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Messages - sharonf73

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 ... 23
Midlothian / Re: Graveyard at Parish Church at Restalrig
« on: Friday 04 July 08 11:26 BST (UK)  »

Try the Bereavement Services based at Mortonhall.  I've fould them very helpful when I've looked for headstones.

Bereavement Services
Mortonhall Crematorium, Howdenhall Road, Edinburgh, EH16 6TX
Tel: 0131 664 4314
Fax: 0131 664 2031
E-mail: mortonhallcrematorium[at][/blue] (Replace [at] with @)


The Common Room / Re: Somewhere amongst...
« on: Monday 14 April 08 13:55 BST (UK)  »

When I wrote to someone I enclosed a stamped addressed envelope.  I asked them to return the envelope empty if they did not want any contact, but at least I would know if they received the letter.

Unfortunately for me I never received a response or an empty envelope so still at a loss if I should have contacted them again (it was about a year and a half ago now)!!

However, I got lots of advise from our friendly Rootschatters,178316.0.html


The Lighter Side / Re: Domestic Coachmen
« on: Tuesday 18 March 08 13:27 GMT (UK)  »

Was a coachman a particularly well paid job? (says me vaguely anticipating the 'it depends who he worked for' response :P)


When I found my GG Grandfather's will I posted here asking about what it was worth in today's money,200694.msg1008689.html#msg1008689

He was 92 when he died and I don't what age he worked until as a coachman, but looks like he did alright for himself!


The Lighter Side / Re: Domestic Coachmen
« on: Wednesday 13 February 08 19:46 GMT (UK)  »
my great grandfather was a domestic coachman to a Doctor and he and his family lived in his house with the other servants.
What I wondered about is why as he was employed for some time did he end up dying in a workhouse???
The house still exists by the way.

That's so sad.  My great great grandfather was a coachman to a family - the Maxwell Stuart's in Traquair, Scottish Borders.  He died in one of their cottages at the age of 92 (senile decay), the Maxwell Stuart's even paid for a large headstone.  I also recently discovered he had left a will with quite a bit of money which I was surprised at.   Maybe he was just lucky with his employment.

The Lighter Side / Re: Domestic Coachmen
« on: Thursday 07 February 08 13:07 GMT (UK)  »
I too have coachmen in my family but seem to have been fortunate enough for them to live on the estate of the family they worked for.

Up here in Midlothian at our local studies centre we have Valuation Rolls which gives the occupiers and owners of a property.  I don't do much research south of the border but could you have a similar thing that may help?


Midlothian / Re: Piershill cemetery, grave look up
« on: Friday 18 January 08 23:08 GMT (UK)  »

If you contact the Bereavement Services, based at Mortonhall, I've found them to be really helpful in the past and quick to respond.


Midlothian / Re: Murder in 1890
« on: Friday 11 January 08 09:18 GMT (UK)  »
Hi again

Further to my previous queries I now have another relating to the murder!

A distant relative has recently got in touch with me from the Hendry side.  She gave me information on William's mother's death (William who committed the murder).  Interstingly she died in 1895 and William was the informant.  Since William was sententenced to 7 years in 1891 he obviously did not serve the full time and has moved from Edinburgh to Ayrshire.

Typically when I tried to view the prison records those are the years that are missing so I am unable to find out when he was released from Edinburgh Prison.

Does anyone have any other ideas where I can look or am I at a dead end here?


The Lighter Side / Re: just thinking
« on: Thursday 03 January 08 13:13 GMT (UK)  »
I know what you mean as I too had this thought when doing research on my paternal grandfather.  He was captured in 1940 and was a PoW for nearly five years.  A young nurse started to write to him at the camp in Poland after a friend passing on his details.  After the war they married and eventually became my grandparents. 

Sad that Grandad had to be captured and gone through what they did, but then would he have met my gran, and so on .....


Midlothian / Re: edinburgh asylum??
« on: Monday 17 December 07 13:49 GMT (UK)  »

I can't help you with finding records, but if the place you are looking for is in fact Craighouse, the building is now owned by Napier University (I worked there in the South Craig building, one of the many buildings on campus, over three years ago).  It is a beautiful building and the story is there are many tunnels underneath leading to the west end of Edinburgh (so the rich patients were not seen entering the hospital!).  You can still see the skylights in the grounds for these tunnels.

Napier has a wee bit in their website (April 1994) which you may or many not find interesting!


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