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Messages - taskannclarke

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Where in Oxfordshire was this chap born?
« on: Wednesday 19 January 11 13:40 GMT (UK)  »
thanks very much
yeah think that is walters dad    walter d webb aswalter was born 1888 but not a thing in later census

Oxfordshire / Oxfordshire canal history
« on: Wednesday 19 January 11 12:30 GMT (UK)  »
Just wondering if anyone has any useful oxfordshire canal history that i may be able to use im looking for webbs that worked on  the canals in the 1800s mostly born st thomas oxfordshire this sort of area .Many thanks

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Where in Oxfordshire was this chap born?
« on: Wednesday 19 January 11 12:20 GMT (UK)  »
Hello its me who is looking for this gent i now get the feeling his dad was walter d webb as i can find him in the 1881 and 1871 census as a boatman .Which is what i have on walter webbs marriage certificate his dad was a boatman . I have found a birth  in wycombe oxfordshire buckinghamshire 1888, so am thinking this is my man as the canal route passes through here . Still cant find any sign of either him or his dad after 1881 but people have told me this happened with people working the canals when the census was taken they were not around or generally were travelling ?????  Really hoping i have finally made progress if you have any more thoughts or opinions i would be so greatful as this has been and is still being challenging .Didnt even realise webbs were in my history till i found out my grandad wasnt born to the name he always used . Thanks again

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