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Messages - nuff

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Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: what was Colliers Revenge
« on: Monday 25 January 16 13:24 GMT (UK)  »
Although I have worked around Thorne, I don't know much of the pit history.
They had a brass band which formed around 1927, but you would expect more people associated with that (about 30 maybe).  Perhaps as you say, the football team could be celebrating a reversal of fortune against another (colliery?) team. Also 1932 was the year they joined the Yorkshire League (football), champions in 1946-7.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Corset making in Kirkburton
« on: Monday 25 January 16 13:13 GMT (UK)  »
A couple of references that might be of use

Reference:    KC313
Description:    records
Date:    1867-70
Held by:    West Yorkshire Archive Service, Kirklees**, not available at The National Archives
Record creator      Joab Ramsden Brook, stay and corset manufacturers

** Huddersfield Library and Art Gallery
Princess Alexandra Walk

Telephone:01484 221 966
Fax:01484 518 361              mentions of the establishment of production mills &c

Technical Help / Re: MS Office
« on: Monday 25 January 16 12:52 GMT (UK)  »
If a program doesn't appear in the app list, you should be able to find it by clicking on  " all apps " and then typing the name in the search box.
When it appears, if you RIGHT click on it you should be offered the option to uninstall.

I may be teaching you to suck eggs but..... ALWAYS BACK-UP BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES !!

(sometimes I wish I listened to my own advice)

Technical Help / Re: MS Office
« on: Monday 25 January 16 12:44 GMT (UK)  »
A quick fix may be to associate your file types with the full blown office suite. ( Not having ever installed the mobile version I can't comment on fine details)

If you click on the windows icon, bottom left of screen, where you go to power off, there is an entry marked Settings. Click on this, towards end of page is " Choose default app by filetype" Click on this and scroll down to " .doc " or " .docm " and see what program is shown next to it.  Clicking on the program name allows you to select from a list. Hopefully you should find a difference between the mobile word and office and be able to select the right one.

Hello helpful people.

I am looking again at a family I set to one side a while ago for want of better ideas and wonder if anyone out there has covered the same people or if anyone can give me some ideas to work with.

The main character is Thomas Fines. Irish, presumably with a strong accent, and illiterate, his name seems to be recorded with a great variety of spellings before seeming to settle at Fines. Born in Oldcastle, Co meath about 1830, he ends up in Westmorland by 1871, but it is his earlier history I am try to unpick.

Below I have listed details that I believe apply to him and his family that I have ( with help ) found so far. I am open to comments that might rule them out or cement them in, especially if someone has already researched them. Also any additional hints or links are of course welcome.

.................................................                                                        ...................

Bradford South 1861
RG 9/3316/101 p 26;
(Surname as Fynne of Fyune)
Thomas Fynne    Head   28   Hair Comb Maker   Ireland
Sarah     do   Wife   24   Washerwoman   Nottinghamshire, Nottingham
Mary      do   Dau     5            Yorkshire, Sheffield
Catherine   do   Dau    3            do      do

There is a marriage  entry on Freebmd for a Thomas Foynes and Sarah Manyon - Sheffield Sept Quarter 1854 Vol 9c Page 397.

Also on Free BMD

Births Jun 1857
Fiennes  Catherine     Sheffield  9c 314

Births Sep 1855
Foynes  Mary     Sheffield  9c 245

from Sheffield Indexers
Fines, Sara (of Workhouse, born 1859-07-04).
     Baptised August 9, 1859, by Cornelio Hickey at St Vincents, Sheffield Centre.
     Parents name(s) are Sarae Mangan & Thomae ().
     Note: Domi ob mortis periculum. (At home due to peril of death)
     Sponsor: ~ ~ Maria O'Hara

Foynes, Catharina (of ~, born 1857-05-02).
     Baptised May 10, 1857, by Josepho Hill, MC at St Maries, Sheffield Centre.
     Parents name(s) are Sarah Mannion & Thomae (~).
     Sponsor: Laurentius Buckley Sarah Kilroy

From LDS

Mary Fian bp 12 Aug 1855 St. Vincent of Paul, Sheffield, York,
Parents:   Thos. Fian & Serah Manion

Catharina Foynes b 2 May 1857 St Marie, Sheffield, York
Parents: Thomae Foynes and    Sarah Mannion

Sara Fines bpt 9 Aug 1859 St. Vincent of Paul, Sheffield, York
parents: Thomae Fines & Sarae Mangan

In 1871 I have located
Thomas Fines 40 Comb Finisher Old Castle Co Meath Ireland
Sarah 35 Nottingham
Mary 15 CombFinisher Sheffield Yorks
Catherine 13 Sheffield Yorks

And believe I have track of them from 1881 onwards, it is the earlier dates I am working on.

Potentially this might be his wife to be;
HO107/2132 137 12
Nottingham St Mary
5 Charlotte Square
Mark Charlton, head, 52, Mat Maker, b. Ireland
Nancy, wife, 50, Mat Maker, b. Ireland
Ann, dau, 10, Mat Maker, b. Nottingham
Sarah Manion, lodger, 13, Mat maker, b. Nottingham
Sarah Brett, lodger, 24, Mat Maker, b. Ireland

United States of America / Re: A new life?
« on: Saturday 10 October 15 23:28 BST (UK)  »
Thanks.  I'm sure that will be considered reasonable quotation <gr>

It is a perfect human touch to the story, which I'm sure the family (still in Ashton) will appreciate.

United States of America / Re: A new life?
« on: Thursday 08 October 15 20:00 BST (UK)  »
Thanks lisadiaz,

It may be 6 years on, but I still haven't followed this one through, but strangely enough I was looking at the manifests only last week wondering how best to get to the US 1910 census details.

The information you state fits pretty well with what we have drawn together with the help above and the Tweedale connection explains the arrival of that name.

Is this part of your own family?  My wife is of Bowden descent.
If you have more info it would be well appreciated.

Thanks Hugh.

I've not done a lot of research on Sheffield and that is a new reference source for me.
Looking forward to trawling it  ;)


Rev. Arthur Fancourt Mitchell
1902   19 Endcliffe Rise road
1906  19 Endcliffe Rise road
1907   The Vicarage, 31 Brocco Bank
1911  The Vicarage, 31 Brocco Bank

Electoral Registers

19 Endcliffe Rise Road
1906/7   Mitchell, Rev. Arthur Fancourt
1907/8   Boswell Albert (moved from no. 13)

Brocco Bank (no number listed)
1907/8   Mitchell, Rev. Arthur Fancourt (moved from 19 Endcliffe Rise Road)
1908/9   Mitchell, Rev. Arthur Fancourt

This I think probably nails it as close as I can get * (unless maybe I head over to a newspaper search as I imagine it is likely to be reported as news in the area.)

It would also tie in with the 1905 OS map which shows the church but clearly no vicarage where one now stands, and the appearance in the 1911 census.

Many thanks to everyone for their help.

(* I wonder if I could trouble you for name of the directories so as to reference my notes, I know the 1905 was White's, are these others the same?)

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