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Messages - george1997

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Family History Beginners Board / Re: Registering a birth in 1899
« on: Tuesday 12 June 18 11:32 BST (UK)  »
My Aunt and Uncle had a copy of his birth certificate I believe, I'm not sure if it was the full birth certificate, but I saw it a few weeks ago and if I remember correctly it just said mother: "Sybil Williams (formerly ambrose)".

You need to have another look, or order a copy yourself - the index has the name BROOMFIELD  as being on the entry somewhere.

If the couple are married ( and the informant column is what tells you that), then another option, if the mother is just shown as "WILLIAMS formerly AMBROSE"  is that the father has two surnames shown so he could be "WILLIAMS otherwise BROOMFIELD" , but the only way of knowing is to look carefully at the certificate.

Sorry, yes I believe I actually got those details from the adoption records. The birth certificate we have Is not the complete one, It literally says the date of birth on it and the name and that is all. I am going to order a copy of the birth certificate now.

I am quite new to this, how did you see that another name had been indexed in, all i can see is Ambrose (Vol-2b, Page-1045), Thanks for your help.

Just an update in case any of you are interested.

I have received the birth certificate of Robert George (My Grandfather). I will list the details on the birth certificate:

Name, if any: Robert George
Name and surname of father: George Alfred Broomfield,
Name, surname and maiden surname of mother: Sybil Barbera Williams, formerly Ambrose, of Hanover House St. Peters Road. Bournemouth.U.D.
Occupation of father: Cook of London Hotel. Bournemouth.U.D.
Signature, description and residence of informant: G. A. Broomfield, Father, London Hotel, Bournemouth. Sybil Williams, Mother, Hanover House, St.Peter's Road, Bournemouth.

It seems, as you suggested that the father was Broomfield and Sybil was married to Williams at the time. I am not sure if George Worked at that hotel, as it seems a bit strange for them to both be living in hotels, it could be that they owned/worked in them, but it seems more likely that it was just because it was a cover-up.

It also says:" "adopted" Perey Clifford superintendent registrar" on the right hand side of the cert, I think I read the "Perey Clifford" wrong, but it isn't very clear, I am assuming this is the person/company who dealt with the adoption. One thing I am unsure of is all the documents I have say he was adopted at 10 months old, But I am assuming that he was adopted and then re-adopted.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Registering a birth in 1899
« on: Thursday 31 May 18 14:09 BST (UK)  »
Thank you to all of you, your help is much appreciated. I'll be sure to let you know what Is on the birth certificate once I receive it :)

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Registering a birth in 1899
« on: Thursday 31 May 18 12:08 BST (UK)  »
My Aunt and Uncle had a copy of his birth certificate I believe, I'm not sure if it was the full birth certificate, but I saw it a few weeks ago and if I remember correctly it just said mother: "Sybil Williams (formerly ambrose)".

You need to have another look, or order a copy yourself - the index has the name BROOMFIELD  as being on the entry somewhere.

If the couple are married ( and the informant column is what tells you that), then another option, if the mother is just shown as "WILLIAMS formerly AMBROSE"  is that the father has two surnames shown so he could be "WILLIAMS otherwise BROOMFIELD" , but the only way of knowing is to look carefully at the certificate.

Sorry, yes I believe I actually got those details from the adoption records. The birth certificate we have Is not the complete one, It literally says the date of birth on it and the name and that is all. I am going to order a copy of the birth certificate now.

I am quite new to this, how did you see that another name had been indexed in, all i can see is Ambrose (Vol-2b, Page-1045), Thanks for your help.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Registering a birth in 1899
« on: Thursday 31 May 18 11:39 BST (UK)  »
Robert was also registered indexed as Robert G BROOMFIELD with a mmn of Ambrose?

Which would indicate a birth registered by joint (unmarried) informants, however the inclusion of  the maiden name AMBROSE indicates a married mother (but not to the named father).

How the parents names (and those recorded as informants) are shown on the birth certificate is crucial - do you have a copy of it ?

I still cannot find a marriage between a Williams and a Ambrose,

Which you won't if the scenario above is correct.

My Aunt and Uncle had a copy of his birth certificate I believe, I'm not sure if it was the full birth certificate, but I saw it a few weeks ago and if I remember correctly it just said mother: "Sybil Williams (formerly ambrose)".

So you don't think this is your Sybil  on the 1939 register??

Sybil D   Williams   1900   Bournemouth C.B.

I am maybe thinking this Sybil D Williams is actually the correct person, as I have found a marriage between a Henry Williams and Sybil Ambrose in 1923 (Henry Williams being the partner on the 1939 register)

***What I just said was incorrect, I just searched for the marriage between Ambrose and williams in 1923 and it was for a Sarah Ambrose, not Sybil.***

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Registering a birth in 1899
« on: Thursday 31 May 18 11:25 BST (UK)  »
I can't seem to find that record on ancestry, can you send a link please?

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Registering a birth in 1899
« on: Thursday 31 May 18 11:10 BST (UK)  »
Do you have access to FindMyPast or Ancestry to search the 1939 register?

Presumably if Robert and the adopted were adopted then you're not going to find them on the 1939 register,unless you know their new surnames?

I do have access to ancestry records, I know Roberts new surname, as it is the same as mine, I have seen that in 1939 he was in Poole, Dorset, with his adopted mother Ivy after his adopted father James had passed away. I know that Ninette moved to America and I have details of her family. I cannot however find any records of Leo and Roderick. Ninette kept the name Williams, so I am assuming she was not adopted.

Also it seems that Sybil died in 1933, very close to where Robert lived. I'm assuming she would've known that she lived near to him.

Family History Beginners Board / Registering a birth in 1899
« on: Thursday 31 May 18 09:28 BST (UK)  »
I have been researching my family history for about a month now. My grandfather (Robert G Williams) is the biological son of "Sybil Ambrose", born in Bournemouth, 1928.

My Grandad was adopted at 10 months old I believe and we only found this out after his death in 2016, so had only known his adopted name, and always hit brick walls upon trying to expand the family tree.

About a month ago, my sister did a DNA test with ancestry. It came back and suggested that one of our matches was a second cousin. Most of our 'recent' family history is known to us, except on my grandfather's side, so we began the search. We have found that there was another child "Ninette Williams" Born to mother Ambrose in 1922 (Southampton) and this seems to be where the DNA connection comes in. (Also, upon doing a blind search for Williams children with mother Ambrose I have found two other children, Roderick A Williams born in 1917 Southampton, and Leo J Williams Born in 1921 Christchurch). These second two children could be completely irrelevant, but they were born in close proximity so they could be connected.

As I said, We are quite confident that Ninette is my Grandfather's sister due to the DNA connection. The problem comes in when looking for the father. I have tried looking for marriage records between Sybil Ambrose and a Williams and had no luck. It does get a little more complicated, we have attempted to find Sybil Ambrose's birth and found a 1901 Sussex and 1911 Hampshire census. In the 1901 Census, Sybil is living with a Lipscombe Family, noted as "Sybil Huntly the niece of a Joseph Lipscombe", then in 1911 living with the Now Widowed Margaret Lipscombe, she is noted as "Sybil Ambrose Grandchild of Margaret Lipscombe" Alongside her Brother "Cyril Ambrose". Ambrose, it seems, is the name she took forward from this point, until she took the name Williams (which, I think, was the name she died with, in Bournemouth 1933).

The whole name situation is getting a bit confusing, We found that Sybil's Father was called "George Ansell" and we believe the mother to be "Ethel Lipscombe" who was also in the household in 1901. We are quite confident that this is correct as we have a DNA connection with the Ansell family, and we have been told that George Ansell was an alcoholic who left his family, I am assuming that the name lack of "Ansell" in the name is due to the fact that He was already married, It would also explain the change from niece to granddaughter on the census.

Now, going back to the point. I still cannot find a marriage between a Williams and a Ambrose, An Ansell, Lipscombe or a Huntly, all being names that Sybil has taken over the years. One obvious explanation is that they were not married, but I still cannot find any connection at all between a Sybil and Williams. Perhaps Williams was not even the name of the father, but at this point, I am completely lost.

I have attempted to find connections between all of the children and their father but have found no leads. I know it is rather complicated, but I would appreciate greatly If anyone could think of other places to look.

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