameda in 1868 with Annie Amos because of the San Francisco earthquake that year.  They resided with a Dr. Lambert for the rest of the year and returned to San Francisco in 1869, where they resided with a Mr. James O'Connell who had a stationary and book store at 310 5th street.

We would like to confirm that these ladies were the sisters of Mary Amos Gaffigan, and would like to see just where they had come from in Ireland or Scotland before they arrived in San Francisco.

Tyrone / Re: Look up Offers Omagh Area
« on: Sunday 29 July 07 15:42 BST (UK)  »
In the Eskra RC cemetery, eight miles south of Omagh, and alongside St. Patrick's chapel, I would greatly appreciate it if you could look up the McCARROLLs and BOGANs.  They are in the western half, or the older part, of the graveyard - close by the Eskra Post Office.  I am particularly interested to see if there are grave markers for Owen McCarroll - that is plural - for the Corkhill area. 

There is one Owen McCarroll marker that I have visited a number of times because it is my family's plot.  Unfortunately, it was a visit to honor the dead and not to find out anything about the deceased, which I am now trying to do.

It seems as though there may have been two Owen McCarrolls, and they were both married to Catherines, that lived up in the Corkhill townland in the mid-1850s.  (One may have been married to a Catherine McGinn, but my great grand mother was Catherine McCusker, who was from Agharonan and died at Curr in 1916.)

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