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Messages - susan williams

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Shropshire Lookup Requests / Albrighton, Shropshire
« on: Sunday 20 September 09 19:02 BST (UK)  »
  Hello Shropshire readers from Lancashire - I wonder does anyone know if Albrighton has a Cemetery ?  Have looked on the internet but nothing has turned up.  This area is " foreign "  territory to me, so any help would certainly be appreciated as to where the people from Albrighton would have been buried .

Many thanks

Staffordshire / Re: Factory address on Birth Certificate
« on: Monday 03 August 09 08:12 BST (UK)  »

Hi Linda,

I have two birth certificates for Fitchett children, Martha and Priscilla one born in Tipton ( the Factory address) - one born in Wolverhampton - the address says " Springfield". Did try a search on Ancestry for just Priscilla born Wolverhampton 1851 but the first time Priscilla appears on a census is  1871 when she is in Nantwich with her husband William Thomas Pearson.  As Priscilla was born in February I had hoped she would have been on the 1851 still in Wolverhampton - but as her father was a boatman I did wonder if the family - including the new born Priscilla were once again sailing somewhere on the Canal system.

It would make such a difference finding the family on the census because the BMD site has Fitchett births in both Wolverhampton and Dudley - some were infant deaths - so working out which are my Fitchetts is certainly a bit of a puzzle without the aid of the census.  The only reason I found Martha  was because she was living with her married sister Priscilla on the 1881 in Nantwich listed as a " lodger " - so I sent for the birth certificate.

Thank you so much for all of your help -



Staffordshire / Re: Factory address on Birth Certificate
« on: Sunday 02 August 09 22:34 BST (UK)  »
Hi Linda

I managed to find the " boats " listed on the 1861 but no Fitchetts or the " Cires ".  Still, thanks to you I now know more about that area of Tipton ( I live in Lancashire ) plus it has been very interesting following my ancestors up and down the Shropshire Union Canal even  if they do appear to have been " missed out on the 1861  -  probably hiding under a variation of the name Fitchett that I have not thought of !!!!!!!

Best wishes

Staffordshire / Re: Factory address on Birth Certificate
« on: Sunday 02 August 09 20:43 BST (UK)  »
Hello Linda,

Certainly a very good day for me that you were " locked out " many thanks for finding out so much information- will have to try and find the boats  listed on the 1861 census as to date have only found the Fitchett family on the " Cires " on the 1871 when they were halfway down the Shropshire Union Canal at Henhull just outside Nantwich, Cheshire- if I could find them on the 1861 it would be a real bonus - I was thinking that the reason I had been unable to find the family was that the name had been mis-spelt .

Many thanks  again for your help

Staffordshire / Factory address on Birth Certificate
« on: Sunday 02 August 09 15:50 BST (UK)  »
A birth Certificate for 1865 lists the place of birth and the mother's address as Factory, Tipton . Was this another name for the workhouse or was it an area of Tipton around that time. The father was a John Fitchett who was a Boatman.  Many thanks, Susan

Hi Sarah,

Thank you very much for the website - it looks from the date on the plaque as if it is unlikely that members of the Pearson family would have been buried at St Mary's. Church.

Have just left the family history research too late, no great aunts or uncles around to tell the family stories mores the pity. 

Look forward to seeing more of you wonderful pictures,


Hi Peter,

Thank you very much for all of the information re the cemeteries in Nantwich, it is not easy trying to find a family grave when I do not live in Cheshire, let alone Nantwich.

Were there any graves at all at St Mary's Church Nantwich I wonder

Many thanks for your help, will just keep trying.


Hi Sarah,

What wonderful pictures you have taken , but so very sad about the state of the Churchyard. Could not believe the names on the first gravestone that appeared - had to quickly get my files - and yes  John Alfred Cartlidge was the father of Eliza Gertrude Annie Cartlidge who married my gt. uncle Albert Pearson ( of 48 Welsh Row ) on the 21st October 1903, at The Parish Church Acton.

Should you  ever see any Pearson graves on any of your visits to the Churchyard I would really appreciate it at to date I have " lost " 3 generations of the Pearson family who are buried in Nantwich - all of the names are listed in the Burial Records for St Mary's Church Nantwich, starting with Thomas Pearson buried 5th April 1868, his wife Mary buried 18th October 1885, Rose Pearson 3 February 1920 aged 32 and Priscilla Pearson ( my gt grandmother ) 15th March 1922 aged 71. The address for the Pearsons from the 1880's was 48 Welsh Row Nantwich, so had thought that maybe they might have been buried in one of the few old graves that I believe used to be at St Mary's but no records seem to be available.

Thank you once again for such amazing pictures, quite made my day


Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Lancaster Directories 1910 -1931
« on: Friday 13 June 08 18:45 BST (UK)  »
 Doubt that one Rolo would be enough for my " sis " she's has been the " guardian " of the family pictures for so long can't face anyone else having them !!!!

Delighted to hear that you are healing well and able to get around -  The Lowe in Lancaster will really have to wait till the 1911 census as every other avenue draws a total dead end - even descendants of his family in Wigan had no idea that he lived in Lancaster at all.  In fact one person did put the question was he an inmate in Lancaster Asylum. - maybe after the death of second wife Lizzie Jane aged 36 .  First wife Helena died aged 24 in childbirth.  Would a young man in his 30's remain single for all of those years ?? One good thing did pop up, a relative had a picture of the three young grandchildren of Joseph Lowe  -

Thank you once again for all of your help and information about the trades in the Lancaster area.

Best wishes


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