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Messages - transparu

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Staffordshire / Re: Yates (Tamworth) pre 1815
« on: Friday 27 November 09 00:43 GMT (UK)  »
Well,  . . . (and in Australia calling someone Clever Clogs would imply they had a swollen head, so I'll say) . . . G'day there.

Thanks so much for the response.  ANYTHING I can get hold of that puts me further back in the family history is greatly appreciated - as is this information.  This is literally the most hopeful information I have had since 1981, believe it or not.  Mind you, there was a big gap until about three years ago.

I was in Leicester in 1980/81 and found Thomas and Ann's marriage on the All Saints Register. (Believe it or not we lived in a Tamworth Close in Shepshed.)  I did not, as far as I am aware, record anything else useful.  But, I was pretty green then.  I am sure I would have recorded parent's names if they were there though.  I did record that both Thomas and Ann signed with an X.

I have several other copies of later  Entries of Marriage.  I wonder why I didn't get this one? Are you aware of any issue at that time (1815) that means these are not available?  I now know that could help a lot.

Anything else you can find on fiche - or pointers to help me look at Tamworth Yates families would be great.

Thanks again so much.



Dear Valda,

I feel SO bad – yet rather elated at the same time.

I was just looking for some photos I want to scan and came across an old envelope that was in some of my father’s papers and which I had never seen before.  I couldn’t believe what I found!  In it were several certificates:

Of relevance to our recent interactions:

A handwritten ??blessing/sermon?? and brief letter
From John Robinson, Fourth Row, Covent Garden dated March 19 1849 to “My Dearest Son and Daughter”

It is going to take me a long time to decipher this.

The letter was to John Argles Robinson and his wife Sarah Mary Ann 10 days after they left for Adelaide.
Get this!!
Birth Certificate of  John Argles Robinson (6/6/1826)
Father: John Robinson of Epping, Essex, a Farmer
Mother: Agnes, daughter of Edward Argles of Maidstone, Kent, Upholsterer
Born at the house of Thomas Argles, ??Bank??, Epping, Essex
John Robinson
Agnes Robinson

Catherine Argles . .(a further name in very feint pencil I can’t decipher yet)

Witnesses were
Catherine Argyles, London, Grandmother
Thomas Loft, Epping, Surgeon
Registered 6/9/1831.

I am amazed that I have never seen these papers before - somthing about having a Dad with dimentia, I guess.

I am a little embarrassed, but so pleased that our two pictures DO match up.

I have yet to digest it all!

Thanks again


Australia / Re: LEVETT or LEVETTS in Adelaide 1849
« on: Tuesday 24 November 09 03:28 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Kris,
If that little guy is around your feet too, I am amazed you have had time to do SO many posts!

Australia / Re: LEVETT or LEVETTS in Adelaide 1849
« on: Tuesday 24 November 09 01:39 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Ladies - you did better than I did, but we aren't close to the date/place yet.
This is a real long shot for me.  I might see if there were any business establishments of that name as this was a main street bin Adelaide.
Thanks again.

Australia / LEVETT or LEVETTS in Adelaide 1849
« on: Monday 23 November 09 21:20 GMT (UK)  »
I'm looking for a Wm Levetts or Levett in connection with my own family.
He was not a relative but I have his address as:

Wm Levetts
Grenfell Str

This was a handwritten address on a 1849 newspaper I have and was apparently a means of contacting one of my forebears in a tragic situation. I would like to find out something about this fellow, if possible.

I can find no "Levetts" in Australia though there are a number of families with the name Levett.


Wow Valda,

I am SO grateful to you (and others).  I only came across Rootschat 2 days ago and people like you have made more progress for me than I have made in months!

I have a bot of looking and thinking to do.

I greatly appreciate your talents and time.


Leicestershire / Re: Yates in Leicester from 1871
« on: Sunday 22 November 09 09:29 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Richard, that certainly looks promising.

I'll check it out.



Thanks for this.  I am very pleased you have found the 1851 record.  The street and two of the names fit well. Thanks for the other details as well

It is great to wake up in the morning (in Australia) and find such progress!


Thanks Snowball,
This looks excellent!

I greatly appreciate your time.

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