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Messages - Paige20

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Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Where would you...
« on: Monday 03 November 14 02:53 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm sorry for spamming that but Thank you all so much! I just needed something new to work off of that I didn't already know but thank you so much!

There is absolutely no way I can go back any farther right?  :o

Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: 1837 look up, please?
« on: Friday 31 October 14 00:40 GMT (UK)  »
Yea, I'm pretty sure it'd be easier if I had a real account to follow stuff around. I'm just looking to compare names.

Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: 1837 look up, please?
« on: Wednesday 29 October 14 14:21 GMT (UK)  »
Alright anyone heading to the Doncaster archives? It appears that I get a busy signal and since I rented the birth record, I just want this looked at. I'm so confused on this other country research (to a certain degree) ???

The Common Room / Re: Relative turns out to be someone I already knew!
« on: Wednesday 29 October 14 14:02 GMT (UK)  »
This happened to me too! Went to high school with the guy but we never talked and I didn't like his friends. I guess it's easy to find people you're related to in a place where (roughly) only 1000 people live.

Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: 1837 look up, please?
« on: Sunday 26 October 14 04:53 GMT (UK)  »
You can either internationally phone Doncaster Archives on UK time (About 5 hours ahead of your time in USA).

Doncaster Archives give you 10 min free look up time on known event dates, and they have the info in books by the staff decks that takes only minutes too look up, and will tell you the detail on the phone.
 Tele - 44 01302 859811

Or you could email them to send you a photo copy of the baptism  either by  email or postage charge. (there about approx  5 bucks but they will tell you the exact amount.)

Emial address in the link

Ohh thank you so much! i shall check the time they open!

Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: 1837 look up, please?
« on: Saturday 25 October 14 16:26 BST (UK)  »
So, please include a link to previous threads - just so that someone doesn't waste their time repeating things you have already been told! ;D
I figured that 😅 I'm just hoping someone finds a better record, I've found everything on family search. I'm just looking for something new on the record.

Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: 1837 look up, please?
« on: Saturday 25 October 14 16:21 BST (UK)  »
Repeating a previous topic:

Which itself repeated another topic:

Those are in the wrong place, someone told me that West Yorkshire is the place.  :-\

Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / 1837 look up, please?
« on: Saturday 25 October 14 16:05 BST (UK)  »
if anyone visiting the Doncaster archives would be kind enough to check the Hooton Pagnell register for Martha’s baptism.  The one on family search doesn't give much detail. It's on November 5, 1837 and I'm particularly interested in her mother’s status.  Also a George Holmes, who may have been from Hooton Pagnell, who married Rachel Holmes in Howden in 1843.

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Where would you...
« on: Tuesday 21 October 14 21:26 BST (UK)  »
This is all duplicating what has already been found on

I figured, here I only wanted to know where to buy it until I get paid and spiraled into this. As you tell I'm new at researching another country.

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