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Messages - sheronb

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 ... 55
The Common Room / Re: Help understanding a will please
« on: Friday 23 March 12 19:59 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you both very much. I suppose there is no way of finding out who got what share? He was a widower.

The Common Room / Help understanding a will please
« on: Friday 23 March 12 19:23 GMT (UK)  »
Well it's not even a will as the person died intestate! Anyway it's from 1928, it says......!administration of the estate which by law devolves..... etc....then it has his eldest daughters name and address saying lawful daughter and one of the persons entitled to share in the estate!....

My question is why does it not mention other children, 3 other daughters? Does it mean the only one mentioned got it all? Or she was to divide it?Yet on the side of the document it says:

"Sureties: then the name of another daughter(spinster) and a man (who she married that same year) both of the same address and that he is a greengrocer... that is the only details mentioned.

Am unclear as to what this means, did they lend money of the estate, yet she is not mentioned?

As you can see I am not very legal minded ???

Actually the amount was £163 19s 6d, quite a bit in 1928, yet he didn't make a will, plus he also resides in a Rowton House for at least 4 years untill he died.

Europe / Re: Geneoligist Researcher needed
« on: Tuesday 20 September 11 06:30 BST (UK)  »
Hello Lisa.

I know of one researcher, she researches/lives in the Frosinone area. If you join this forum :

Somone will know of one in the area you require. Have you had any records from Italy? They are very good and amazingly informative.

Europe / Re: ITALY: surname DEMO
« on: Thursday 09 June 11 14:59 BST (UK)  »
"Thank you Sheronb for the info" ::)

Europe / Re: ITALY: surname DEMO
« on: Sunday 29 May 11 11:27 BST (UK)  »
Join this forum:

They are experts and will help/advise you.

The Common Room / Re: GfL's Scavenger Hunt....Everyone Welcome To Join In
« on: Wednesday 04 May 11 18:42 BST (UK)  »
Your welcome.

Another thought, was the family Catholic? Catholic baptisms give the god-parents names, can be very useful.

The Common Room / Re: GfL's Scavenger Hunt....Everyone Welcome To Join In
« on: Wednesday 04 May 11 18:30 BST (UK)  »
Whoops the surname link again

The Common Room / Re: GfL's Scavenger Hunt....Everyone Welcome To Join In
« on: Wednesday 04 May 11 18:29 BST (UK)  »
Hello can I butt in with some Italian info :)

Right the surname Potesta seems to be not common at all.

Try this site, if link does not work, just put Potesta in the box saying "Cognome!

This shows you where the name is in Italy today....


Your Italians did come here, earlier than mine( 1895) and you will need to find out where they came from....

Join this forum:

They are experts on Italian Genealogy.

This worth a read as well:

Europe / Re: Tracing my family back to Sora, Italy
« on: Sunday 13 February 11 18:16 GMT (UK)  »
Hello mrd

Yes and no, I wrote to the archives before I confirmed my g.grandfathers birth date, but I know he was born Sora, you do need the place of birth......I knew his father's first name as he was with him on the 1901 census and it was an unusual name, Amadio. On this info the archives found his birth act and this was with his name being changed! It was Tuzi in Italy and became Tuzio/Tuzzio.

Good luck.

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