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Messages - Rockford

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Lanarkshire / Re: Finding the Grave of Thomas McGee
« on: Thursday 26 May 22 20:02 BST (UK)  »

There are several cemeteries around the Bridgeton area, including the Glasgow Necropolis (behind Glasgow Cathedral and the Infirmary), as well as the Southern Necropolis and (closest to Bridgeton), the Eastern Necropolis.  There are also cemeteries at Tollcross, Sighthill and Riddrie.

Depending on his religious denomination, there is also St Peter's Cemetery Dalbeth.

I'm not sure that there is an easy way of finding out.  Glasgow City Archives hold burial registers, but I don't think they have been digitised and you would have to go (or have a researcher go on your behalf) and trawl through them until you found him.  As you know when he died, that would save some time.

Best wishes


World War One / Re: Cause of death for Private John Allan
« on: Friday 06 May 22 17:39 BST (UK)  »

If he did only serve at home, that is a mystery. 

You could try posting your query at  , there will be people there with expertise on the Lovat Scouts, use of gas and home service, so maybe they can shed more light.

Best wishes


World War One / Re: Cause of death for Private John Allan
« on: Friday 06 May 22 17:03 BST (UK)  »

I think that it might be the duration of 2½ years that is being noted as uncertain, rather than the cause, especially if the army accepted that he was 100% disabled.

Best wishes


World War One / Re: War Diary Question
« on: Friday 06 May 22 12:07 BST (UK)  »

It may have depended on the nature of the offence and the level of Court Martial that was required to deal with it.

Although there was scope for Courts Martial to be held 'in the field' and punishment decided by the Commanding Officer,  the more serious the offence, the more likely that the CM would take place outwith the unit and therefore it would be unlikely for the WD to refer to the details, as it would have been undertaken separate and outwith the unit's activities.

Remember too that a lot of minor offences were dealt with without a CM via rules of military discipline.

The service papers of the individual (where these survive) are likely to make reference to the outcome of the CM, if not to the details of the CM itself.

The Long, Long Trail site provides other information here:

Best wishes


Renfrewshire / Re: Place in Paisley - help please
« on: Sunday 01 May 22 14:47 BST (UK)  »

There were also a few oil works around Paisley and Linwood in the 1870s and 1880s.  It's possible that your family relocated for a short time between the 1871 and 1881 census if you have them in both years in Uphall.  The closest to Carlile Quay is the Abercorn/Inkerman Works and you can see some information about it here:

I have a family of miners where all of the children were born in Airdrie, except for one 'random' birth in Ayrshire in 1858.  The family had moved for a short time and I would never have known if the child hadn't been born, as they were back in Airdrie by 1861.

Who registered the birth?  I've seen several births for people 'visiting' when the birth took place, and if it is a parent who registers, the 'usual address' or 'domicile' is sometimes recorded if different from where the child was born.  If there isn't an indication of the parents living somewhere else, it might be more likely to mean that the family were themselves resident at the address the birth took place.

You can also search the 1875 valuation rolls for Paisley via ScotlandsPeople.  If you limit your search to 'Burgh of Paisley', choose 'Tenants and Occupiers' for Status and add 'Carlile' in the last box titled 'place', it brings up all the records of people living at Carlile Place (there are no records for Carlile Quay).  There are 22 names, none are McChrystals, but you might recognise an in-law or other family name.

If you replace 'Carlile' with 'New Sneddon', there are 200+ results, again no McChrystals :(

There are some McChrystals named in the Paisley Poor Relief Records, and Renfrewshire Libraries have created an index here, which you can follow up with them if any of the information matches your relations:

The Paisley Poor Records Index is here:,due%20to%20age%20or%20incapacity.

Best wishes


Armed Forces / Re: Identify uniform
« on: Friday 15 April 22 19:45 BST (UK)  »

What was his name, as with this it would be possible to confirm what bars he received to his Queens's South Africa (QSA) medal?

Best wishes


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Occupation Of Father ?
« on: Sunday 13 March 22 18:34 GMT (UK)  »
I hesitate to write this, but I think it says "Occupation unknown"...Would be disappointing if so  ???


I would also agree that it's 'occupation unknown'.

Best wishes


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Father's occupation looks like scavenger
« on: Wednesday 02 February 22 21:04 GMT (UK)  »
In Scotland, scavenger in the sense of a dustman or street sweeper, is usually shortened to scaffie.


My great-grandfather was appointed as a Council Scavenger in 1949, so the term was still being used in Central Scotland until relatively recently.

Best wishes


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