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Messages - starsista

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Northumberland / Re: John Hannell IRVIN b. circa 1780
« on: Tuesday 25 April 17 14:32 BST (UK)  »
Interesting there is no mention of Thomas b 1821. 

The different spelling of the middle name is also of interest.  I have seen it spelled as Hannall, Hennell and Hannll, never Hallan before this, yet it appears to be the same family.  Do you have any idea where source documents might be found for births of the children

Thank you for your help with this, it is much appreciated.


Northumberland / Re: John Hannell IRVIN b. circa 1780
« on: Monday 24 April 17 00:20 BST (UK)  »
Thank you, I appreciate that.

I have been reading quite a lot about the IRVIN family and their fishing fleet, Barbara's family would be before that of Richard IRVIN, who was born in 1853.  I cannot say this is the same family, I can only guess at that.

Northumberland / Re: John Hannell IRVIN b. circa 1780
« on: Sunday 23 April 17 23:07 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I agree.  The only other child I have found to be born to this couple is Thomas, born 1821.  The only place I have found this family is familysearch.

Of course there is the possibility this is not Thomas and Barbara's parents, their mother was Jane on their birth information.  Searching for a marriage for John Hannell IRVIN and Jane, I was guided to this marriage to Jane HILL, on rootsweb.  I thought there may have been more children, and haven't found any yet. 

I could well be barking up the wrong tree with this couple as the parents.  More information is forthcoming on the net with each passing year.  It is only now I have found anything on the fishing fleet of Richard IRVIN and found the name John Hannell IRVIN floating around that family in the generations.  Plus, for years this was the only John Hannell IRVIN information I was able to find.

I don't have access to the paid sites, and live rurally, so no easy library access for ancestry.

Jeni Simpson

Northumberland / Re: John Hannell IRVIN b. circa 1780
« on: Saturday 22 April 17 22:17 BST (UK)  »
Hi Radcliff

Thank you.  I only have details from the familysearch index stating the marriage of John Hannll IRVIN took place on 21 November 1801, at St Hilda, South Shields, Durham.  Bride was Jane HILL.  The freebmd item is interesting, may be a brother or cousin. 

That John Hannel IRVIN would have been born 1808 and Barbara was born 1816.  I have his birth recorded as 1780 and Jane HILL as 1785.

The 1911 Census of England and Wales has a John Hannell IRVIN born North Shields and living in Tynemouth at the age of 73, he would have been born 1838.  Looking at the IGI, this might possibly be the son of Richard Webester IRVIN found in another familysearch index as marrying Esther Thoburn on 4 October 1868.

Three branches of the SIMPSON family use different spelling for this name, IRVIN, IRVING and IRVINE, and it is used as middle names for children down the generations.


Northumberland / John Hannell IRVIN b. circa 1780
« on: Friday 21 April 17 04:45 BST (UK)  »
I am looking for information on the family of Barbara Steel IRVINE/IRVIN/IRVING.  Her father was John Hennel IRVINE and mother Jane HILL.  This information comes from familysearch indices.  At this stage, I do not know where John was born, only that Barbara was born in North Shields in 1816.  She was baptised 28 July 1816 in Christ Church, Tynemouth.  Barbara had a brother, Thomas, baptised 24 June 1821 also in Christ Church, Tynemouth.

According to North Shields from Old Photographs, found on google books, Richard IRVIN & Sons were a fishing dynasty from North Shields, his father was John H IRVIN, and his mother was Sarah DRUMMOND.  Richard was born 1853, so whether he is of the same family, I have yet to ascertain.

Barbara is my ggg-grandmother.  She married Ralph Brady SIMPSON and, along with most of her children, emigrated to New Zealand in 1858.

Information I had been given said that the IRVINE family owned a fishing fleet and lived in Aberdeen, opposite a golf course.  This might be true of John Hennell IRVIN, son of the above Richard IRVIN, however, whether Barbara's father owned a fishing fleet, I don't know.  I do know that Richard built up a fishing fleet, so maybe there is confusion here with similar names.

I would be extremely interested to connect with someone also researching this family, and to know more about them.

Jeni Simpson
New Zealand

Occupation Interests / Re: Shoemakers in Aberdeen
« on: Thursday 20 April 17 09:03 BST (UK)  »

By now you are possibly back from your trip to check the Shoemakers Records in Aberdeen.  I hope you found some useful information.

I, too, am researching James STRACHAN and his family.  My gg-grandfather was a son of James and Margret ADAM.  William emigrated to New Zealand.  I have heard stories his health wasn't good and he went first to Jamaica then Australia before finally settling in New Zealand.

At this stage I know very little about the ADAM family, and am just learning some as I research, then check for sources on Scotland's People.  Years ago I had some contact with a gentleman connected with David ADAM, and, at that stage I was unsure who were William Adam STRACHAN's parents.

Jeni Simpson
New Zealand

Channel Islands Lookup Requests / Re: mollet famliy
« on: Wednesday 19 November 14 01:46 GMT (UK)  »

I, too, am researching the surname MOLLET, from Guernsey, apparently.  Thomas MOLLET b. 17 Dec 1823, emigrated to New Zealand in 1851 on board the Labuan.  He married Lucretia [surname unknown] who died in 1877 in Christchurch, New Zealand.  Thomas died in 1906, also in Christchurch.

A daughter, Lucretia Adele MOLLET married Edward Charles D'AUVERGNE whose parents were Charles and Sarah D'AUVERGNE ms WARD.  Charles was from the Channel Islands, although differing stories give Guernsey and Jersey as place of birth.  Charles D'AUVERGNE and Sarah WARD emigrated to New Zealand on board the Joseph Fletcher in 1856.  They married shortly after their arrival.

If anyone can suggest where to search, I would appreciate the information.

Aotearoa/New Zealand

The Common Room / Re: MUNDIA being retired
« on: Monday 18 August 14 07:42 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for that Guy.  I have removed my tree because I don't particularly want it left on Mundia when everything is moved to Ancestry.  I'd rather make the decision myself as to whether or not I might put it up again somewhere.

I, too, appreciate Ancestry for so much of what they do.  I have had plenty of help from people owning trees on Ancestry, and I have also given those people plenty of information.  I found Mundia a great place to find other researchers of the same names as me.  I was able to contact those people and share research.

I do know there are so many who gather names, both on Ancestry and Mundia.  One of my aunt's was in the wrong marriage and I was able to mention this to the tree owner, she refused my information telling me she was right with her information.  My information came from her neice and is substantiated in New Zealand BMDs. 

I am currently trying to establish the source from one person as to the death of a sister of mine who is alive and well, and I attended a 50th wedding anniversary with her recently.  I spoke with the owner of the tree a couple of months ago and asked him to remove the death and then give her 'living' status, I have also emailed the person who gave him that information and it is only a matter of waiting until I get his reply.

Online trees are a wonderful tool, and they must have sources before snagging the information.


The Common Room / Re: MUNDIA being retired
« on: Monday 18 August 14 06:24 BST (UK)  »
Thanks everyone for your help.  I removed my trees from Ancestry and am able to access Mundia after deleting the cache.


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