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Messages - Leah-WW

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Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: Shocking wall paper
« on: Thursday 16 August 12 22:14 BST (UK)  »
I think if one of my grandmas had been to Middle Earth Frodo and Co would never have had such a tough job getting shot of that ring. She'd have scared all the Orcs AND Sauron into submission with one look! ;)

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: Dating - if possible
« on: Thursday 16 August 12 22:09 BST (UK)  »
I would agree with China. The schoolteachers are wearing the most indicative clothing. The high-necks and slightly full-fronted bodices particularly were in transition in around 1910-1912 - they weren't the fullest, "pigeon pouter" look as they had been a few years earlier, but they hadn't altogether disappeared yet either.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: My dad
« on: Thursday 16 August 12 22:03 BST (UK)  »
The round-edged collar suggests 20s rather than 30s to me.

Gosh, he reminds me of my Grandad in his pullover!

I too would say the closing years of the 19th century, based on his rather dandy moustache & haircut. Handsome chappy, whoever he is :)

The Lighter Side / Re: BBC TV "WDYTYA?" Series 10 Episode #1: Samantha Womack
« on: Thursday 16 August 12 21:07 BST (UK)  »
I thought she was a bit dim-if she really had this aching need to understand her roots, she might have had the gumption to ask her gran years ago...

and going to New York to look up stuff on line-guess you don't do the programme if you don't get some free travel out of it

In fairness, who is going to want to sit for 10 x 1 hour episodes looking at what family history research is really like? Staring cross-eyed at a screen surrounded by bits of paper for hours on end, with the occasional trip to a silent archive search room to stare at a microfiche reader surrounded by bits of paper, or (if you're really lucky) the chance to tramp round an overgrown, damp graveyard peering at headstones... ;)

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Edith Gladys BRIMICOMBE, Doncaster area
« on: Thursday 16 August 12 14:15 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Roger, that's interesting. I'm going to do some more digging to see if I can find out who the chap in the GCR photo is, as date-wise it can't be William Heath, father of Edith Gladys above. I did wonder if it was his son, but he is listed in 1911 as a Draughtsman in the engineering industry, so it's probably not him either sadly.

The Lighter Side / Re: WDYTYA Samantha Womack
« on: Wednesday 15 August 12 23:05 BST (UK)  »
Re. Samantha not using gloves to touch the records: it seems to be a matter of personal preference between archivists/conservators now. I had a conversation with the National Trust's top paper conservator last year about it, and he was of the opinion that as long as you have washed your hands well it is better to be able to feel the document with your skin so you are more aware, in a tactile way, of how you're handling it.

I'll take my conservator head off again now though, and put my amateur genealogist one back on ;)

The Lighter Side / Re: WDYTYA Samantha Womack
« on: Wednesday 15 August 12 22:41 BST (UK)  »
Have to admit I kept wishing she would move her finger off the document so I could read the rest of it without waiting for her to decipher it! :D At least she seemed genuinely interested though.

Interesting stuff though. I would have liked to have known more about the circumstances of the grandfather who stole the instruments - why was he of no fixed abode? Why did he need to pawn the instruments? How did he get on after his dishonourable discharge?

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