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Messages - cardinalcanary

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Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: GEDmatch - Archaic DNA matching
« on: Tuesday 25 April 17 08:02 BST (UK)  »
I have, its a bit of fun and a bit of education.

We must come from somewhere. That's my starting point with the archaic matching. As far as I can work out the responses mean we share chromosomes to someone whose bones were discovered and aged at xx amount of years.

Hi David

Do you get any shared matches with the archaic dna?

I went through doing one to one matches and generally have no matches but then I found a 2.5 cM match with the LSK Stuttgart sample.

Wonder if I should read anything into it.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: GEDmatch - Archaic DNA matching
« on: Sunday 23 April 17 07:39 BST (UK)  »
Thanks David

Yes, it is a bit of fun and an education. Still learning.

Incidentally, I did a one to one compare with you on GEDmatch and we share a 2.5cM match on our 6th chromosome. Not sure what that means. 20th cousins or something.

My kit is A056605.

Best wishes


Buckinghamshire / Re: Puddephatt family from Chesham,Bucks.
« on: Wednesday 19 April 17 13:32 BST (UK)  »
I came across this post whilst I was googling for my 6 x great grandmother's brother Yeoman John Puddephat of Hemel Hempstead.

He left his estate to his sister (my 6 x great grandmother Christiana Elkins/Steward born Puddephat.

Whether the Hemel Hempstead Puddephat's had offspring that moved to Chesham I don't know but it sounds plausible.

Lot's of info to be found if you google Christiana Puddephat. Someone has done quite a lot of research into the estate that the Puddephat's owned.

Best wishes


US Lookup Requests / Re: Thomas J Scott and Nona C Moore - Emanuel, Georgia
« on: Monday 10 April 17 15:20 BST (UK)  »
Thank-you Rosie

That is brilliant.

I wonder when the respective families came from the UK to the USA?

That's my next challenge.


US Lookup Requests / Thomas J Scott and Nona C Moore - Emanuel, Georgia
« on: Monday 10 April 17 07:42 BST (UK)  »
I am looking for help to find the parents of Thomas J Scott and his wife Nona Moore. My Ancestry DNA test is pointing me in their direction as relations. Possibly their grandparents are my shared direct ancestor.

Thomas was born around 1873.

Thomas and Nona are husband and wife in Emanuel, Georgia in 1930.



Hi Lisa

Thanks for your help. Interestingly I have found a 4th/5th cousin through dna and we are trying to find how we are related. Harris is a common ancestor name for both of us. I'm tracing our trees back to 4ggp to see if our trees link up at a Harris around 1800 either in Wales or the USA.

Im thinking that Thomas Elias might have heard about opportunities in the USA from one of Mary Hannah's relations who had already moved out there.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / GEDmatch - Archaic DNA matching
« on: Sunday 09 April 17 11:05 BST (UK)  »
Has anyone tried matching their DNA to the Archaic samples.

I am not sure what the answers mean and what does the heat map at the bottom of the matches mean?



Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Ancestry DNA Circles
« on: Friday 07 April 17 07:34 BST (UK)  »
I thought one of the points of the circle was to pick up those relatives that aren't necessarily a DNA match to you but do match people that you match. They are still relatives but don't share your DNA.

Thanks Alfie

GEDmatch suggests that I have all sorts of differing ethnicity depending on which calculations I look at.

Bizarrely I am getting trace Amerindian in some calculations. How did that get there? I wonder if that's Alaskans heading into Siberia then on to the Baltics.

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