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Messages - Norfolk Nan

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Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Mystery Match - Pointers Please
« on: Monday 29 April 24 10:40 BST (UK)  »

I've got the problem of having no living relatives above me now.  My mum's line had died out, she was a single child to a single child but I have had DNA matches with older generations in that family.  My dad and his siblings are all passed now and I've got matches to his mothers families and his dad's mothers side but the direct male line is known on paper but not confirmed by DNA.  They were notorious for affairs so I'd like to sort that one out some how. ;D

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Mystery Match - Pointers Please
« on: Monday 29 April 24 09:31 BST (UK)  »
Thanks again for all your thoughts - they've given me a lot to think about.  I didn't intend to embrace the DNA side of things, I just wanted to know my ethnic origins (was I viking?) Instead I've dabbled but haven't really got to grips with the science of it all.  If I can explain a match through a paper trail I'm a happy bunny.  Understanding the significance of the numbers and making best use of tools takes me out of my comfort zone.  I need to learn more because this has the potential to confirm or unravel what I believe is the truth and who my family are.  Another example of me being late to the party ;D

Family History Beginners Board / Re: 1960s Education Records
« on: Sunday 28 April 24 18:54 BST (UK)  »
That's probably true but as the person involved is still alive and kicking maybe they'd release them, if still available, under freedom of information or some such thing.  I can but try but I suspect the Borough concerned won't have made any effort to keep them.  It's that sort of place.

Thanks all

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Mystery Match - Pointers Please
« on: Sunday 28 April 24 15:01 BST (UK)  »
In theory, I agree wholeheartedly.  In practice, it's a different kettle of fish particularly if the people probably involved are either already dead or effectively total strangers.  But that's the 'fun' of family history.  My tree is very old, begun in the 1980s, so IMHO this new-fangled DNA stuff is an additional plaything - apologies if that sounds a bit flippant.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: 1960s Education Records
« on: Sunday 28 April 24 13:31 BST (UK)  »
Great, thank you.  I know only one of the schools involved is still in existence, the rest all gone.  But I'll try as you suggest - fingers crossed. 

Thank you, again.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Mystery Match - Pointers Please
« on: Sunday 28 April 24 13:04 BST (UK)  »

Thanks all.  I'm not too worried about the 'both' part just now because it's way off into the past if it happened.

I used the Leeds method of identifying the shared matches and only the second big match links the two of us.  I can see a few with possible (but not confirmed) matches with her but not with me.  The area is a bit of a red herring as movement makes a chance encounter one likely explanation.  Without knowing everyones daily movements how can you be sure of where people were at any given time? 

None of my known DNA-tested cousins, near or far, are part of that shared-match list.  Name searches haven't thrown up any likely candidates either.  I'm convinced this is an NPE situation - there are a few in my tree so I'm not refusing to acknowledge the possibility, I just can't narrow down the possible candidates.

I'll keep chipping away.  Thank you again.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: 1960s Education Records
« on: Sunday 28 April 24 12:38 BST (UK)  »

England, London so LEA and anything that explains why someone was excluded from school (as early as infants) and the discussions and decisions that followed on.  A relative was excluded for (I think) disruptive behaviour and went to a 'special unit'.  Eventually was diagnosed as dyslexic at a time when the borough didn't recognise it and had no useful services to help so was again sent to an out of area school.  We'd like to know more, if possible.

Family History Beginners Board / 1960s Education Records
« on: Sunday 28 April 24 12:18 BST (UK)  »

Is it possible to access school/education records for the 1960s and 1970s?  If they exist would they be with the local authority or elsewhere?

Thank you.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Mystery Match - Pointers Please
« on: Sunday 28 April 24 11:43 BST (UK)  »
Hi there, and thanks for the reply - our respective mysteries are quite similar arent they! 

Of the 29 matches she and I share the nearest and biggest match has no tree or identifying features which is a real nuisance. He would provide the clue, I'm certain.  The rest can be broken down into family groups but I can't see how they match her or me so they're not much help.  Where there's a tree I've added to it but haven't hit gold yet. 

The NPE issue is my problem too.  And no one involved has responded to my tentative contacts.

I'll plug away and will report back if I make any progress.   

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