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Messages - anniejukes

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Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: Haven's of Ladywood
« on: Thursday 02 August 12 11:10 BST (UK)  »
I know, if that's how they spell domestic you can see why we are having problems with surnames!
I think I may have found them on 1841 census, not 100% but looks promising.  What do you think?  Transcribed as Haren:
Claines, Droitwich Union.
Ann Haven
Sarah Haven
Joseph Haven
Both Sarah & Joseph year of births match and also they are living with someone who is a cab driver!!

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: Haven's of Ladywood
« on: Wednesday 01 August 12 15:33 BST (UK)  »
Hi, thanks for reply. The Joseph Haven who died in 1856 was the first child of Joseph and Mary.  Joseph JNR was born in 1854 and as I say died in 1856.
I am wondering if Sarah was actually Joseph's sister rather than Aunt?!?!

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Haven's of Ladywood
« on: Wednesday 01 August 12 14:27 BST (UK)  »
I am getting so frustrated!  Just wondering if anyone can help crack this for me?

I am researching the Haven family.  Here's what I know:
Joseph Haven born about 1833 in Birmingham.  I have him on the 1851,61,71,81,91 census.  His wife was Mary (Markham), although I have not been able to find a marriage for the couple the maiden name is from one of their children's birth cert.

Joseph was a cabman/coachman who died in an accident in 1900.  I can't seem to go any further back than him!!  Later census shows his aunt Sarah Kirk living with him.  I have her marriage cert, she was a Haven and her father was listed as Joseph Haven who was also a cabman.
On an earlier census Sarah and her husband were living next door to a Samuel Haven who's surname has been listed as Heavon on some census.

I have searched for christenings for Sarah and Joseph and have come up with nothing!  So I have Joseph and I know his grandfather was also Joseph but that's it.  I can't find Grandad Joseph on census.

Variations of surname have been as follows: Haven, Haden, Avin, Heavon amongst others.....can anyone think of anything?   ???

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: Goldingay - 1901 census
« on: Saturday 22 October 11 11:31 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for the replies.  I seem to have a lot of surnames in my tree that have numerous variants! Just to make things even more difficult for me.

I think I will order the birth cert for Violet and see how I get on.  I will also try and follow the trail of Charles, on the 1911 census it says that Joseph and Charles are cousins.  I can not find any more about Joseph as I can only find him on the 1911 census.

Will keep searching.
Thanks again

Warwickshire Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Jukes - Sheepcote Street 1851 census
« on: Friday 21 October 11 15:53 BST (UK)  »
Hi thanks both for your messages.
I am thinking now that maybe the directory info of 1852 is just a coincidence or another member of the family? 

Thanks again!

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Re: Goldingay - 1901 census
« on: Thursday 20 October 11 12:52 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I am not very good at making a note of variants so it may be that after a long time searching I found them with a different spelling or something.

1911 - Annie Age 29. 7 house, 22 court Watery Lane, Small Heath
Joseph Age 30.
Children: Annie and Violet.  All the family were living with a Charles Goldingay.

Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Goldingay - 1901 census
« on: Thursday 20 October 11 12:44 BST (UK)  »
I am trying to clear up a few things on my tree.  More because I am a bit obsessive and hate it when I can't tie up loose ends!! So if any can help it would stop me going round in circles!!!

I have an Annie Maria Jukes in my tree, I have her on all census except for the 1901.  She was living with her family on th 81/91 census, she then shows up in 1911 (apparently married, but not) as Annie Goldingay with husband and children.  She does not actually marry until 1913....

I have her mother and sister in 1901 but can't find her.  I also can't find her husband Joseph Goldingay either so am thinking they may be together??

Info as follows:

Annie Maria Jukes (sometimes known as Ann and other variants) born 1878 Birmingham
Joseph Goldingay born 1880 in Birmingham.

Thank you!

Warwickshire Completed Lookup Requests / Jukes - Completed
« on: Thursday 20 October 11 12:38 BST (UK)  »
Hi all

I am trying to find the following family who I am struggling to find on the 1851 census.

James Jukes (born about 1800) Japanner
Mary Jukes (Born about 1800) possibly born Scotland

I have got them on the 1841 census living in Sheepcote Street, Ladywood and also I have James in a directory for 1852 living on Sheepcote Lane, Ladywood.

The reason I am trying to find them is I have nothing else about them apart from this and th 41 shows Mary I think being born in Scotland and I was hoping to find out more.....
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated!!

Ann-Marie Jukes

Leicestershire / Re: Leicestershire gypsy roots - Lementina Smith
« on: Monday 10 October 11 20:35 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for the info!

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