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Messages - squatt

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Yorkshire (West Riding) / Paper mill goose eye keighly
« on: Friday 25 May 18 18:41 BST (UK)  »
Anyone know of any information about workers at the goose eye papermill just 1849/50

I know there are some people listed on the 1851 census

Thanks for looking

Midlothian / Re: edinburgh birth help required
« on: Friday 25 May 18 17:12 BST (UK)  »
George died in Durham in 1854 aged 55 (papermaker)
Jane we have no idea where she ended up but she was alive in Durham in 1871 she may have ended up back in Scotland as some of her children traveled back and forth to Scotland/north of England

Son john 1871 Durham, 1881 Lasswade, 1891 Northumberland
another son had children in both scotland and england
another daughter had children in both scotland and england

two different census put Janes birth around 1792 but 1 puts it around 1800
some English census put their births as Scotland but a couple specify Edinburgh

I know where all ended up apart from james b1825 and alexander born 1827 but i cannot find where any were born.

I did find a james muir who married an Ann Robertson in may 1852 (Glasgow/Edinburgh) but no mention of who his parents were


Midlothian / Re: edinburgh birth help required
« on: Thursday 24 May 18 12:28 BST (UK)  »
george we think was born around 1800

jane his wife around 1792

Midlothian / edinburgh birth help required
« on: Thursday 24 May 18 10:30 BST (UK)  »

i am looking for the births of the following children to

george muir papermaker wife jane muir

john muir 1822
lillias muir 1823
james muir 1825
alexander muir 1827
george muir 1832
catherine muir 1829

several of the later census puts there place of birth edinburgh

found nothing on scotlands people findmypast ancestry or family search

thanks for looking

Durham Lookup Requests / Durham Cemetery lookup request
« on: Thursday 24 May 18 10:03 BST (UK)  »

I am looking for a burial of George Muir died aged 55 in october 1854 at durham county Hospital, so cemetery name and grave index and map.

I am also looking for a cemetery map for Belmont Cemetery in Durham.

I am also looking for a

Jane/jean/jannet muir (still alive in 1871) or a Jannet Watson (still alive in 1851) buried at either of the two cemeteries

thanks for looking

Durham / Re: Bap record guidance Jarrow and Heworth
« on: Thursday 24 May 18 09:45 BST (UK)  »
St Pauls Church is in Jarrow, about 5 miles from Heworth. It is located next to the world Heritage site bedes World.

Named after the venerable bede who was based at St Pauls Monastry/church for a while he went on to wirte the lindisfarne gospels one of the most famous anglo-saxon books in the world.


US Lookup Requests / Re: lookup request for jane mair philadelphia 1873 death
« on: Wednesday 02 May 18 11:15 BST (UK)  »
thanks lisa

Since the last post i have expanded the search a little and found possible migrations although a little strange.

There is a possibility of George traveling over in 1879 on the Celtic which is fair enough, gives him time to get setup in accommodation and work etc

But on the 1880 SS British crown passenger list Daughter Isabella aged 14 is not listed but on the 1880 census for Philadelphia she is listed with the family so how did she get there?

The strangely the family traveled back to England but have found no details yet of the return Journey except they are all listed on the English 1881 census.

They then traveled back to New YorK in 1883/4 but strangely Catherine the mother and Alexander T the son age 17 were not listed??

Yet I know Alexander did go back over as he is on the 1910 census for Cleveland Ohio

I also know there older son John George Muir and his wife Jane A Muir also traveled over there at some point as they are on the 1900 census their oldest child states born in Pennsylvania around 1889 so it must have been before then.

Thanks for looking

US Lookup Requests / Re: lookup request for jane mair philadelphia 1873 death
« on: Tuesday 01 May 18 09:29 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for the lookup Sandra

A bit of a disappointing result, i was hoping there had been a transcription error as there has been quite often in the past.

The Jane Muir I am looking for was widowed in 1854, this record shows married and the lettering is quite clearly a letter A in this case.

do you know of any good sources for people arriving in pennsilvania? by chance

as i said in my post, some of the family arrived their and i thought she might of been with them.

George Muir and Wife Catherine muir with several children were in england in 1871 and had a daughter Lillias in 1873 but then on the us 1880 census in luzerne but then back in the england in 1881 so they must have moved out their sometime after 73

thanks for the help on the lookup


US Lookup Requests / lookup request for jane mair philadelphia 1873 death
« on: Monday 30 April 18 16:21 BST (UK)  »
Hi trying to find more details on Jane Mair and family

Ancestry says born 1793
death 24th april 1873
Philidadelphia. Pennsylvania
age 80
FHL 2021793 or FHL 1003700

hoping she is long lost ancester
Jane muir (often transcribed wrong as mair) born 1792 scotland
Death Some time after 1871 location unknown but some muirs ended up in Luzerne County


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