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Messages - honeybun

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US Lookup Requests / Re: Ivy Rosamund McConney
« on: Tuesday 21 February 17 19:43 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks to you both for this.

The two entries from jorose re: Family Search are slightly different in that one gives a middle initial of "N" when in fact her middle name was Rosamund.  However the other one is correct in the name and d.o.b. so I would think this is the right person. 

I don't know anything about her children, when or where they died. Unfortunately the family lost touch with each other so the surviving members have very little information to go on.

But you have helped to put a bit more into the jigsaw puzzle so I am very grateful.


US Lookup Requests / Ivy Rosamund McConney
« on: Tuesday 21 February 17 18:36 GMT (UK)  »

I am looking for the death of Ivy sometime between 1970-75, in the U.S.  Unfortunately, I don't know where she died but her last known address was 564 W 149th Street, New York in 1937.  Her maiden name was Noel, and she had been married firstly to James Phillips and after his death she married Joseph McConney on 26th June 1926 in New York.  She was born on 8th October 1889 at Hillswick Village, Barbados BWI.  Children were Rosamond, Noel, Kempson and Ruby.

Any information would be appreciated.

Many thanks.


Other Countries / Re: Barbados British West Indies
« on: Sunday 19 February 17 11:33 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Gardener

Thank you SO much for all the information you have sent me, and so quickly.  I'll be able to start a tree now I have something to work on. 

With regard to the occupation listed on the certificate as "hallman", maybe this was just bad handwriting in the register and whoever typed it up on the certificate I received wrote "bellman" as "hallman".  I've had this happen to me before with certificates, and as he worked in an hotel I would think this is possible.

Is there anywhere else I can look for information on the population of B.W.I. in England or on the internet?

Thanks once again.


Other Countries / Barbados British West Indies
« on: Saturday 18 February 17 23:10 GMT (UK)  »

I am looking for information on births, marriages and deaths in Barbados between 1910 and 1920 for James Phillips and Ivy Noel.  Ivy was born in Somerset, Barbados and married James Phillips who was also born on Barbados (don't know where).  Ivy lived on her uncle's sugar plantation until she was eight, when she went to the U.S.   They had four children, Rosamund in 1912, Ruby born in 1920 on board ship en route for England, and two boys Kem and Noel between those two dates.  At the time Ruby was born, their abode was given as New York, and James' occupation was "hallman".  Does anyone know what this job is?  James died in Barbados in 1920 and Ivy died sometime between 1970-75 in the U.S.  From Google I have found that the Noel family was one of the first to buy plantations in Barbados and the family history goes back to England in the 1660's.

I hope someone might be able to help.



United States of America / Re: Amos Nathan Bigg
« on: Friday 08 July 16 20:24 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for your reply, unfortunately this isn't the Amos I'm looking for.  There were several of this name in the area around the same time, which is confusing.  Amos was alive in the 1901 Census, but then he disappears.  I will keep looking!

United States of America / Re: Amos Nathan Bigg
« on: Friday 24 June 16 13:24 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for replies.

Yes, the March quarter record for him is correct, although his Navy papers record him incorrectly as being born in Jan 1874.

The family - James, Julia, Amos, Martha (my grandmother), Mary and Julia went to Brazil in February 1891 to work on the coffee plantations.  They returned in September 1891 , minus James and Mary (who I think died there).  James must have returned to the UK, but I can't find out when, because in late 1894 James, Julia, Martha and Julia sailed from Southampton to New York destined for Philadelphia (they are listed on the Ellis Island website).

Amos didn't go with them.  He probably joined the Navy before 1893 as his first ship is listed as 1893, and he appears in the 1901 Census as a stoker on HMS Pembroke in Chatham.

So I am wondering where James was during this period - did he go from Brazil to North America, and eventually Philadelphia?  Did Amos go to the USA after 1911, because I cannot find any trace of him marrying, having children or dying here.  The passenger lists have drawn a blank so far on both James and Amos for the periods I am looking at - or it may be that the lists I need have not survived.


United States of America / Amos Nathan Bigg
« on: Thursday 23 June 16 21:15 BST (UK)  »
I am trying to find Amos Nathan Bigg (often misspelt Bugg, Biggs, Begg, Bogg, etc.).  He was born in Chatham, Kent around 1875 and the last time I can find him is in the U.K. 1901 Census in the Navy in England.  I have not been able to find a death record for him in the U.K. but there are connections with Philadelphia as some of the family travelled there in 1894 (but not Amos).  I am also looking for his father, James, as I believe he may have lived in the USA between 1891 and 1894.

This is a long shot, but maybe something will turn up?


The Common Room / Re: Two marriage records for the same people?
« on: Thursday 02 June 16 15:34 BST (UK)  »
I've always thought that getting married (or registering a birth) was not difficult.  As far as I know you don't need to provide proof of anything to get married - passport, evidence of residence - which you now have to provide to a solicitor, for example.  Hence the one or two cases of serial bigamy in the news in the past couple of years.   

Contrast with other transactions in life, banks, passports etc!

Maybe checks are made now, but I've not heard of it.

The Common Room / Re: Two marriage records for the same people?
« on: Thursday 02 June 16 14:16 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for the info.  I don't know if this might be the case (or if is different in Scotland) as I have only just started on this research, but will bear it in mind.

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