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Messages - tillypeg

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The Stay Safe Board / Re: Post viral effects
« on: Tuesday 22 November 22 19:59 GMT (UK)  »
My update is that I had my autumn booster on Thursday and by Sat/Sun all my redness, itchiness, flaky skin and general awfulness flared up and returned with a bang.  I am sure this is linked to the booster jab.  My first two were AstraZeneca then I had a Moderna and this recent one was Pfizer.  I had after-effects of sore arms, general fatigue for a couple of days etc with the first three but no rashes etc. 

What comes next I don't know - if Covid continues and the powers that be suggest we need an annual jab, that might mean each time I will get a flare-up, unless by some miracle it all gradually fades away.....

The nettle soap and cream are quite soothing and smell pleasant, no reaction to either so far, but only time will tell if they do help to reduce my skin inflammation.

louisa maud - I hope your husband soon tests negative and can begin to recover.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Post viral effects
« on: Wednesday 16 November 22 17:58 GMT (UK)  »
Mike, that's very interesting.  I will try anything! I have tried E45 and also E45 for itchy skin but have experienced inflammation flare-ups at some point with both of them.  What seems to help one day is no use the next.

My latest purchases arrived today - nettle cream and nettle soap.  If they work I think I will replace my lawn with a patch of nettles and make my own!

I need to reapply cream twice during the day as my skin feels so tight.  Where my facial skin creases/wrinkles I get little splits in the crease which I treat with Timodine (on prescrip from doctor).  It's all such a fiddle especially when I know that it isn't a cure, just keeping on top of the problems.

Tomorrow I will be having my Autumn Booster jab which I hope will be straightforward without any after-effects.  Watch this space......


The Stay Safe Board / Re: Post viral effects
« on: Wednesday 16 November 22 11:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Mark,

Thanks very much for responding.  You have had a rough time, long-lasting and must have been as frustrated as I am re the prescribed creams being ineffective. From May to September I visited the doctor 5 times, I have had blood tests and they have been normal.  I have also read up on anti-inflammatory diets and have been drinking a mug of nettle tea twice a day now for a month.  This is supposed to fight the inflammation.  My usual diet already includes leafy greens, nuts and seeds, wholemeal bread etc, with very little red meat.  Each day is different.  One day I can be red and itchy then the next a bit calmer and I think Oh that's good, I'm on the mend, only to wake the following day back to red and itchy.  Epaderm cream has helped a bit on my blotchy arms. I tried a prescribed antifungal shampoo on my scalp which has helped a little but when advised to apply it to my blotchy neck & chest as a bodywash, that only made those areas worse!

I also found this website:

which was set up by the British Association of Dermatologists following a study they did "Covid Symptom Study App".  Some of my redness appears under Urticarial and also Neck & Exposed Chest Eczema.  There must be hundreds of people who have developed the rashes following Covid.

If my rash eventually vanishes completely I won't know for certain if it has been helped by the lotions and potions, my diet or has just left my body after a length of time.

I hope that you can continue to manage all your problems and will feel stronger soon.


The Stay Safe Board / Re: Post viral effects
« on: Sunday 13 November 22 18:36 GMT (UK)  »

The NHS has now acknowledged that long covid symptoms include skin disorders.  I too have had terrible itching, inflammation and tingling sensitive skin that comes and goes, each day I have a different pattern on my face, neck and chest.  It is very debilitating and gets me down when I look in the mirror each morning to see what has developed.  The skin on my face around my eyes, mouth and chin all flakes off, it is like having bad dandruff on my face.  I have tried so many different creams and lotions, some over-the-counter and some prescribed and nothing will make it go away, only soothe it sometimes.  Many of my usual skin creams made my skin sting so much I had to wash it all off (with cold water) and try something else.  The only one that does help a little is Aveeno and a thick emollient called Zerobase.  Piriton tablets haven't helped with the itching at all.  Hydrocortisone creams do very little for me either.  I can wake in the night and find that I've been scratching in my sleep!

My problems began in February after skin on and around my ears became infected.  The inflammation spread to my eyelids and scalp and then worsened.  I was not ill in any other way all through the months until September and had no idea I could have been asymptomatic with Covid earlier in the year.  The NHS pages on skin disorders only appeared in my Google searches when I did test positive in late September and had been feeling very unwell.  The redness and inflammation which was beginning to recede has become more pronounced since I had Covid and I feel I am stuck with it.  I am awaiting an appointment with a dermatologist to see if anything else can be done.

So, BushInn1746/Mark, I have much sympathy for you with a similar skin condition, it sounds very like mine.  I would be interested to find out if you have had any improvement, as your last post on this thread was nearly two years ago.

This is posted with my apologies to anyone if they are offended by the "medical" details but if any readers have similar skin disorders post-Covid, I would be interested to hear of their remedies.  :)


The Lighter Side / Re: Time Travel to New York 1911 with this wonderful clip!
« on: Tuesday 08 November 22 11:25 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for posting this RTL, it is amazing.  Such bustling scenes and busy people, not to mention the traffic!  The ladies all looked very smart with trim waists and ornate hats, the men with their boaters and suits.  The youngsters certainly knew they were being filmed and were inquisitive.  Lovely to see.

Cambridgeshire / Re: Stuck
« on: Sunday 14 August 22 20:41 BST (UK)  »
I have a similarly described marriage record in my tree and believe that it is not Mrs = married woman, but Mistress = a well-to-do/well-bred woman of means, a spinster nevertheless. Hoping that someone will confirm this.

The Common Room / Re: Ancestry Subscription
« on: Saturday 04 June 22 10:08 BST (UK)  »
I've just renewed my Premium Membership using this link.  This is the fourth year in succession that I've used it.  As usual, this worked on my laptop.

Many thanks for keeping us all updated. 

The Common Room / Re: Privacy Breech -- Help
« on: Sunday 15 May 22 15:01 BST (UK)  »

Yorkshire (North Riding) / Re: Elizabeth Hull. Stays.
« on: Tuesday 10 May 22 09:49 BST (UK)  »
Here's an article from the well-known newspaper around these parts The Darlington & Stockton Times regarding the pronunciation of Staithes.  Halfway down the page:

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