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Messages - hullnow

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Ayrshire / Re: Schools from about 1910/1950
« on: Thursday 07 January 16 11:40 GMT (UK)  »
My dad was born 1920 and lived on South Harbour St Ayr.I recall he told me he attended Lady jane Hamilton`s school which was on Charlotte St Ayr.If my memory is correct I believe the school building was used as the dining hall for Ayr Academy when I went there in the 1960`s

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Cause of death
« on: Wednesday 21 October 15 20:13 BST (UK)  »
Just googled it`s an old name for TB

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Lifestyles
« on: Friday 02 October 15 10:43 BST (UK)  »
I sometimes search for old maps of the areas my ancestors lived,it gives you an idea of the size and layout of their town or village and the local area.I`ve just been looking at an 1861 map of Kirriemuir where my ancestors worked and lived.

The Common Room / Re: Writing out a problem
« on: Wednesday 23 September 15 09:29 BST (UK)  »
I always have a notebook and pen handy to jot down the odd note now and again,I`ve sometimes found the answer to a problem in a note I have made months ago.

The Common Room / There`s a story here somewhere?
« on: Sunday 30 August 15 11:56 BST (UK)  »
Having researched my fathers direct parental line I decided to look at the extended family,can`t help it can we!My dads 2x great uncle was a successful builder/master mason in Kirriemuir,a James Watson.Researching him I was able to find his will on the Scotlandspeople site.He had a number of children,and a bequest to his daughter Agnes revealed a mystery.Agnes was married to an Enos Andrew and lived in Stayley,Cheshire.Originally her father left instructions for her to receive £100,but he revoked this 2 years later.She then would receive £50 paid at 10 shillings weekly providing she did not live in Scotland again.The will was changed the year following Agnes`s husband`s death.Maybe her father thought she would return to live with him in Scotland,to look after him as he was almost 92.Perhaps she refused to return.I`ll probably never get to the bottom of this but it all adds to the family history. ???

The Common Room / Re: Name Gatherers..ARGHH.
« on: Thursday 18 June 15 13:31 BST (UK)  »
I had occasion  to query an ancestor on someones tree that I also had,but on further research it was my tree that was wrong.It may be annoying when you find an error in another persons tree and send them info you have to prove the error but get no reply,but you`ve done your best to inform them so there is nothing to be gained by fretting over it.I expect we have all made wrong assumptions when compiling our trees and have only realised it when another researchers tree points us in the right direction.None of us are perfect and we get help and hints from fellow genealogists,that`s why we are on this forum

Canada / Re: Canadian Forces in WW1
« on: Saturday 02 May 15 13:10 BST (UK)  »
Hi Bran,I have recently come across an archive site www.archive .org,it has an archived collection that includes some Canadian docs,one of these lists the officers and men in the first contingent of Canadians in the BEF in 1914.From sites home page you can click on Canadian Library and then the topic list on the right world war 1914-1918. Could be worth a look

The Common Room / Re: How far back?
« on: Wednesday 29 April 15 16:06 BST (UK)  »
As Rishile said ,it`s your hobby and how far back you go is up to you.I myself am looking into my extended family just out of curiosity.What ever you do keep a record of your discoveries because in the future a descendent of yours may be interested.Like most hobbies it can be rather selfish but never the less interesting

London and Middlesex / Re: The Union Jack Club - Waterloo Road
« on: Monday 27 April 15 15:55 BST (UK)  »
I stayed at the UJC a number of times when I was an apprentice at RAF Halton(210entry).Apprentices got a reduced rate and were also give a single room.My parents and sister stayed in the families accomodation when they came down to London to attend my passing out parade in 1969.If my memory serves me correctly the families block was around the corner in a side street.

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