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Messages - SiGr

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Hi, both,
Thank you for your comments - much appreciated.

Attached is an entry from the Wilne, Derbyshire Parish Register for 1653. It is page 57 from Ancestry, which transcribes it as William the son of Francis and Susannah Shardlow.
Try as I might, I cannot see that as correct. I see it more as something like, 'Xliam of John and Katherine John in Shardlow [March] 14'. NB Shardlow is a town in Wilne Parish.
I would be grateful for any ideas/comments/suggestions on a correct transcription.
Thanks in advance.

Hi, All,

A big thank you for your comments; they are really appreciated.

I did a dig and realised I had a 1916 photo of Joseph Dudleston which I attach here. It looks pretty similar to Number 11 but please tell me if you think I am off. As maddys52 pointed out, the original photo is not good quality to start with.

Thanks again all for your input.




This is not a photo restoration request but I hope people here can help as it is photo-related.

The attached is from ‘The Syracuse Herald’ of 19 Apr 1914.

A relative of mine is Joseph J. Dudleston. According to the detail he is the third from left in the Second Row.

I am a bit unsure of which one he is but I think he is No. 11.

I would welcome people’s thoughts on whether they agree or if they think he is a different number.

Thanks in advance.


Denbighshire / Re: Does anybody know where Llan is in/near Yspytty-Ifan ?
« on: Monday 13 March 23 22:25 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, all,

A big thank you for your input and research; it is greatly appreciated. It looks like 'Llan' is likely the area of the village itself. I will keep searching on this but as a hypothesis it seems a pretty good place to search further from.



PS Any further comments/suggestions still very much welcome.

Denbighshire / Does anybody know where Llan is in/near Yspytty-Ifan ?
« on: Monday 13 March 23 13:16 GMT (UK)  »

I am trying to locate "Llan" near Yspytty-Ifan (spelt several different ways over the years) in Denbighshire. It appears as the abode of quite a few people in and around the 1820s baptismal entries in the Parish Register there. I have looked at several 19th Centrury maps but without success.

Can anybody help, please ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions/ideas !


World War One / Re: WW1 Uniform Help Please?
« on: Thursday 09 March 23 12:33 GMT (UK)  »
Perhaps he did serve in that Regt and Bn but this photo is of him serving in a different Regt at another time. For example, my great granduncle Harry Pugh served in various Battalions of the King's Regiment from 1900 to early 1914 and then from late 1914 to late 1945. But for a brief period in WW1 he was attached to The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment as a CSM. Maybe both you and the poster are correct in that the sitter did serve in The King's Regiment but he also served in another Regiment and he is wearing the latter's uniform in the photo. Maybe the lanyard is simply to retain a clasp knife or something similar ?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Help with a name or a word please
« on: Thursday 23 February 23 20:22 GMT (UK)  »
Have you considered consulting the Census from the relevant period ? And other documents such as Electoral Registers where/if applicable. If Graham is a middle name and Dav** is the surname then a few wildcard searches might throw something up.

I think at this stage you might benefit from providing some details on locations, dates and other people in the entry if people are to do any more sleuthing.

Good luck with your query !


Armed Forces / Re: Portrait of an illustrious officer
« on: Monday 06 February 23 23:09 GMT (UK)  »
As a follow-on to my last post, if the second (all blue) medal ribbon is actually the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal - see:

then it is possible the sitter was T A H Anderson

That is assuming Wikipedia is correct when it states in the link that the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal did not grant any post-nominal letters.

That said, I have done a search of the London Gazette but so far cannot find any record of T A H Anderson receiving it.

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