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Messages - vhansen

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Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: Date, age and makeover please.
« on: Saturday 02 June 07 18:22 BST (UK)  »
Another color version.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: My Other Granny
« on: Monday 28 May 07 04:14 BST (UK)  »
It seems this was a popular pose. I have one of my grandmother and my husband's mother.  For Mother's Day, I cropped them and had actual postage stamps made of each.  I can't describe how beautiful the stamps turned out.  Anyway, this image reminded my those and I colored it similar to how I did mine.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: A classic portrait
« on: Thursday 24 May 07 22:37 BST (UK)  »
Thanks! Lones.
Yes, some colors just pop into my head right away.  I usually start with the clothing, and then base my background on a color that will compliment the clothing.  Often, the clothing and background colors will be influenced by the complexion of the individuals (if known).  I also try to consider the era and fashions of the time.

I would like to spend more time here, as there are so many great photos, but most times I just can't seem to stretch the day long enough.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: A classic portrait
« on: Thursday 24 May 07 21:49 BST (UK)  »
Sorry, China, I should have said jpg artifacts instead of resolution. 

Lones, thanks for the hello! I just noticed we've both chosen almost identical colors here. Nice work.

There really is some great work being done with this photo.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: A classic portrait
« on: Thursday 24 May 07 03:42 BST (UK)  »
One of my favorite types to color.  Because of the low res jpg, restoration wasn't really tackled.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: A question of Etiquette
« on: Saturday 12 May 07 14:12 BST (UK)  »
I must say, I'm a little disheartened by the attitude many are expressing toward copyrights and this discussion as a whole.  This topic may be confusing, boring and cause for heated debate, but it is extremely relevant to a Photo Restoration forum.  If one does not wish to get involved in the debate that is understandable, however, trying to squelch a discussion because of disinterest,  and not wanting to ruffle some feathers, seems completely inappropriate. 

The lack of interest and understanding of the relevance of this topic should be a concern to all members.  How can one respect another's rights, and in turn, have their rights respected, without an understanding of those rights?

Having this information available should not be seen as a legal burden, or a damper on the fun, but rather as affirmation that your property will be respected beyond common courtesy.  Isn't that a good thing?

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: A question of Etiquette
« on: Saturday 12 May 07 01:15 BST (UK)  »
To clarify, if you didn't take the photograph, and the photographer did not give you copyrights, the image is not yours, regardless of who actually has possession of the image. 

"Scanning" does not make one the owner of the image.  Actually, unless you have permission from the copyright owner (which Gadget did),  it is not allowed (ever notice that you can't get any shop to scan a studio image without permission from the photographer?)

I can see that many want to get on to other things besides copyrights, but in light of the misconceptions, I think this was a good discussion.  Hopefully, some appropriate guidelines will be generated from this and there won't be a need for  rehashing this out again in the future.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: A question of Etiquette
« on: Saturday 12 May 07 00:21 BST (UK)  »
Thanks to polldoll and Agnes1896 for the kind words.

Gadget, I don't mean to appear to target you in this discussion, however I feel it is necessary to get the fact straight for future reference.

Regarding the copyrights....I'm not sure you are correct either.   Although you may have restored and colored the image, it is not a new image by any means, it is a modified version of the original.  I believe this type of work would be considered a derivative work , and does not pass the copyright over to you.

My view, essentially, is that you can request, and hope that members will respect your work, but if they don't, copyright infringement can not be the basis of your argument.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: A question of Etiquette
« on: Friday 11 May 07 22:05 BST (UK)  »
A couple of suggestions:
I see two issues at hand. Copyright laws and courtesy to restorers.
As I see it, the copyright issue is out of our hands as it is law in most all countries.  Perhaps a scaled down version to specifically address use in this forum would be sufficient.  For myself, I'd like to see clear copyright notice so that everyone understands that the original images belong to the poster (who it is assumed, owns the copyright).  Something like.......Work or play done in this forum is just that, and does not give anyone any rights over those images.  Forum images may not be used in any other venue, and they may not be included in any member's offsite, personal gallery without explicit permission from the owner.  Images remain the sole property of their owner no matter what level of restoration has been achieved.

Regarding courtesy use of other's restorations....I noticed the guidelines direct members to contact the restorer for permission (correct me if I've got that wrong) when using their work.  Actually, the owner of the image should be contacted before their image is posted anywhere other than the original thread.  As an example, I once posted an image of a family member in a forum such as this.  To my shock, I found someone from that forum had used my family photo as part of a give-a-way promotion on a completely different site.  

Back to the topic...It appears there are mixed feelings on this subject.  I would think a clear and simple statement, requesting that the original restoration artist be acknowledged, should be sufficient.  I think it also needs to be noted that the restoration artist has no claim to the image, it is just a matter of courtesy.  

I would hope that having "rules" would clear up any confusion and, if nothing else, allow posters to make an informed decision about what to expect when they post their images, as well as provide the restorers with a clear understanding about the limits of their work.

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