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Messages - Lubana

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Looking For People From Hull
« on: Monday 15 April 19 00:55 BST (UK)  »

I'm searching for my biological father.  Most of you are too young to qualify, so relax.   :)  I only very recently learned from a newly-found British cousin, that my father probably lived in Kingston upon Hull.   The possible names involved are Brooker, Richardson and Berry.  The man had to have found himself in Wesel, Germany near the end of or right after WWII.  That's where my mother lived and where I was born.  The questions I have even my cousin cannot answer.  Did a John Robert Richardson of Hull have any sons that were born about 1916? Did anyone know Lawrence Berry of Hull and know what branch of the service he was in [if any] during WWII?

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: DNA Why I urge caution
« on: Monday 15 April 19 00:39 BST (UK)  »
Several different companies and sites have given me varying percentages of certain ethnicities but that's normal.  The per cent can only be what we in America call "a ballpark figure"--no such thing as absolute accuracy there.  It depends on the criteria the testing companies use.  If you get a small amount of a certain ethnicity on one site or with one company and another fails to assign it to you--that is normal, too.  Somebody just didn't detect that small amount.  The weird thing is that I have actually lost [and gained] ethnicities with a small percent--1% or less with 23andMe.

Regardless, all my sites now seem to agree [pretty much] on my ethnities but the percentages they assign me do vary.  Nothing to worry about. 

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