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Messages - DonM

Pages: 1 ... 175 176 177 [178]
Dunbartonshire / Re: Roseneath Bay address 1840's
« on: Sunday 25 September 11 00:15 BST (UK)  »
I'll assume you mean Clynder which is just north of Roseneath.  If you Google Flowerbank Roseneath the house appears to be still there located on Back Road.

If you wish a tour, go to Google Map find Back Road, zoom down to street view then you can follow along the road if you are lucky there will be a sign alng the road near the drive identifying the property.  


Dunbartonshire / Re: Cumbernauld Kirkwood of Waterhead
« on: Friday 23 September 11 10:42 BST (UK)  »
17th and early 18th Century.
Btw I don't need look ups.


Dunbartonshire / Cumbernauld Kirkwood of Waterhead
« on: Friday 23 September 11 00:43 BST (UK)  »
Anyone directly related to James Kirkwood/Jean Steill of the Waterhead farm.


Lanarkshire / Re: Hutton family of Hamilton
« on: Thursday 22 September 11 04:29 BST (UK)  »
An old thread and maybe you found this on your own.

First Thomas (writer) died 1779/1780 there are two Wills on Scot's People you can download which will give his date of death and shed some light on his famly.

DISPOSITION by Jean, Elizabeth and Marion Nasmith [Naismith], sisters and heirs portioners of deceased Arthur Nasmith of Auchingraymont [Auchengramont], with consent of John Forrest, junior, merchant in Edinburgh, husband of the said Elizabeth, to Thomas Hutton of Smiddy Croft of the piece of ground commonly called "the welt or crooked acre", and also of the piece of ground called "Pepperthiles", both possessed by David Murray, late vintner in Hamilton, now in Smiddycroft, and both lying within the parish of Hamilton and shire of Lanark. 1766  GD/85 372  from the NAS which you can also request a detailed copy. 

There should also be a Percept Clare Constat somewhere moving the property from Thomas to Alexander after his father's death and if Alexander was married a marriage contract or amended contract encompassing Smiddycroft.

It is possible Alexander sold the land to Edgar...hence the Bond and then left Hamilton. If Alexander was a writer then you would find reference of this in the Bond, it will show occupation.

The 1792-1886 is simply the reference area for bundle 6428.

Smiddycroft was gone by 1855 as well as a number of other small holdings.  The Hamilton Gas Works and railway occupied the lands.  Period maps from the NLS show this.

Hope this helps


Scotland / Re: Honeyman, Peter
« on: Monday 19 September 11 23:23 BST (UK)  »
He didn't go anywhere Scot's People 1893 Mid-Calder mother listed as Tainish.  There is an RCE for him as well.  Brother David was the informant.  A wife Annie Stewart is listed.


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