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Messages - scone

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The Common Room / Re: Advice for ordering a mistranscribed cert please
« on: Thursday 30 November 17 14:12 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All

Many thanks for your responses.  I've been chasing Emma and her marriage for many years buying the cert was the only way I could think of to move things forward.  I've now spent the morning looking for the advice slip returned by the GRO as I'm sure it referred to her father as the groom or something like that but as were in the process of moving house I've probably packed it, but it was because of this I was trying to find other ways of getting the cert. I'll try the other suggestions i.e. giving the most basic of details and contacting the local registry office.

Again my thanks.

The Common Room / Advice for ordering a mistranscribed cert please
« on: Thursday 30 November 17 10:42 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All

I have tried to order a marriage cert for Emma Gardiner & Jesse Phelps but have been unsuccessful due to (I think) Jesse's page no being mis-transcribed. I have found both via Ancestry and looking at the original records both are recorded as having married in Stroud Glos Dec 1862 -vol 6a pg 589.  However  the info given by Ancestry shows Jesse as vol 6a pg 580 I tried requesting the cert using just Emma's full name and her father's name but the GRO kindly returned my money saying the names didn't match the info given so I'm not sure if myself and quite a few others on Ancestry have the wrong Emma married to Jesse or somehow I didn't complete the form correctly.  Any ideas anyone what I can do next to confirm this either way. ???   

Hi Smurph 110

Thank you for the information it will take me a little time to digest it and get my head around it as I'll have to read through the other info given to me to remind me of where it all fits in.  Gwyneth was born 5th Jan 1933 and died 30th June 1963.  Are you aware of her death and the cause?

I'm off house hunting in a little while but will pm you with further information and questions in the next couple of days.  I will pass on the information to my friend she will be thankful.  She doesn't access Roots Chat or Ancestry.



Hello Smurph 110

Thank you for your response.  I'm looking into the background of Gwyneth on behalf of her daughter who is a friend of mine and who due to the circumstances of Gwyneth's life and death knows very little about her or her family history. 

The only son she is aware of was born in 1956 and was not named Rodney, she was born 1959 and her two sisters were born 1962 and 1963.  I know she will be very grateful for any information you are able to provide. 

I look forward to your response.   :)

Armed Forces / Re: Royal Chelsea Pensioner
« on: Saturday 24 June 17 20:04 BST (UK)  »

Thank you so much I'd forgotten FindMyPast was free this weekend I'll give it a go tomorrow 🤗

Armed Forces / Re: Royal Chelsea Pensioner
« on: Saturday 24 June 17 18:37 BST (UK)  »
Hi maxD & mediation

Thanks to both of you for your help.  The article was very informative would I be right in guessing he may have been involved in the boar war.

Armed Forces / Royal Chelsea Pensioner
« on: Saturday 24 June 17 12:52 BST (UK)  »

Can someone advise how a person becomes a Royal Chelsea Pensioner.  I've come across a relative where it is suggested he was either admitted/treated between 23rd April - 30th April 1908 in the Royal Hospital at age of 40yrs.

In 1887 he was in the Glos Regiment - service no 2135. 

Gloucestershire Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Clarification of transcription
« on: Saturday 10 June 17 08:51 BST (UK)  »

Thanks Josey I have done just that.  LIke you Ellenmai I have had mixed responses from Ancestry the most annoying being a 2 month wait for a response to a problem I had  ::) by the time it came the problem had been solved and I'd moved on  :)

At least in this case I won't end up following what is clearly a wrong line  ??? And hopefully neither will others.

Many thanks  :D

Gloucestershire Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Clarification of transcription
« on: Thursday 08 June 17 16:02 BST (UK)  »

Many thanks for your responses and assistance.  I felt like I had to check with someone else as it seems quite obvious to me too  ::) I don't understand how the mistake can have been made.  I will advise Ancestry of our opinions.


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