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Messages - FionaO

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The Common Room / Re: The Times - online
« on: Thursday 13 July 17 16:05 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,
The Lancashire library card arrived at the weekend but haven't had a chance to use it until today.  And it's just like magic.  I found exactly what I wanted within minutes, so a big thank you and hoorah!

(P.s. Clarkey500, sorry but I only saw your message today so thank you for your kind offer anyway.)

The Common Room / Re: The Times - online
« on: Monday 03 July 17 10:21 BST (UK)  »
Hi ShaunJ,
Thanks for your replies, I thought I'd searched RootsChat to see if others had queried access to The Times but didn't find those two threads! ha ha

I've signed up to become a member of Lancashire Libraries and only feel a twinge of guilt as I'm half Lancs.  I'll keep my fingers crossed and eagerly await Mr Postman.

Here's the link if anybody else wants it:

My local library service has stopped their sub to the historic Times Online Archive in favour of the Daily Telegraph

And Dawnish, I think my library must be the same but I'll pop in during the week and double check.  It's a shame as I know they are both similar type papers but I always expect (perhaps in error) to find what I'm after in The Times.

Thanks all - very helpful as ever.

The Common Room / Re: The Times - online
« on: Sunday 02 July 17 12:43 BST (UK)  »
I regularly feel the need to look for 'news' so thanks for the offer (this time I'm after County Council election results for May 1958) but I really want a way to get to The Times.

I've played about with my library access and can get to The Daily Telegraph archive, but can't get to anything before 1990 for The Times and that was found under 'European Newsstream'!

The Common Room / Re: The Times - online
« on: Sunday 02 July 17 12:18 BST (UK)  »
Hi KGarrad,
Thanks for your reply.  I've found that but it provides no information regarding contents.  If you then click on 'subscriptions' it only talks about current papers and makes no mention of what the archive contains.  Have you used it?  Will it give me what I'm after?

And Hi rosie99,
I did find Gale from another Rootschat thread but again can't make my way to anywhere that enables me to get in.  I have signed up with my local library for their newspaper access but again could only ever get recent news.  Perhaps I need to visit said library for a bit of training. 

Or perhaps I'm missing the flipping obvious!


The Common Room / The Times - online
« on: Sunday 02 July 17 11:58 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,
Feeling like I'm going round and round in circles and heading towards madness so thought I'd try asking the Rootsters of all knowledge about finding The Times online.

I have some credits left on BNA but they don't include The Times in their list of papers.

I've searched for The Times online and can easily find the following:
subscribe to current news (which I don't want)
buy an old copy (which I don't want)

I'm currently looking for news for April 1958 but have fairly regularly wanted other dates (predominately 1920-1990).  I can get this info elsewhere, but I'm after a website, (even if it means paying, gulp!) where I can reliably access specific dates, etc.

I know it must be out there, and I'm probably just being very dense, but can someone please let know where I can find The Times online.

Ta, muchly

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Adoption UK early 1900's
« on: Monday 03 April 17 15:58 BST (UK)  »
Hi cmk16,

Going on from your other replies, my Grandmother was adopted in 1907 after her mother died.

As per KGarrad, most adoptions were ‘informal’ before 1927 when legislation was put in place in the UK.  I have instances such as yours where children were simply ‘absorbed’ into another family, sometimes taking their name and sometimes changing back to their own later in life.  I was lucky in that my Grandmother’s adopted mother stayed with her until her death and so my Grandmother actually had the letter completed by her father whereby he revoked all rights to his child.  You will find it very difficult to find any online information for this time for an adoption unless you are likewise lucky.

Also, I have found in my own branches several people who simply changed their name as they travelled through life with one particular thorny rellie who I have since found had no first name on his birth cert leading me to wonder whether he was always hunting for a name to settle on (or just a bit dodgy).


P.S. I managed to get in contact with my Grandmother's surviving birth family after 98 years apart so never give up.

Huntingdonshire / Re: Tale of 2 Harriets, or maybe only 1?
« on: Thursday 16 March 17 17:58 GMT (UK)  »
Hi David,

I’m feeling a little sad to have to drop the Tingey connection to James SS b1870.  I will recover though my Ancrusty tree will never be the same.

It is quite odd and slightly irrational how you get a feel for names used.  I’ve been surprised before when I’ve accurately discounted someone because their name doesn’t ‘fit’ with everybody else so I sympathise.

I don’t have any other information as I’ve not long been tracing this family.  Have you ever seen the marriage of Thomas SABEY and Ann FLOWERS in 1827?  Is there any hope it may contain the elusive piece of information of Thomas's father?

FYI: I’ve just received the birth cert of my James SS and on it his name is blank!  But his DOB and other details are spot on to other documents so I know I’ve got the right one (hurrah).

I’ll give it another go tomorrow, hopefully,


Huntingdonshire / Re: Tale of 2 Harriets, or maybe only 1?
« on: Monday 13 March 17 18:05 GMT (UK)  »
Hi David,

Just trying to answer your query and having a little recheck at the same time.

I can’t seem to see a couple of John Sabey SMITHs but I do have a couple of James Sabey SMITHs and I thought they converged at Tingey SABEY (b1764 Northill, Beds) and Mary.  My path then follows their son Tingey SABEY (b1795 Blunham) while the other James SS follows their son Thomas SABEY (b1800 Bolnhurst).  However, your mention of non-conformists has put the cat among the pigeons regarding Thomas SABEY b 1800 Bolnhurst and his parentage as the only baptism I could find places him in the Tingey camp.  But non-conformist mean possibly no baptism.  Hmm.

Clearly I need more work.  Whilst Bolnhurst to Blunham is only 8 miles away, Bolnhurst to Godmanchester is 33 miles.  Religious gaps meanwhile are always far wider.

I think I need to resolve this before going further back.  I'll try again in a couple of day.


Huntingdonshire / Re: Tale of 2 Harriets, or maybe only 1?
« on: Sunday 12 March 17 17:03 GMT (UK)  »
Perhaps I'll save the longer thread for another day.... ;D

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