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Messages - GMCT_archivist

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World War Two / Re: GI stationed in Britain in WW2
« on: Wednesday 16 March 16 09:28 GMT (UK)  »
The family were living in Kingswood in Bristol.  Strangely enough I went to a talk at a local heritage centre, about black GI's in Bristol. The troops would have been billeted in Mullers Orphanage, Ashley Down, about 5 miles away.

That's right, they were in "No 5 House" and we have a couple of photographs of some of the troops standing outside

Gloucestershire / Re: Advice sought on Muller orphanages
« on: Wednesday 25 November 15 16:56 GMT (UK)  »
I spent a considerable amount of time tracking down my great grandmother on the 1861 census (at which point she had lost both parents), and eventually came up with "M S F, age 9, born abt 1852, in Paignton Devon, residing in the New Orphan House Number 2 in Clifton, Bristol St James and St Paul, Gloucestershire. Her name was Martha Susanna Froude born 4/2/1852 from this area of Devon and it seems that the orphans are all listed under their initials.

I thought this was a fairly reasonable identification, especially given some additional indications such as the fact that her place of birth on the 1871 census is given as Bristol, an anomaly which would be explained by her being in the orphanage in Bristol from the age of 9 or earlier. However when I contacted the George Muller foundation which ran these orphanages, they told me that she definitely was not there as she was not in their records.   

Obviously, this is disappointing and, while I do not doubt their good faith and am grateful for their looking this up, I do not see how they could be so certain. I wonder if she might have been there and her name wrongly transcribed in their records.  I'm just wondering if anyone has any previous experience checking records with the Muller foundation, an opinion on this matter, or any suggestions as to how to confirm this information in another way.

From what I have read of these orphanages, the girls were always kept there until they were seventeen years old, at which point they were found some form of employment, often going into service (unless they were expelled previously for some reason). Would there be some way of tracing her when she came out of the institution (normally this would have been in 1869 in her case).

I am very sorry that my predecessor gave you this information, as Martha Susannah Frude was definitely one of the girls cared for at Ashley Down, admitted 31 December 1857, and leaving 7 June 1864.  Please get in touch (ski at - under the circumstances, I will waive the charges we make for copies of the file.

Gloucestershire / Re: "Water Mill Hook's Mill"
« on: Monday 08 September 14 14:03 BST (UK)  »
I know they founded an orphanage there at some point in the 19th century, known variously at the Red Maids orphanage or Hook's Mill orphanage.  I've not been able to unearth any more information about it though :(

Going through a packet of loose documents in our orphan archives, I came across the marriage certificate of Alfred Pearce (widower "of full age"), Stationer, 37 *utford Place, father's name James Pearce, Dyer; and Maria Willcocks (spinster "of full age"), *ame House, father's name Thomas Willcocks, Carpenter, married on 9 October 1843 at St Mary's Church, in the Parish of St Mary-le-Bone, in the county of Middlesex.

The * is because I can't make out the first letter of the address.

None of the orphans named Pearce that we admitted were fathered by Alfred, so I don't know how this certificate came into our possession.

If anyone is researching this family, I'd be happy to let them have the certificate.

Gloucestershire / Re: Advice sought on Muller orphanages
« on: Tuesday 08 October 13 16:47 BST (UK)  »

I am not sure if I need to do something re spam.   I am sure Roots Chat will be on it.  I am following instructions given on your Oct. 8 E.mail so you should be hearing from me in the not to distant future and thank you once again for the great help you have give  me.  Regards, Lookin2

That was not addressed to you, but meant as a warning to other spammers!  Genuine enquiries and correspondence about "our" orphans is always welcome, but spam will not be tolerated, and I operate a "name and shame" policy. ;)

Gloucestershire / Re: Advice sought on Muller orphanages
« on: Tuesday 08 October 13 15:04 BST (UK)  »
I have just received a spam from adela @, asking if I accept sponsorship on "my" website.

Could I just point out that the address I gave above is ONLY for enquiries about orphans who may have been cared for by Mullers?

Thank you for respecting this.

Gloucestershire / Re: Advice sought on Muller orphanages
« on: Tuesday 08 October 13 09:32 BST (UK)  »

I have been searching for my mother's whereabouts 1903-1919.  My mother Ellen Matilda Howlett lost her mother to consumption in 1903, aged 36, and her father died aged 48 in 1913.  I have been looking to find where my mother Ellen Matilda Howlett and her sister Lilly Elizabeth Howlett went to live.  (I found Frederick Howlett living with his two sons) I was receiving help from Ladyhawk and she found a Lily Howless age in 1911 13 estimated birth year 1898 as being an inmate New Orphan House, Muller's Orphanage , Ashley Down, Bristol and I am hoping you may be able to check if this is our Lilly Howlett with her sister Ellen Matilda Howlett.

Most grateful for any assist in this quest.  Lookin2

Dear Lookin2

Ellen and Lily were admitted to the homes on 27 May 1903.  Please email me at ski (at)

Kind regards

Gloucestershire / Re: Advice sought on Muller orphanages
« on: Friday 28 September 12 10:48 BST (UK)  »
I'm very sorry, Jeff, but, to our intense frustration, we have no records of members of staff.  We have no idea what happened to the records.  Also missing are the education records of the orphans. :'(

Gloucestershire / Re: Advice sought on Muller orphanages
« on: Friday 28 September 12 09:20 BST (UK)  »
Thanks, Arranroots.  I certainly wouldn't put a personal email address up, but felt it safe to put the boveytracey address up.  If anyone wants to email me directly, please use ski [at] mullers dot org.

Also I wouldn't put up anything relating to living people (indeed, if an "old boy" or "old girl" asks to see their records, and we know their siblings are still alive, we remove documents relating solely to that sibling first.  We take our responsibilities under the DPA seriously.



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