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Messages - ChrisAllonby

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Monmouthshire / Re: Burials in Chepstow
« on: Tuesday 10 October 23 09:13 BST (UK)  »
Is this him?

1911 Dec 15 KENNEDY James age 53 Burial Chepstow - Chepstow Municipal Cemetery

Memoranda (in the source) Tobacconist etc. Certificate given under Burial Laws Amendment Act 1880 by Elizabeth Kennedy. Plot C 101 unconsecrated ground. Selected site.

Source: Chepstow Municipal Cemetery Burials 1896-1912

Gwent record office register ref. number   A/530/B14


Hi Cas,
Thanks for that. Very useful. Yes, that is him. I'm surprised the cemetery officer didn't provide that information. I don't know Chepstow at all - perhaps that cemetery is no longer used and is not now the responsibility of the council? Was that record available online? I spent ages yesterday searching for something about burial records in Chepstow for 1911 - to no avail!

I now need to check if there's a headstone. I'll contact the cemetery officer again, this time with the details.
Thanks again.

Monmouthshire / Re: Burials in Chepstow
« on: Tuesday 10 October 23 09:07 BST (UK)  »
He died 12th Dec & left a will.  Address 12 Bridge St Chepstow.  Probate granted to widow Elizabeth.  Have you downloaded a copy in case there is anything re burial in it?
Hi Carol,
I have the will and the grant but there is nothing about his wishes concerning burial. The will is a straightforward and short document, with everything left to his wife.

Monmouthshire / Burials in Chepstow
« on: Monday 09 October 23 23:29 BST (UK)  »
I'm researching James Kennedy, who died in Chepstow in Dec 1911. The Cemetery Officer for Monmouthshire Council has searched the burial records of Chepstow Cemetery and not found his grave. It's highly unlikely - though not impossible - that he would be buried elsewhere, so I'm wondering if the fact he was a Catholic might be relevant. Does anyone know if Catholic burials would have taken place in the town cemeteries in 1911, or were there perhaps alternative graveyards in the town?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Age on Death Certificate
« on: Sunday 08 October 23 16:35 BST (UK)  »
...Interestingly, he may have also understated it in the 1939 Register. As an aside, it's quite a difficult one:

The subject's true age in 1939 was 77, but does this look like 67?

Remember that that column in the 1939 Register records the year of birth (last two digits) rather than the age, so if he was 77, that should be showing 61 or 62. I'm leaning towards 61, though as his birth month was July (I think), 62 would fit better.

Thanks, and well spotted! Yes, I looked again at the full 1939 Register page and that should be the year of birth. His birth date was 31st July 1862, so perhaps no falsification there - assuming it's not '67' in the Register. There's a definite 'inaccuracy' on the wedding certificate though:

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Age on Death Certificate
« on: Saturday 07 October 23 21:07 BST (UK)  »
I tend to agree with the two previous posters. In my current research I have someone who took 10 years off his age on the marriage certificate. He said he was 69, when in fact he was 79. Then again, his bride was 45 at the time, so maybe he had a good reason for understating his age. Interestingly, he may have also understated it in the 1939 Register. As an aside, it's quite a difficult one:

The subject's true age in 1939 was 77, but does this look like 67?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Age on Death Certificate
« on: Saturday 07 October 23 19:04 BST (UK)  »
Thanks all for the replies. I saw it as 75 to start with. This ties in with the 1891 census. However, I've just got his marriage certificate and his age of 50 in 1878 would put the age at death as 70. Looking at the age on the death cert. it could just about be read as 70. At the moment I'm tending towards 75 and thinking that the marriage cert. is inaccurate - extract shown here:

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Age on Death Certificate
« on: Saturday 07 October 23 18:46 BST (UK)  »
Would anyone care to offer an opinion as to the age of the deceased, as shown below - 70, 75, or something else?


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Part of Dublin?
« on: Sunday 01 October 23 21:03 BST (UK)  »
It is Resident.
If you look at the column heading there are instructions.
‘In the case of persons born elsewhere, state whether “Resident” or “Visitor” in this country’.
Thank you. Yes, I see that now. I should have looked more carefully  ::)

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Part of Dublin?
« on: Sunday 01 October 23 20:26 BST (UK)  »
I thought that to start with, but it doesn't make sense. The person in question moved from Ireland many years prior to the 1911 census and was living in Chepstow at the time. I was wondering if the first letter is 'V' and not 'R'.

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