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Messages - Hazel Mayne

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Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Look Up - Baptism
« on: Thursday 25 February 10 15:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Luzzo,

Yes this Alice is also one of mine and I have her Baptism already, but thank you very much for looking for me.


Lancashire Lookup Requests / Look Up - Baptism
« on: Thursday 25 February 10 12:33 GMT (UK)  »
Would it be possible for someone to do a Look Up for me on a Baptism at St Peter's Church, Liverpool round about 1822-1823 for ALICE TUDOR - Parents: Edward Tudor (Book Keeper) and mother's name Margaret.  Thank you very much.  Hazel Mayne

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Suicide - Manchester, Oxford Road
« on: Monday 10 August 09 21:14 BST (UK)  »
Thanks very much Barbara for that link.    I have to tell you when I was a wee girl living round that part of Manchester, that road seemed like it went on forever - well, I only had little legs!!!

Hope you have a lovely holiday and the sun shines for you.  I know it's hot here just now!!


Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Suicide - Manchester, Oxford Road
« on: Monday 10 August 09 14:22 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for that - just noticed it's been moved, so I'll sit and wait paitently for 10 million people to get back to me.     I'll keep you informed once the certificate arrives, though they normally take more than 2 weeks to get to me here. 

I can only assume the name CROMPTON is the name of the family the girls went to live with after their mum died.  I did find an Amy Crompton in Manchester on the 1901 census, but her age is out by 3 years, but this family lived at the other end of the street where the girls lived with their mum in 1881 and their aunt Martha in 1891 - This street is very, very long - at one end it's called Brook Street and at the other where I found an Amy Crompton in 1901 its called Plymouth Grove!!!  Ah well I'll get there one day and hopefully sort out this sad family story of my Grt gran and her younger sister Amy.

thanks for all your help - much appreciated.   Speak soonest

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Suicide - Manchester, Oxford Road
« on: Monday 10 August 09 11:39 BST (UK)  »
Hi,  Yes, you're right, it might be best to move this thread to the Labcashire site - just one problem, I don't know how to do it - not very good on the old PC I'm afraid!!!  I heard back yesterday from my cousin (Amy's grand-daughter) - seems Amy never knew the name of her father and she didn't really like to talk about her childhood, because after her mother died in 1881 she had a very sad and hard life with whoever 'adopted' her - I don't think this was an official 'adoption' as on her marriage and on her daughters birth certificates, she uses the name HARDMAN.

Thank you for all your help so far.

Kind regards

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: Suicide - Manchester, Oxford Road
« on: Saturday 08 August 09 18:06 BST (UK)  »
Hi thank you for replying to me.   I have found the 2 girls and their mother on the 1881 census.  The mother is still living in the same house as her parents had since 1861 - 11 Brook Street, Manchester - the area where my family came from.  Sarah (the unmarried mother) is down as UNMARRIED born abt 1849, the 2 girls are Mary Jane (my grt granny) 1872 and Amy her sister b. abt 1879 ALL Sunarmes as HARDMAN.  I think I have also found the 2 girls again in 1891 but their name is now CROMPTON, but they seem to be with Sarah Jane's sister Martha (now Lambert) still in the same street.  I will send off for what I think is my Grt grandmothers marriage to Benjamin Ogden (my grandmother's maiden name)  I remember as a child my mother taking me to Oxford Road in Manchester (near St Peter's Square, and where the Manchester Library is) and showing me roughly where the 2 girls father had committed suicide), all I can remember now is that there was a big Thomas Cook's based on the corner)!!!  We still have in the family, a ruby & diamond ring that this chap bought for Sarah Jane (the mother), and it has been passed down to oldest girl in the family ever since.  My mother always said he either came from a higher ranked family or he was married, but I guess we'll never know.  My mother was the family historian, but unfortunately, she wrote very little down and kept most of it in her head.  She now has Alzheimer's and it's impossible for me to try and ask her questions whenever I return to the UK.  I have also asked my mother's youngest brother, and he confirms everything my mother has told me about this guy committing suicide.  Hazel

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Suicide - Manchester, Oxford Road
« on: Saturday 08 August 09 13:40 BST (UK)  »
Wonder if anyone out there could help me with a mystery?  I don't live in the UK.

My Grt grandmorther and her sister were both illegitimate, but had the same father.  After the death of their mother in 1881 the girls were 'adopted' out.  Now the family story goes, that the father of the girls was so distressed when their mother died, that he committed suicide in a theatre in Oxford Road, Manchester.  Is there anyway I could find out if this acutally happened and also perhaps find out his name if somewhere a coroner's report or newspaper article was written.  I think he shot himself!!  though somewhere in the back of my mind, I also think he may have hung himself!!!    Sorry so vague, but I'm happy that I've just found my grt granny and her sister.


Family History Beginners Board / Re: 1901 Birmingham Prison
« on: Sunday 05 July 09 11:28 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for that, I'll give it try!


Family History Beginners Board / 1901 Birmingham Prison
« on: Saturday 04 July 09 14:30 BST (UK)  »
I've just found a grt grt aunt - Clementine Tudor, born abt 1848 in Liverpool in His Majestiy's Prison, Birmingham on the 1901 census.  She states she's still married.  Can anyone tell me if I can contact someone on how to find out why she's in prison in Birmingham (this family never left Liverpool)! and what her crime & punishment was for?

Kind regards

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